It’s time to check in on what my all time favorite action and crime dramas are! This is a genre that I’m very hit or miss with, but when they do it right, I love it. Of course, we all know that kdramas frequently blur genre lines, so sometimes that can make it difficult to determine the criteria for a list like this. I ultimately chose dramas that have a focus on crime in general or a strong action element mixed with other genres. So let’s dive right in!

10. Heartless City

Heartless City Korean Drama - Jung Kyung Ho and Lee Jae Yoon

Plot: Aided by a detective, a woman goes undercover to bring down a notorious drug ring leader, and she finds herself in a world where secrets abound and the lines between right and wrong begin to blur.

Heartless City is a thriller noir filled with moody cinematography which creates the feeling that you are in the dark underworld of organized crime. The drama has plenty of exciting twists to keep you guessing and a great pace that helps things move along quickly.

We get a riveting performance from Jung Kyung Ho that is beyond intense.  It’s by far one of his best and most memorable. Heartless City had a slick production, layered characters, and plenty of action. It exceled at delivering when it needed to, and as far as crime dramas go, it’s a must see.  (Heartless City Review)

9. My Beautiful Bride

My Beautiful Bride Korean Drama - Kim Mu Yeol and Go Sung Hee

Plot: When a man’s fiancé goes missing, he will stop at nothing in order to find her. But things get complicated as he finds himself deep in the hidden crime world that is full of secrets and where no one can be trusted.

My Beautiful Bride was quite a ride! The first half of the drama was suspense perfection. I so enjoyed Do Hyung’s intense and obsessive mission to find his missing fiancé. And the way the story is presented is so unique. Our main couple is very interesting with the layers of their story carefully peeled back little by little to reveal the full picture of just how deep their love is.

There’s more of a shift to bad guy power struggles in the second half, but even then I did still really enjoy it. And that says a lot since I don’t usually care for this sort of politics. My Beautiful Bride created an intricate crime world with many layered characters that made the entire journey more than enjoyable. (My Beautiful Bride Review)

8. Police Unit 38

Police Unit 38 Korean Drama - Ma Dong Suk, Seo In Guk, Heo Jae Ho, Go Hyu Pil

Plot: A group of government workers and criminals team up to go after large scale tax evaders by setting up elaborate scams to catch them.

Police Unit 38 is a really solid crime drama that is a perfect example of a good show in this genre. The drama was filled with plenty of tension as our team sets up elaborate scams to trick the large scale tax evaders into giving up their money. I really enjoyed watching all that went into setting up a scam and then seeing how it would play out. It was really interesting to see the elaborate measures the team would go to in order to pull them off. Ma Dong Suk and Seo In Guk were both completely engaging.

The writing was excellent with many layers to the plot. I appreciated that the drama wasn’t episodic and was more serialized. It contains three main story arcs with each arc building upon the previous one while further developing the characters. There are also plenty of plot twists to keep you guessing. Police Unit 38 was a fantastic watch. (Police Unit 38 Review)

7. Descendants of the Sun

Descendants of the Sun Korean Drama - Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo

Plot: A special forces captain and a doctor fall in love while providing aid in a country dealing with natural disaster and civil strife.

Descendants of the Sun is a pretty exciting drama! It boasts an enormous budget, gorgeous cinematography, high quality special effects, and a star couple in Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo.  Descendants of the Sun burst onto the scene in 2016 and took the drama world by storm.

There is plenty of action as one disaster after another befalls our heroes. It also give lots of opportunities for them to draw closer together while keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

Descendants of the Sun was a nice change of pace due to the setting, army elements, and the wide range of difficulties our characters face.  It had plenty of action, melodrama, and a nice dose of humor on the side.  I really enjoyed Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo as a couple and getting to experience their trial-filled love story was wonderful and exciting. (Descendants of the Sun Review)

6. Time Between Dog and Wolf

Time Between Dog and Wolf Korean Drama - Lee Joon Gi, Nam Sang Mi, Jung Kyung Ho

Plot: A man goes undercover in Thailand to infiltrate the crime syndicate responsible for his mother’s death.  What he doesn’t realize is that the woman he loves is also the daughter of the syndicates king pin.

Time Between Dog and Wolf is a classic, and it’s easy to see why. I loved the way it was filmed and the whole atmosphere of it.  The drama also has such an intensity.  It builds and builds as the drama progresses leaving me on the edge of my seat.

Time Between Dog and Wolf is also one of the best examples of the wide range of Lee Joon Gi’s acting abilities.  His character has so many different sides to him, and Lee Joon Gi nailed them all.

This is the kind of drama that you shouldn’t think too hard about while watching.  A lot of the plot elements are very over the top, and sometimes you just kind of have to go with it.  With that in mind, Time Between Dog and Wolf really is thrilling and oh so fun! (Time Between Dog and Wolf Review)

5. Two Weeks

Two Weeks - Lee Joon Gi

Plot: A man framed for murder must survive for two weeks in order to save his daughter with leukemia.

Two Weeks is a fun ride with a lot of excitement. Being on the run is in and of itself intense. But adding in the time constraint of having to save his daughter in a short amount of time just adds this extra layer of thrills.

It’s also another fantastic outing by Lee Joon Gi. His character goes on quite the journey of growth, and it is very moving to see. The characters are presented in a very believable way and the story is very solid. Two Weeks is thoroughly entertaining from start to finish. (Two Weeks Review)

4. Healer

Healer Korean Drama - Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young

Plot: A night courier hired to investigate a woman finds that he may be involved in the mystery he is trying to uncover.

Healer is a really solid drama that has very little to pick apart.  It has a little bit of everything: action, drama, mystery, and romance.  The story is well developed with an interesting mystery to solve, a great cast of characters, and a leading couple with fabulous chemistry.

Ji Chang Wook and Park Min Young have one of the swooniest relationships in dramaland and they really deliver all the feels. And Ji Chang Wook’s superhero-like persona Healer is just plain fun in a very exciting way! (Healer Review)

3. Signal

Signal Korean Drama - Lee Je Hoon, Kim Hye Soo, Jo Jin Woong

Plot: Modern day detectives communicate with a detective in the past using an old two way radio to solve crimes, but they soon learn that messing with time is a dangerous thing.

Signal was one of those dramas that blew me away and effortlessly tugged at my heartstrings with it’s brilliant writing and absolutely amazing acting by Lee Je Hoon, Kim Hye Soo, and Jo Jin Woong.  A combination of this along with editing and music easily stirred up all kinds of emotions in me. This drama gave me chills and continued to wow me from start to finish.

Signal did not disappoint in any way and has certainly set the bar extremely high for crime dramas to come.  It’s engaging characters and brilliantly layered story with attention to the smallest details really stands out among others.  Signal is a drama that left quite an impact which I know will be felt for a long time to come. (Signal Review)

2. City Hunter

City Hunter Korean Drama - Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young 9

Plot: A man seeks revenge on the corrupt politicians responsible for his father’s death by taking matters into his own hands.

City Hunter was probably the most talked about drama of 2011.  It is an excellent drama with action, revenge, and a nice romance to boot.  The revenge plot is well thought out and executed at a nice pace.  This keeps the drama exciting throughout.

Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young have a complicated relationship with danger lurking at all times. It’s also a romance that just hits the right spots and feels very big because the stakes are always high.

City Hunter is another fun superhero type drama that makes an exciting watch, and it is great for anyone who likes a little action in their kdramas. (City Hunter Review)

1. Bridal Mask (Gaksital)

Bridal Mask - Joo Won 14

Plot: An epic story of a masked man fighting to free Koreans during the Japanese occupation in the 1930’s.

My number one favorite action drama would have to be Bridal Mask. Apparently, I really like the hidden identity/hero trope, because Bridal Mask is yet another one I love. It executes that trope to perfection and delivers a completely epic and thrilling masterpiece.

There’s so much action, excitement, and intrigue that there is never a dull moment. Joo Won is completely engaging and delivers one of my favorite performances in a drama ever. His love/hate bromance with Park Ki Woong left me speechless.

Bridal Mask was simply breathtaking.  Epic, thrilling, and heart wrenching don’t even come close to describing it. I have never seen another drama like Bridal Mask, and it should not be missed. (Bridal Mask Review)

Well, that’s certainly an exciting list of action and crime dramas! It’s a great genre with a wide range of selections. If you’re looking for thrills and intensity, these dramas are a good place to start. Of course, there are a lot of other wonderful dramas in this genre out there.

So what are your favorite action and crime kdramas?

For more Top 10 Lists:

10 Best Korean Dramas - Boys Over Flowers (Lee Min Ho and Gu Hye Sun), Rooftop Prince (Park Yoo Chun), Flower Boy Next Door (Yoon Shi Yoon and Park Shin Hye), My Girlfriend is a Gumiho (Lee Seung Gi and Shin Min Ah), Shopping King Louie (Seo In Guk and Nam Ji Hyun), Kill Me Heal Me (Ji Sung), Bridal Mask (Joo Won), I Miss You (Park Yoo Chun and Yoon Eun Hye), King of Baking (Yoon Shi Yoon, Eugene, Joo Won), Pinocchio (Lee Jong Suk, Park Shin Hye) 

10 Best Korean Melodramas - Lee Min Ho, Park Shin Hye, Yoo Seung Ho, Park Min Young, Jang Geun Suk, Yoona, Han Ji Min, Yoon Shi Yoon, Lee Seung Gi, Han Hyo Joo, Park Yoo Chun, Yoon Eun Hye, Seo Shin Ae, Kim Woo Bin, Suzy 10 Best Halloween Korean Dramas - Lee Joon Gi, Seo Ye Ji, Sung Joon, Kim Woo Bin, Kim Sae Ron, Kim So Hyun, Taecyeo, Gong Yoo, Park Bo Young, Jo Jung Suk, So Ji Sub

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14 responses to “10 Best Action and Crime Korean Dramas”

  1. raistlin0903 Avatar

    Great post this one. As you know I am a big fan of action and crime dramas. For me Heartless City has truly been one of the best series in that genre that I have seen so far, but I also quite enjoyed my Beautiful Bride. Another series that was very good, and I intend to rewatch sometime soon is 3 Days. I always felt that series was the Korean answer to 24. If you haven’t seen that one yet, I highly recommend it. As for the rest of the series on this list, it is a great reminder that I still have a lot of series that I need to see lol 😂

    1. Kay Avatar

      Action and crime is definitely an exciting genre! You’ve watched some good ones for sure 🙂 I started 3 Days once. I didn’t drop it, I just started watching other things and haven’t went back to it yet. But if you really like 3 Days, one of my top dramas on this list, Signal, is by the same writer. It’s such a brilliant and intense drama in every way. But yes, lists like these always remind us how much we still need to see 🙂

      Oh yeah, did you ever finish Goblin?

      1. raistlin0903 Avatar

        No, I still haven’t. I know I am terrible, it is really not because I don’t like it, but it really is simply a time issue, and other things that I have come across. But I will finish it. Expect a review for it this month 😊

        1. Kay Avatar

          Sorry, I keep asking. I’ll just know you’ve finished it when I see your review for it, lol. I guess I’m just anxious to hear your thoughts on it 🙂

          1. raistlin0903 Avatar

            Haha, absolutely no problem at all. It only motivates me even more to finally finish it 😊😊

        2. Theophilus Avatar

          Love this

  2. kwenzqoatl Avatar

    I’m gonna be watching Signal soon. 🙂 Have heard so much praise for it!

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yay! I could just go on and on about how great Signal is. Easily my favorite straight crime drama ever 🙂 I really hope you enjoy it!

  3. Hunxuer Avatar

    In case you love the Signal, I would recommend Tunnel. Another well-written series and the character building is exemplary.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yes, I really enjoyed Tunnel. Glad you enjoyed that one too 🙂

  4. kpopfan Avatar

    can yaal help me look for a kdrama, its about a mom who losses her daughter because someone pushed her off a buulding, but peole bealive she jumped off hoping to be with her dad. i bealive the mom was like a police . this is all i remember, can yaal please help out.

    1. Kay Avatar

      It sounds like the drama Lookout with Lee Shi Young and Kim Young Kwang. She was a police officer whose daughter was murdered by being pushed off of a building. Hope that’s the one you’re thinking of 🙂

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