Producer is a comedy drama about the lives of variety show producers. The story involves two veteran variety show producers, PD Ra Jun Mo (Cha Tae Hyun) and PD Tak Ye Jin (Gong Hyo Jin), rookie PD Baek Seung Chan (Kim Soo Hyun), and pop idol Cindy (IU). The drama garnered lots of attention for it’s star cast, large amount of cameos, and experimental documentary style in it’s early episodes.
The first two episodes were shot heavily in a documentary style with the actors frequently pausing to speak directly to the camera. Starting in episode three, the drama takes on a more classic format, although it does still include instances where the characters talk to the camera.
There was quite a divide among drama fans as to which style they liked. I personally fall in the camp that prefers the classic drama format. I found the first two episodes with the documentary style a little slow, but luckily the setting and characters intrigued me enough to continue. But things really got rolling in episode three when the documentary style was scaled back in favor of a more traditional comedy format.
This drama was still unique even after the format change in that it never identifies a concrete main pairing from any of the four characters. The four characters feelings for each other develop as the show progresses, and in many ways they become more confused. I loved the multiple relationship interactions and found them hilarious. It was so refreshing and fun.
Baek Seung Chan is completely adorable as the naïve rookie PD, and definitely feels very reminiscent of his character Song Sam Dong from Dream High. I found his interactions with Tak Ye Jin to be my favorite part of the show. I did also enjoy his love line with Cindy and frequently questioned who I wanted him to end up with.
The secret of who was going to end up with who was held until the last episode. Were you happy with the couple pairings in the end?
I would definitely recommend this drama for rom com lovers. Get through the first couple episodes, and then sit back and enjoy the fun.
My Rating: 8/10
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