Boys Over Flowers Korean Drama - Lee Min Ho, Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Bum, Kim Joon

Boys Over Flowers is a classic that is practically required viewing for any kdrama fan. It tells the story of Geum Jan Di (Goo Hye Sun) as she attends a prestigious high school and gets involved with F4, the most popular guys at school.Β  F4 consists of leader Goo Jun Pyo (Lee Min Ho), Yoon Ji Hoo (Kim Hyun Joong), So Yi Jung (Kim Bum), and Song Woo Bin (Kim Joon).Β  They’re rich, good looking, and they rule the school.Β  But Jan Di won’t put up with it,Β and by standing up to them, she quickly draws the affections of arrogant Goo Jun Pyo and the knight in shining armor Yoon Ji Hoo.Β  A lot of relationship drama ensues.

Boys Over Flowers Korean Drama - Lee Min HoΒ  Boys Over Flowers Korean Drama - Kim Hyun Joong

People tend to love or hate this drama.Β  I happen to be in the love camp.Β  I saw it very early in my kdrama viewing, and honestly, that’s probably the best time to see it.Β  Admittedly, it’s full of teen angst with many misunderstandings.

Boys Over Flowers Korean Drama - Lee Min HoΒ  Boys Over Flowers Korean Drama - Gu Hye Sun

Jun Pyo and Jan Di fight, make up, then fight and make up over and over.Β  There are constant obstacles in their way, many of their own making.Β  But for me and many people, it’s all presented in a way that is oddly addicting and just plain fun.

Boys Over Flowers Korean Drama - Kim Bum and Kim JoonΒ  Boys Over Flowers Korean Drama - Kim Hyun Joong and Gu Hye Sun

The music really sets the tone for this drama too, and I still listen to much of the OST to this day.Β  It’s played repetitively, but it’s upbeat and fun and very likely to get stuck in your head.

Boys Over Flowers Korean Drama - Lee Min Ho and Gu Hye Sun

I personally loved Jun Pyo and Jan Di’s relationship.Β  It’s pretty immature, but I loved their bickering.Β  And when you get those sweet little moments where they really connect, it’s so fulfilling.

I wondered how Boys Over Flowers would hold up upon re-viewing, so I watched it again a year later after I had many other dramas under my belt.Β  It completely held up, and I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

Boys Over Flowers Korean Drama - Lee Min Ho and Gu Hye Sun

Since it’s not as polished as some of the other great dramas out there, I still recommend you ideally watch it early in your kdrama viewing for the most enjoyment.Β  But even if you’re a more seasoned viewer, you should really give it try just to see what all the fuss is about.Β  You never know, you just may like it!

What do you think of Boys Over Flowers?Β  Did you love it or hate it?

My Rating: 10/10

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30 responses to “Boys Over Flowers Korean Drama Review”

  1. […] So on December 27, 2013, we started “Full House”.Β Β Two days later, we emerged new people.Β Β Β We had completedΒ the entire show and were in awe.Β  We were fascinated with this new culture and were craving more. […]

  2. […] and their lives outside of school. Β HeirsΒ was exactly like that.Β  A lot of people compare it to Boys Over Flowers.Β  Boys Over Flowers has a very distinct flavor to it, and I don’t think Heirs is quite like […]

  3. […] Swing Kiss happens in episode of 9 of Boys Over Flowers on aΒ lovelyΒ evening at a playground covered in beautiful lights.Β  Goo Jun Pyo (Lee Min […]

  4. no Avatar

    absolutely hated the cheesy frustrating show.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Aw, sorry you didn’t enjoy this one. I know a lot of people really disliked it. I loved it, but I can easily see all of it’s flaws and why so many hated it. Hopefully, you’ve found plenty of other good dramas to make up for it πŸ™‚

  5. yafah Avatar

    after watching this for the 3rd time, and seeing other K-drama, the only reason why I see some fault now, is due to “personality” of Jan Di; and Goo Hye Sun’s acting is so immature, and though she is supposed to be idiotic, comparing to the depth of the acting portrayed by the came across as moronic and as you can see her acting beside Kim Hyun Joong and Lee Min Ho, just annoying. Her childishness and portrayal of stupidity and moronic, turned so mongoloid. Goo Hye Sun’s just didn’t portray girls from poor background properly especially her passive aggressive behaviours in the movie.

    In a way I wished married JI Hoo, and Goo Jun Pyo, married Ha Jae-Kyeong. In fact, Lee min Jung would have been the better Jan-Di….

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yeah, I know a lot of people don’t care for Jan Di’s character. I definitely understand, but luckily, I liked her overall. Luckily, the drama as a whole was a lot of fun, so many people still really enjoyed it despite that πŸ™‚

  6. Arihant Avatar

    Just saw this recently as wanted to check the Kdrama which made the Hallyu phenomenon what it was.really liked this -Begining was great,middle was angsty and dragged and the finale was awesome.It is easy to see this show made Lee Min Ho a star.The actress was also pretty good.Also liked Kim Bum -IMO,they should have made him play the second lead

    I listened to the OST prior to seeing the show -in fact decided to watch it since the OST sounded so cool!

    It may not be perfect like City Hunter but has its strengths

    My rating-8/10

    1. Kay Avatar

      Boys Over Flowers was the third kdrama I watched, and I still love it to this day. But I know exactly what you mean. It is far from perfect and a bit repetitive. But Lee Min ho really shined in it, and the OST is tons of fun. And I agree, I would have loved to see Kim Bum as the second lead! But despite its flaws, it’s a fun drama, and it introduces many people to kdramas for the first time πŸ™‚

  7. […] With fast pacing that leads right from one over the top scenario to another, it’s hard not to get swept up in all of the drama.Β Boys Over FlowersΒ wasΒ a ton of fun, and it will definitely always have a special place in my heart. (Boys Over Flowers Review) […]

  8. Samantha Stevens-Clay Avatar

    I am watching this now and I actually really love it. BUT I was getting very tired of Gu Jun-pyo trying SO hard with Geum Jan-di and she was acting like he had the plague. I really wanted him to just move on after awhile. I love everyone in F4, they’re wonderful and it’s hard to believe they were torturing people (by getting people to chase,beat and attack anyone red carded) at the begining of the show.

    Geum Jan-di at the beginning I didn’t like too much, I’m on the 13th episode and I’m just neutral on her (Gu Jun-pyo I love).

    1. Kay Avatar

      Oh yes, Boys Over Flowers is a fun one! I know what you mean about poor Jun Pyo though. I really loved him and felt bad for him. I love all of F4 too (just pretend that stuff at the beginning didn’t happen, lol).

  9. […] The drama is messy, angsty, and full of misunderstandings and outlandish scenarios, but it sure is addicting and a whole lot of fun! Just embrace it for what is and go on a crazy journey in this kdrama classic. (Boys Over Flowers Review) […]

  10. TripleSKyu Avatar

    Well i watching this again after 6 years i think. First i fall in love with kim hyun joong. Thanks to him after so many years passed and i discovered his group SS501. I love this drama. Even though its a unrealistic plot i loved to watch it. But i hate jandi’s acting. I dont know she’s kinda overacting. Comparing with her kim hyun joong did a great job as his first drama. I love its osts specially because im stupid. I’ll watch this again n again. Im recommanding

    1. Kay Avatar

      I agree, this drama was so much fun even upon rewatching. It’s messy and unrealistic but still very enjoyable πŸ™‚ And my favorite song from the OST is Because I’m Stupid! I love it so much and still listen to it. The whole OST is great and really embodies the drama πŸ™‚

      1. Jermena Avatar

        I even made that song my ring tone for a while🀣 the slow version. It was just something else. Also loved Jisun’s what should I do. It was so beautiful. Thank you for reminding me about these beautiful and sad moments in that drama😁

        1. Kay Avatar

          That’s so funny! It was my ringtone for a good while too 🀣🀣 I still love both versions of that song πŸ™‚

  11. […] But it’s all presented in a way that is oddly addicting and just plain fun. With fast pacing that leads right from one over the top scenario to another, it’s hard not to get swept up in all of the drama.Β Boys Over FlowersΒ wasΒ a ton of fun, and it will definitely always have a special place in my heart. (Boys Over Flowers Review) […]

  12. Idura Avatar

    we can see how idiot that Jan-Di didnt understand all the word that come out from Ji Hoo everyday. She should know who is the emergeny button that always beside her. Since the 1st episode until the ending, who was beside him actually? didnt she know that Ji Hoo love her? She didnt see who in front of him, but he always thin Joon Pyo. All fans can count how many times that Ji Hoo scene with Jan Di and how many time Joon Pyo with Jan Di. I like this drama, but i love to see all the scene between Ji Hoo dan Jan Di only. I am not fans of Lee Min Ho, but fans of Kim Hyun Joong. The main character we can see is Ji Hoo and Jan Di.

  13. Sakshi Avatar

    Hi there
    I loved your review. and that makes me want to share my own opinions with you. Please bear with me- It’s going to be very long but I really want to discuss this with a fellow fan. Despite everything I am going to list here, I love Lee min ho and Kim hyun joong. They are the reason why I rewatch this series a dozen times. Only their bits. Despite numerous problems in the writing, I like the central idea of showing triumph of genuinty and simplicity over materialism.

    – Boys over flowers Gu Hye sun was miscast. Her acting was so horrible, I couldn’t tolerate it. Her voice was like that of a banshee. It was like the director,the actress and the costume designer were competing as to who can make the character look more pathetic. In Jan Di’s case, even the word pathetic is a compliment.
    – I have read the original Hana Yori Dango manga and series,it’s million times better than this. Although there is bullying, toxicity and red flag relationships, the commitment of Domyouji( Japanese Gu jun pyo) towards Makino (Japanese Jan di) is well developed and strong. They did not become a couple overnight. He takes a stand for her in front of his mother, meets Makino at her level, even denounces his inheritance when time calls for it. They did not show any of this in the korean version. There are very scarce meaningul moments between the leads and too many with their respective second leads. Domyouji doesn’t give his fiance day of his time which makes her realise how much he loves Makino. On the other hand, jun pyo spens more meaningful time with Jaekyung and jan di with ji hoo. Also in the original, the engangement is called off much sooner; none of last minute wedding theatrics.

    – I started watching Boys over Flowers on Netflix because I wanted to see a strong, independant female character. That lasted for about five minutes and then all goes down the drain. Throughout the series Jan di has trouble standing upright let alone be strong. She mumbles,stumbles and stutters in every scene. Makes a big deal of self respect but doesn’t show any when the time calls for it again and again.
    This is not true of Makino. Her boldness is steadfast right until the very end. They did not make these scenes in the korean version – it was horrible. Makino is physically and mentally strong, is an above average student in studies ( gets into law school by herself) and holds her own on several occasions. She also makes fool of the three girl bullies several times causing them to be afraid of her unlike Jan di who keeps bumbling around the three girl bullies. She also plays volleybal,skis well on her first try and excels in working as a maid. I needn’t tell you how these scenes were made with Jan di.

    – Makino’s one particular conforntation with the mother is very impressive. She tells her off and even slaps her hard. Makino never loses her own identity around Domyouji nor follows him like a puppy even when he loses his memories.

    – The korean version spent too much time on showing off expensive cars,locations and other stuff when they could have developed the characters better. They could have explored more on Woo Bin experience of bias because he is mafia and so on.

    – Disgusting portrayal of the working class. I took great offesne to it as a middle class person myself. They seem to lack even the basic manners or sense.

    – Lastly the love triangle is not so messy in the manga. Rui’s( Japanese Ji hoo) life is not tragic either. In the korean version, both jun pyo and jae kyung viewed their lover as trophies to be won or given away. I especially hated jae kyung’s character. She went after Jun pyo like one would conquer a territory. While putting on a sweet front, she was often vicious to Jan di, rubbing her face in her wedding dress or future children. I could not understand her character at all. What she had was obsession not love. Although she does redeem herself at the end. Still her entire sttitude is disturbing.

    SORRY. I know it is very long.

    1. Kay Avatar

      It’s always great to discuss dramas with a fellow fan πŸ™‚ This is a very interesting drama for sure. Definitely a lot of problems and very messy as a whole as you are aware. And I do know the Korean version really changed Jan Di as a character.

      Despite its flaws, I quite enjoyed the drama in a very bubblegum and candy sort of way. Not a lot of nourishment here, just silly fun, lol. It’s certainly a unique drama that has had fans discussing it in depth since it came out so many years ago πŸ™‚

      1. Sakshi Avatar

        The candy analogy is pretty apt. I still watch it so many times because Lee Min Ho and Kim Hyun Joong have put me under their spell. Sometimes I cannot get over how perfect they are. That is why I lament the poor writing even more – with such talent at hand they could have driven a very important message through the story like the original.
        P.S. I love the osts too. Shinee, T Max and ofcourse Kim Hyun joong ‘s songs.

        1. Kay Avatar

          I agree, they were both fantastic in the drama. It was my first Lee Min Ho drama, and I quickly understood why he was so popular.

          And yes to the amazing OST! I first watched the drama in 2014 and to this day I still listen to the OST. So fun and catchy. My fav is Because I’m Stupid πŸ™‚

          1. Sakshi Avatar

            Can we exchange emails? I would like to share more of my analysis of the series and then some. Like I said, I am kinda obsessed with Boys over Flowers.

          2. Kay Avatar

            I can understand that πŸ™‚ You can email me at It may take me a bit longer to respond over there since I get a lot of emails, but I definitely will πŸ™‚

          3. Sakshi Avatar

            Hi Kay, I sent you an email a while ago. Please reply if you you have the time. Thanks!

          4. Kay Avatar

            Hi Sakshi πŸ™‚ Sorry, I’ve been behind on my emails and am trying to get caught up. I did receive your email and want to make sure I take the time to send a proper reply, which will hopefully be soon 😊

  14. Jermena Avatar

    I loved it a lot! And since I was in the Ji hoo- Jan di camp, I can’t bear to watch it again🀣 I can’t see Ji hoo suffering all over again. But it was also the drama that made me a Lee min ho fan, nevertheless. His scene at the airport when Jan di broke up with him and went with Ji hoo, stuck to my memory. He played that part soooo well. The emotions, the facial expressions as he dropped to the airport floor and cried like the world had ended for him.. it was classic.

    Cheers to all of them for an amazing showπŸ‘πŸΏ

    1. Kay Avatar

      Haha, oh no, this is a tough one for Team Ji Hoo πŸ˜‚

      This was my second kdrama ever, so also my proper introduction to Lee Min Ho, who was lots of fun here. And I loved it! 😍

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