Orange Marmalade Korean Drama Kiss Orange Marmalade is a fantasy drama set in a world where vampires now coexist with humans, but they must keep their identities secret since they are still feared. Baek Ma Ri (Seol Hyun) is a teenage vampire who transfers to a new school and draws the attention of a popular human, Jung Jae Min (Yeo Jin Goo), who just happens to hate vampires. Orange Marmalade Korean Drama - Ma Ri   Orange Marmalade Korean Drama - Ma Ri

I found this drama adorable and moving.  The high school romance was sweet and fun to watch.  I’m a fan of Yeo Jin Gu and was thrilled to see him in his first starring role.  We watch his feelings grow for Ma Ri, all the while remaining in the dark that she is a vampire.  Ma Ri quickly falls for him too and must struggle with the fact that she is keeping her identity a secret. Orange Marmalade Korean Drama - Shi Hoo An old friend of Ma Ri’s, Han Shi Hoo (Lee Jong Hyun), soon transfers to the school.  He is a bit of a troublemaker and doesn’t hesitate to get in between Ma Ri and Jae Min.  Despite this, their love continues to blossom.


Of course, their happiness is short lived.  Everything hits the fan when Shi Hoo has to use his vampire powers to save Jae Min’s life, thus sending the Vampire Control authorities after him.  It also comes out that Ma Ri is a vampire, devastating Jae Min.  As he seeks answers from Ma Ri during a terrible storm, he finds himself in need of saving again, forcing Ma Ri to use her powers.

Orange Marmalade Korean Drama - Jae Min
Seeing Yeo Jin Goo like this breaks my heart

This first arc of the story ends with Shi Hoo apparently allowing himself to be burned up by the sun, and Jae Min ends up with amnesia.  Suddenly, everything changes as the story transitions from the present to the past, as our story focuses on our characters past lives.  We now find ourselves in a sageuk!  MANY people hated this.

Fans of the webtoon seemed to really dislike the deviation from the original source material.  And a lot of fans simply don’t like historicals.  In that sense, I get it.  You signed up for a high school drama and now you’re in the middle of a sageuk…that can be a bit of a bummer.

Orange Marmalade Korean Drama - Ma Ri   Orange Marmalade Korean Drama - Jae Min

But I actually enjoy historicals, so I was up for the change.  We got to see Jae Min and Ma Ri fall in love for the first time.  It was also nice to see Jae Min and Shi Hoo’s original brotherly relationship.  The stakes felt very high in the past with the clash between the classes and the plot for the bad vampires to take over.  It’s hard to say which period I liked better, but I’m leaning towards this one.

I was sad to finally leave the past, but easily transitioned back into the present.  We discover that Shi Hoo is not really dead, and Jae Min’s memory loss allows Ma Ri to be honest with him about who she is from the start.

We also see the vampires struggle to fit in as a new program to integrate the vampires fully into society unfolds.  Several human students come together with our vampire students to inspire others through their music and to show that it really is possible to coexist.

Orange Marmalade Korean Drama - Yeo Jin Goo and Seol Hyun Kiss

The visuals and music in this were absolutely stunning.   There was just so much beauty to see along with a sweet story.  And happy endings were given all around. In summary, Orange Marmalade is a great drama.  It’s a bit cheesy at times, but pretty much everything else makes up for that.

Also, if you’re a big fan of the webtoon, proceed with caution in viewing this drama.  I recommend just looking at it as its own entity, and hopefully, you’ll have the same wonderful experience I was able to have.

What did you think?  Did you love or hate the time jump?  Was it just too different from the original material?  Comment below.

My Rating: 8/10

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17 responses to “Orange Marmalade Korean Drama Review”

  1. […] I’m part of the group that loved this drama too.  I haven’t seen the webtoon, so I was easily able to appreciate the drama for what it was.  I loved the high school romance and connected with the vampires struggle to fit in our society.  I absolutely loved the jump to the past too.  It was nice to see Jae Min and Shi Hoo’s original relationship.  The stakes also felt very high with the clash between the classes and the plot for the bad vampires to take over.  I was sad to leave the past, but easily transitioned back into the present.  It’s hard to say which period I liked better.  The visuals and music in this were even better than My Love Eun Dong, which says a lot.  There was just so much beauty to see along with a sweet story. (Orange Marmalade Full Review) […]

  2. […] a knack for cards who’s seeking to regain his rightful place on the throne.  Yeo Jin Gu has (Orange Marmalade) been offered the role of King Young Jo who is described as competitive and vicious which […]

  3. […] news!  It looks like Jang Geun Suk (Pretty Man), Yeo Gin Goo (Orange Marmalade), and Im Ji Yeon (High Society) have confirmed they will be headlining the new SBS sageuk Daebak […]

  4. […] SBS sageuk Daebak (also known as Jackpot) starring Jang Geun Suk (Pretty Man) and Yeo Jin Goo (Orange Marmalade). We get some pretty intense stares from our two leading men as they prepare to face off in the […]

  5. Sharon Avatar

    what i notice in your reviews is that you give yjg dramas high rating! He is your bias. Well, i dont have complains. I love him too. He just captivates me every single time. His acting is just awesomeness ! Even if you do a marathon of all his movies and dramas, youll not be bored.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Haha, I definitely have some serious love Yeo Jin Goo! He’s high up my favs list for sure 🙂 And you seem to appreciate his charms and talents too. He’s just blows me away every time I see him because of how amazing he is. He just has the something special. And yes, marathoning his dramas and movies would make for a pretty fantastic way to spend time any day 🙂

      1. Sharon Avatar

        I admire his talent so much! Even his seniors respect his acting prowess. I just hope he isnt pressured that much so that he can enjoy what he is doing!

        1. Kay Avatar

          I always love seeing others who really appreciate his talent 🙂 And yes, I always hear such positive things from his co stars. He’s always been well beyond his years in acting abilities. I too hope he always enjoys what he’s doing since I know so many enjoy his performances like we do 🙂

  6. […] For the most part, Orange Marmalade is a classic teen drama with a side of vampire fantasy. But there is another interesting side to it that I can’t go into since I don’t want to spoil it 😉 I really enjoyed the high school romance and sympathized with the vampires struggle to fit into human society. There’s also a nice little bromance. The visuals and music in this drama were truly outstanding too. There was just so much beauty to see along with such a sweet story. (Orange Marmalade Review) […]

  7. Fred Avatar

    Orange Marmalade. Same with Shine or Go Crazy, this is another title which does not prepare the viewer for the drama. But I think this is worse HAHAHA. It makes sense only AFTER you view it. Orange Marmalade? Seriously? After viewing your list of reviews so many times, I can’t seem to recall having this in my shortlist EVER. Because why would I bother about something called Orange Marmalade? HAHAHA. And what’s worse? It is about vampires! HAHAHA.

    Luckily, I again was not interested with any of my previous shortlisted dramas. I was looking for a certain drama with specifications I did not know of. Another one of those ‘I do not know what I want’ moments. I was so desperate that I read this drama’s plot. And you gave it an 8. Interesting. And so I watched. HAHAHA.

    As for the drama, I will break it into 3 parts.
    First part (modern times)
    – This part was sooooo good. I thought to myself why I have NEVER EVER heard of this drama! Why? This is going to be a 9 at worst! I loved it so much! Other than the newbie sounds and some of the cinematography, it was just perfect! Why did Kay give this an 8? What could go wrong? And so we have part 2. HAHAHAHA.
    Second part (sageuk)
    – When they time hopped to this part, I was so confused! What in the world? I could not believe they destroyed that amazing Part 1! I was just hoping for them to go back to modern times. It was good by itself but only an 8 at best. I could not invest my emotions in this part because I wanted to invest it in the modern times. And thankfully they went back to modern times.
    Third part (modern times)
    – This part was also good but far from the first part. While the first part was focused on their growing affection for each other (with all these outbursts of emotions that I really look for in a drama), the third part was focused on spreading the message of this drama: Acceptance. We should accept ourselves and others even though we may have different backgrounds and beliefs. I think the third part was focused on stressing that point out. And of course: spread love through music!

    I really thought this was a gem. Still good but not a gem. Oh well. I agree with your 8.

    Side note: This drama, especially the first part, felt like Heartstrings. The band, the lighthouse, and of course the Park Shin-Hye look-alike! HAHAHA. Kim Seolhyun (never heard of her before this drama) really looks a lot like Park Shinhye in certain angles. So it really reminded me of Heartstrings.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Haha, yeah, drama titles are weird. So many of them just give me a good laugh. Like Greasy Melo earlier this year. I was like what is that?! lol I like the unusual names better than the super plain ones though. Names like Doctors and Life just don’t grab me at all, hehe.

      It’s good Orange Marmalade mostly worked for you, although with a few issues. I really loved the drama. It’s still hard to decide if I like the modern or the historical portion better though. Luckily, this was a time I got spoiled before I watched it since all of dramaland through a fit when they went back in time. It prepared me for what was coming. I thought it was going to be awful, but I ended up loving it! lol

      This drama is weird though in that the three parts are very different. Like you said, even the two modern portions are different from each other. It makes it a little choppy, but I just loved the bright feel to the drama. And that last section was just fun. It’s a strange but good drama, hehe 🙂

      1. Fred Avatar

        Strange but good. I love that description. I think it describes this drama best.

        I do believe that this drama was made by or with newbie writers and/or directors. Why?
        1. The title
        2. The super cheesy background music in part 1
        3. The sageuk time hop in the middle; I still cannot say if it was a success or not but it was an untested style and only newbies will have the audacity to experiment on it. Hahaha

        Newbie dramas or movies can be gems or epic fails. One of the best examples is Lion King. It was made by newbie directors. As for this drama, it is strange but good. But strange is always good. HAHA.

        1. Kay Avatar

          Strange it is, hehe 🙂 The drama was based on a webtoon, so they used the same title as that for the drama. The writers were “new” though. One was the actual comic writer, so experienced but new to dramas, and the other this was the only credit to their name. The PD has quite a few popular credits though.

          I thought the time jump was a unique experiment. It’s debatable whether or not people feel it worked though, lol. In the comic, there wasn’t a time jump, which is a big reason why people were upset that the drama did something so drastically different. I hadn’t actually read the comic though, so I wasn’t bothered by it.

          But yes, newbies can go either way. They can be very green or can sometimes bring something very fresh to the table. Like Shopping King Louie was by a rookie writer and well, it’s one of my all time favs! But yes, strange can definitely be good though 🙂

          1. Fred Avatar

            You really do your research, Kaye! I am impressed. Daebak! Hahaha

          2. Kay Avatar

            Haha, that’s my specialty! Thanks! 🙂

  8. Thomas Avatar

    Sorry for the late comment! I just finished the first part and I was really confused what happened at the end there when Jae Min suffered from memory loss, and how did Ma Ri used her powers to save him during the storm. Did she use her power to remove herself from his memory during that time because he was too mentally hurt and taken aback by her revealing to be a vampire?

    Also, I took a look at the time travel in the second part and was wondering if that was all hallucinations by Jae Min and perhaps it was Ma Ri’s powers taking effect.


    1. Kay Avatar

      Late comments are always welcome 🙂

      It’s been a while since I’ve seen this one. I don’t recall what she did to save him during the storm, but I don’t think she removed herself from his memory. He just got amnesia.

      Then the time travel is just a flashback to their past lives in the Joseon era. So it really happened, and they then reincarnated in this life. It’s just meant to deepen their love story 🙂

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