I only got in two dramas again for August, and they were okay watches.ย It was the romantic comedy Backstreet Rookie and the comedy sitcom So Not Worth It that I watched this month:
Backstreet Rookie
Backstreet Rookie is a light and fluffy romantic comedy. Not a whole lot happens, but we do get several relationship journeys in the midst of the comedy. This drama really took some serious warming up to for me, but it did grow on me. Overall, it was an okay watch.
Our main couple didn’t get to really start their relationship until way too deep into the drama for my liking though. That coupled with the unengaging start, thin plot, and not particularly likable supporting characters just never allowed me to love the drama. But it is cute enough, and Ji Chang Wook and Kim Yoo Jung played their roles well. It’s a good fit if you just want something easy and fun. (Backstreet Rookie Review)
So Not Worth It
So Not Worth It is a sitcom that is a quick and easy watch with only 12 half hour episodes. This series is very light and is primarily a comedy as we see a group of international students get involved in a variety of crazy and troublesome situations that have humorous results. Most of the comedy wasn’t really to my tastes, but it did have moments that I found funny.
Since a good chunk of the humor wasn’t to my tastes, the situational nature of the show did make it feel draggy for me despite my like for the characters and the cute little romance. I think if you like the comedy style though, this could be a great and unique show for you because it has such a light and fun feel to it. (So Not Worth It Review)
So how was August for you?
Happy drama watching to everyone!
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