Pretty Man (Bel Ami) Korean Drama - Jang Geun Suk and IU

I only completed two dramas in September (I’m just about done with Mr. Sunshine though!), but they were wonderful! I thoroughly enjoyed the new drama My ID is Gangnam Beauty, and the older Jang Geun Suk and IU drama Pretty Man really won my heart:

Pretty Man (Bel Ami) Korean Drama - Jang Geun Suk, IU, Lee Jang Woo, Han Chae YoungPretty Man

Pretty Man was such a fun drama! It leans towards being a romantic comedy, but it has a pretty nice melodramatic side. I just loved the characters in Pretty Man with Jang Geun Suk and IU both being humorous and fun. I also really loved watching Jang Geun Suk’s character Ma Te’s journey of growth. He goes through a lot and really changes throughout the drama.

Overall, Pretty Man was a nice treat for me. It took me back to a style of dramas that we don’t see as much anymore, and I found that quite refreshing. It’s meant to be a fun drama, but it still has a nice story and plenty of life lessons for our characters to learn. I thoroughly enjoyed it on many levels. (Pretty Man Review)

My ID is Gangnam BeautyMy ID is Gangnam Beauty Korean Drama - Cha Eun Woo and Im Soo Hyang

What a nice drama My ID is Gangnam Beauty turned out to be! I wasn’t sure what to expect with this one, but it ended up being a very thoughtful drama that explored some complicated issues including standards of beauty and how society treats people because of their perceptions of beauty.

It executed its story wonderfully to keep me fully engaged and never bored. Mi Rae’s journey is a moving one as she tries to navigate life after plastic surgery and realizes that it brings its own problems. Cha Eun Woo and Lim Soo Hyang were also very sweet as a couple, and I really liked how they helped each other in so many ways.

My ID is Gangnam Beauty was a nice surprise. The topics it addresses are very relevant and relatable, but it’s also a sweet romance. Despite these heavier topics, it never gets overly angsty and remains fun through out. It was such an enjoyable drama, and I’m happy I checked it out. (My ID is Gangnam Beauty Review)

So how was September for you?

Happy drama watching to everyone!

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30 responses to “Korean Drama Update for September 2018”

  1. raistlin0903 Avatar

    Well, you still watched more than me lol 😂 I have spent september a little bit differently where I watched some more anime, simply because my blog had not focussed on that quite a while. October will probably have me going back to Korean dramas again, finishing of course first with Voice, and then probably watching Mr Sunshine right after. (Then again there are so many other good dramas that I haven’t seen yet, I might end up watching something else after all) 😊😊

    1. Kay Avatar

      That’s understandable since you got behind when anime was supposed be your theme of the month. So it’s good to get a bit caught up on that 🙂 And I know what you mean. Many times I have certain dramas planned and then something else catches my eye. I’ll look forward to reading about whatever dramas you choose to watch 🙂

      1. raistlin0903 Avatar

        Yeah, I am still going to try and finish Voice in the upcoming week, which I will probably be able to do 😊
        Definitely, it’s probably not helping that my to watch list still looks like an encyclopedia lol 😂😂 Thank you, I will definitely let you know what I will end up watching 😊😊

        1. Kay Avatar

          I do hope you are able to polish off Voice 🙂 Hmm, are you sure you don’t have my watch list? It’s the size of an encyclopedia too so maybe I lost it 😉

          1. raistlin0903 Avatar

            Haha…I just checked but it does say property of Kay above that encyclopedia. Oops…😅 Well, I will sent it back to you, no worries! 😂😂

          2. Kay Avatar

            I knew it! Yes, please send it back to me ASAP or else I will be lost in a state of drama confusion. How terrible would that be? 😉

          3. raistlin0903 Avatar

            Lol, that would be horrible 😂😂 No worries, you will have it back this week! 😊😊

          4. Kay Avatar

            Whew, thanks, you totally saved me 🙂 🙂

  2. Timescout Avatar

    I haven’t actually been able to finish anything for ages. I try this and that drama, only to drop them at some point for lack of interest. That’s what happened to e.g both Ghost Detective and The Guest. Which is kinda strange as both should have been right up my alley, at least on paper.

    I used to be so good at picking what works for me but these days I’ve been having more misses than hits. Guess I’ve become even pickier than I used to be as what initially looks interesting often turns out to be less so once I get down to watching the episodes.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Aww, that’s too bad. I know those were two that had some promise for you. And that’s the worst when you think you actually have a good shot at liking a drama and then it just doesn’t work out.

      It may not just be you though. I think this year has put out a lot of very average dramas. A lot of people have had a hard time. There have definitely been some great ones, but it was one of those years where you really had to sift through all the mediocre. Hoping 2019 is a bit better!

  3. Kdrama Crazy Avatar

    Which dramas are you watching right now?

    1. Kay Avatar

      I’m just about to wrap up Mr. Sunshine, and I’m halfway through Thirty But Seventeen. What about you?

      1. Kdrama Crazy Avatar

        Well! I’m watching Devilish Joy and just started The Third Charm. ☺

    2. Kdrama Crazy Avatar

      And also I just finished Suspicious Partner

      1. Kay Avatar

        Ah, I loved Suspicious Partner 🙂 I’m planning to watch Devilish Joy and The Third Charm too. It will probably be a month before I get to them though. Too many dramas on the list! lol

        1. Kdrama Crazy Avatar

          True! That’s the biggest problem of every drama fan, there are too many dramas but too less time 😂

          1. Kay Avatar

            Yep, it really is the biggest challenge for dramas fans. And I’m afraid it’s a problem that will never go away, lol

        2. Kdrama Crazy Avatar

          Also Devilish joy and The third Charm are really going well.

          1. Kay Avatar

            That’s good to hear! I will probably watch Devilish Joy first between the two. It looks really cute from the pics I’ve seen of it 🙂

          2. Kdrama Crazy Avatar

            Yes it is , but I’m much more impressed from The third charm by the first two episodes alone. 😃

          3. Kay Avatar

            Oooh, that’s good to hear. Now I’ll definitely be looking forward to it too! 🙂

  4. D Avatar

    I watched a total of 5 this month and all of them I very much enjoyed.
    W – Two Worlds – not sure why I didn’t watch this earlier
    Revenge Note – a cute little show
    My ID is Gangnam Beauty – love
    30 but 17 – such a charming show with good character development.
    Ashes of love (cdrama) – epic love story. Binge watched in a week. So good.

    I think I may have watched too many dramas this month. lol

    1. Kay Avatar

      Oooh, you got in a lot of good stuff this month! I’m with you on the love for My ID is Gangnam Beauty and Thirty But Seventeen (which I am halfway through) 🙂 And W – Two Worlds was definitely a fun one. I keep seeing Revenge Note pop up. I may just have to check that one out since you liked it. And I’ll have to look into Ashes of Love and maybe consider it next time I try a cdrama.

      You definitely didn’t watch too many dramas though! I usually do 4-5 in a month. Mr. Sunshine is like the length of two dramas so it took up a lot of my time in the latter half of the month which is why I only finished two. But then again, maybe we’re weird and we do watch too many dramas, lol 😉

      1. D Avatar

        Haha thank you Kay for saying it’s not too many. I was feeling guilty. Revenge Note popped up on DramaFever and I picked it up because of Cha Eun Woo but turned out to be a cute show.

        As for cdrama Ashes of Love – please do pick it up when you get a chance. Not only did I finish it, i found the storyline to be engaging and not repetitive throughout which is a big feat for 60 episode drama. Most of all I absolutely loved the main 3 leads. I laughed and cried with them the whole way. Awesome acting imo. And this is only the third cdrama I actually finished without fast forwarding majority of it.

        I’m currently watching Devilish Joy and enjoying it so far. The first 2 episodes have been the best so far.

        1. Kay Avatar

          Hey, we drama addicts gotta stick together 🙂 Yes, that is always the challenge with cdramas. It’s so hard to keep a drama good for that many eps. I’ve only finished a few and the longest was 37 eps (Chronicle of Life). It definitely had some slow spots, but I just really enjoyed it anyways. It was so pretty to look at. So it sounds like Ashes of Love did really well at keeping things interesting. Devilish Joy looks really cute too. I’ll be excited to check it out when it gets closer to the end 🙂

          1. D Avatar

            Haha you are right. We do need to stick to each other.

  5. kdramalandonline Avatar

    I did top 10 new dramas check it abd tell me what you think please

    1. Kay Avatar

      That’s a good list of upcoming dramas! There really are a lot of great ones to enjoy right now 🙂

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