Lawless Lawyer Korean Drama - Lee Joon Gi and Seo Ye Ji

July was a pretty fantastic month, and I found some wonderful dramas! It was a legal thriller, a couple of romantic comedies, and a dark melodrama and that kept me entertained for the month giving me a total of four new dramas in July:

Lawless Lawyer Korean Drama - Lee Joon Gi, Seo Ye Ji, Choi Min Soo, Lee Hye YoungLawless Lawyer

Lawless Lawyer is a slick drama with a solidΒ story.Β The legal stuff is well balanced with the overall story and the thriller element including plenty of excitement outside of the courtroom.Β The plot is very well done with a few twists and turns andΒ wonderful pacing. The characters from the heroes to the villains are all interesting and engaging to help bring this story to life.

And how wonderful to see Lee Joon Gi get to showcase his charms in a drama while still delivering the intense emotions we would expect from him. The rest of the cast is absolutelyΒ amazing bringing so much talent.Β Lee Joon Gi and Seo Ye Ji also make one fantastic couple with some seriously amazing chemistry.

Lawless Lawyer was an all around fun watch that provided a nice mixture of elements. The story, thrills, characters, and talented actors all came together for an entertaining drama that left me pretty well satisfied. (Lawless Lawyer Review)

Come and Hug Me Korean Drama - Jang Ki Yong and Jin Ki JooCome and Hug Me

Come and Hug Me is such a heart wrenching story. It’s a dark tale with compelling characters that will break your heart. It really sets itself apart from other dramas in many ways. This melodrama is incredibly dark and sad yet at the same time it has this theme of hope and the possibility that no matter what horrible things have happened in life, you still have a chance to be happy. That is if you can somehow survive a serial killer coming for you.

Jang Ki Yong and Jin Ki Joo gave wonderful performances as this couple that really have the odds stacked against them. Their relationship is so nurturing, beautiful, and heart breaking. Their love story is one of immense pain and sadness but also so much love. If a couple ever deserved to somehow find happiness, it’s these two.

Come and Hug Me was beautifully written to highlight these tragic characters and their story. It’s filled with tension from beginning to end with pacing that kept me engaged as this haunting tale unfolded. Every episode and scene is important which is why the drama is so well done. Come and Hug Me really moved me, and it is the kind of drama that will leave a lasting impression. (Come and Hug Me Review)

Rich Man Korean Drama - Suho and Ha Yeon SooRich Man

Rich man has a very classic set up, but itΒ does its job and delivers its story in an entertaining way. I found it to be a very pleasant watch and just all around enjoyed it.Β The main story develops quite nicely, and we get a well paced drama that is plotted well.

There are so many interesting characters, and I loved seeing their stories play out.Β The main romance is slow to develop, but the story really is more about their journey as characters, and that was done so well that I didn’t really mind.

I was genuinely surprised by Rich Man. It seems so basic, yet it really pulled me. I enjoyed all of the characters, the main story, the back story, and it even had some nice little side stories. It was light and fun with a solid emotional core and a great soundtrack to enhance it. All in all, it was such a nice drama. (Rich Man Review)

Greasy Melo (Wok of Love) Korean Drama - Jang Hyuk, Junho, and Jung Ryeo WonGreasy Melo

Greasy Melo is such a quirky and off the wall series withΒ so many wacky scenarios and conversations. It had heart and really was a lot of fun. I loved the whole atmosphere, and it made me laugh a lot. I really enjoyed Jang Hyuk, Junho, and Jung Ryeo Won, and I thought they were perfect in their roles and fully embraced them.

The drama does tend to meander around with the story and that last third gets a bit draggy with the amount of cooking scenes and competitionsΒ becoming pretty repetitive which really slowed things down.

But for the most part, I enjoyed Greasy Melo. I liked all of the characters, it made me laugh, and it was simply easy to watch. I found it to be a good drama to take a break from some of the heavier ones. Sometimes simple can work especially with a bunch of quirky characters and wonderful actors to make you smile. Β (Greasy Melo Review)

So how wasΒ July for you?

Happy drama watching to everyone!

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12 responses to “Korean Drama Update for July 2018”

  1. raistlin0903 Avatar

    I’m hoping to finish Lawless Lawyer this week: it really is an absolutely amazing drama and one that I have enjoyed very much. Next up for me will be Come and Hug me 😊😊

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yay! I completely agree, it was such an amazing and fun drama. Exactly how a legal thriller should be. I hope you have good luck with Come and Hug Me too πŸ™‚

  2. D Avatar

    I watched the following this month:
    – Lawless Lawyer: my favourite one this month
    – About Time: I want my time back. Not a good drama
    – Secretary Kim: almost finished and so counting here. Loved the first half and bored with second half. I am only finishing this for the leads. To be fair this one isn’t as bad as About Time

    1. Kay Avatar

      Sounds like you had a mixed month. Lawless Lawyer was definitely fantastic. Hopefully, it sort of made up for the others for you. I only have one ep left of What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim. I’ve mostly enjoyed it, but I do have several issues. And I agree, the last third or so has been slow for me. It ran out of story around ep 12. I have About Time on my list, but I’ve seen very mixed opinions on it with many leaning toward not so good. So we will see how that goes, lol

      1. D Avatar

        Secretary Kim – I don’t much know what to say about it other than getting bored with second half so I will wait for your review. I’m sure you will say so much better what I want to say about it. πŸ˜€

        About Time though- first few episodes were good and they had such a good concept to work with and make it interesting but anyway wasn’t to be. I almost want to say to you to not waste your time but you might like it on the other hand. πŸ˜€ but proceed with caution lol

        1. Kay Avatar

          Yeah, the main thing a drama can do wrong for me is leave me bored. I’m so forgiving of so many other things, but if I find it slow, it just really starts taking the joy out of it. For About Time, that sounds about like what I’ve heard. It’s been enough negatives that I have seriously considered just skipping it. But then I always remember those times where everyone hated a drama and I loved it, lol. I may push it back a bit, especially since boring is a term that’s been used for it many times, but I will probably still try at some point. Although with much caution, hehe πŸ˜‰

      2. Louise Avatar

        About Time I may go back to, it sort of fizzled out for me…similar can be said with Lawless lawyer…I’m upset I haven’t found my next drama 😫😫😫

        1. Kay Avatar

          I think About Time fizzled out for a lot of people, lol. At least that’s the consensus I’ve been getting. Aww, I really want to find a great drama too! So have you seen all of the older popular dramas or are you just looking for new stuff? I have a lot of top 10 lists on the site or I can try to help you find something more specific if you want πŸ™‚

  3. Timescout Avatar

    What do you know, I didn’t watch any of these. πŸ˜ƒ I’m also behind with all of those I’m supposed to be watching, ha. Well, several of my current shows are almost over, if I don’t find any of the new additions interesting I may well be on top of everything once more.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Haha, that’s a good way to get caught up, just don’t find anything new interesting and magically you’re good to go πŸ˜‰

  4. Louise Avatar

    Maybe I am being too picky but I finished Secretary Kim and really enjoyed it. I started Mr Sunshine, too complicated after 1 episode do I need to give it more time? Love Goblin & DOTS but after ep. 1 I’m not sure. Similar feeling for ep.1 of 30 but 17! Maybe I need to take a k-drama break β˜ΊπŸ™„πŸ€”
    Waiting for something that grabs me after 1 episode.

    1. Kay Avatar

      I mostly enjoyed Secretary Kim too, just that last third lost a lot of steam. Still really cute though πŸ™‚ A lot of people thought the first ep of Mr. Sunshine was complicated, so you’re not alone. I do believe it gets easier to follow pretty quick after that though, so you may want to try at least a couple more eps before you decide.

      I know the feeling about wanting that drama to grab you right from the start though. I had a mini slump for a few months but then came out pretty well in July where I enjoyed all of the dramas I watched pretty much right from the start. But sometimes a break can be helpful so you feel a bit more fresh when you return. I really hope you find something to love soon though πŸ™‚

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