Rich Man Korean Drama - Suho and Ha Yeon Soo

Rich Man (also known as Rich Man, Poor Woman) tells the love story of a genius tech CEO (Suho) who has a condition where he can’t recognize faces and an optimistic woman (Ha Yeon Soo) with an amazing memory who isΒ looking for a job at his company.

Rich Man has a very classic romantic comedy set up. I mean the title alone gives you an idea of what to expect. He’s super rich, and she’s not. But there’s definitely more to it than just that basic premise.

Suho plays Yoo Chan, and heΒ is your typical arrogant, rich lead. He’s also a genius and has a difficult time understanding others. But of course, he has that difficult past that haunts him as he deals with aΒ complicated condition. Enter Kim Bo Ra.

Rich Man, Poor Woman Korean Drama - Ha Yeon Soo

Ha Yeon Soo is Kim Bo Ra who is just finishing up college and is struggling to find a job. She’s feisty with an amazing memory. Circumstances land her at Yoo Chan’s company where the two begin their relationship. AndΒ Ha Yeon Soo is all kinds of adorable, and I just loved getting to see her in a lead role. She really needs more of those!

Min Tae Joo (Oh Chang Suk) is Yoo Chan’s partner and close friend. He is alsoΒ our supportive second lead who is very warm and caring towards Bo Ra and acts as a buffer between her and Yoo Chan.

Min Tae Ra (Kim Ye Won) is Tae Joo’s sister who owns an art gallery. She’s wealthy, sophisticated, and usually gets what she wants. So when she takes an interest in Yoo Chan, she expects to get him.

So as you can see, Rich man has a very classic set up. There’s nothing new here, but itΒ does its job and delivers this classic story in an entertaining way. I found it to be a very pleasant watch and just all around enjoyed it. There areΒ some rom-com clichΓ©s, but they are executed nicely.

Rich Man hasΒ a really nice back story that connects the characters. Yoo Chan has longed to find his old love but has been unsuccessful over the years. Then Bo Ra shows up with a mysterious connection to her that immediately grabs his attention. We slowly learn about Yoo Chan and Bo Ra’s connection to this woman from their past. Then when the truth comes out, it’s finally an opportunity for everyone to deal with it and move forward.

Β Rich Man, Poor Woman Korean Drama - Ha Yeon Soo

Then the main story of the drama develops quite nicely too. We get a well paced story that is plotted well. The drama nicely builds the tension as it progresses which allows us to initially connect with the characters and get accustomed to everything before diving deep into the story. The second half of the drama then delivers some very emotional story lines as our characters have to face some harsh realities.

I’m also someone who doesn’t much care for business politics, but I wasn’t bothered at all by it in Rich Man. I thought they were interwoven with other scenes nicely and wereΒ kept direct and to the point. That allowed me to actually be interested in what was happening at the company which is a pretty rare thing for me.

Now I should give you a little heads up. The main romance in Rich Man is super slow to develop. I found it interesting that Yoo Chan and our second lead Tae Ra have an actual relationship for a good chunk of the drama.

She definitely has some classic qualities of a second lead like being jealous and a bit controlling, but they were toned down, and I actually found her to be pretty decent most of the time despite some of her more annoying qualities.

While we do still get relationship developments between Yoo Chan and Bo Ra throughout the drama, it ends up taking a while (as in most of the drama, be prepared) for them to get to that point where they are both on the same page and really ready to embrace their feelings for each other. Mostly, Yoo Chan has a lot of maturing to do as well as dealing with some difficult truths.

But we finally do get some romance to blossom between Yoo Chan and Bo Ra. I always love watchingΒ the arrogant guy warm up and fall in love. And how could you not fall for the sweetΒ Bo Ra? She’s amazing!

But the thing to keep in mind is that the story really is more about their journey as characters, so in many ways the love line felt secondary. I would have liked to have seen the romance element be stronger, but honestly, since the story was so well done, it really wasn’t a problem.

Then we haveΒ a nice little bromance to enjoy between Yoo Chan and Tae Joo. They not only run the company, but they are also close friends. Tae Joo believes in Yoo Chan’s abilities and is always right there beside him to help him.

But like Yoo Chan does with everyone, he has a hard time truly appreciating Tae Joo. Of course, this creates some friction. It’s an interesting relationship on many levels, and I really enjoyed watching it play out from start to finish.

I was genuinely surprised by Rich Man. It seems so basic, yet it really pulled me in. I enjoyed all of the characters, the main story, the back story, and it even had some nice little side stories. It was light and fun with a solid emotional core and a great soundtrack to enhance it. Overall, it was a very enjoyable watch.

My Rating: 7.5/10

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28 responses to “Rich Man Korean Drama Review”

  1. Cindy Avatar

    I got up to episode 5 and couldn’t watch anymore. He totally berates her and verbally abuses her and what was worse, she even takes it! Glad you enjoyed it but I could not finish it.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Aww, sorry you didn’t like this one. It definitely had a very old school rom com style in its setup and that included the classic complete jerk of a leading man. It does take him a long while, but he does eventually start to learn that the way he acts is problematic. So I appreciated the slow but eventual character growth πŸ™‚

  2. raistlin0903 Avatar

    Hmm…at first I thought this would be a drama that is not really something I would enjoy, but reading through your review I got a bit of different vibe for it. I might just check out one or two episodes (once I get some time that is), to see if this is something I would enjoy watching. I like the story elements you describe here, and it’s always nice when a series seems to turn into something quite different than you expect.
    Off topic: I just found out that mr Sunshine will be released here on Netflix on the 22nd of July…WHOOOHOOOO 😊😊

    1. Kay Avatar

      I’m really not sure what you would think about this one, so I would be interested to see what you think. It leans more rom-com, but it also has an almost slice of life quality to it. Kind of different.

      I was wondering if you would get Mr. Sunshine. I knew Netflix had picked it up and is even releasing it week to week for most countries which is a welcome change for international fans. You might want to go ahead and get on it when it comes to you because everyone is raving about it like they did with Goblin πŸ™‚

      1. raistlin0903 Avatar

        I do like slice of life dramas a lot, so I might definitely at least give it a try.
        I really was so happy to find that message waiting for me today: I almost shouted YES out loud at my work when I saw it lol πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I am going to do that for sure. They will be releasing it one episode at a time…so I’m going to watch this on a weekly basis, truly can’t wait for it 😊😊

        1. Kay Avatar

          It kind of stinks that they are only releasing it one ep at a time for your country. I wonder why since most countries are getting 2 eps the week they air. But it is awesome that they have the drama and that you will be able to easily enjoy it. From what I’ve read, I think you’ll really like it, and the quality is supposed to be outstanding. Probably reminiscent of the historical scenes in Goblin but even better πŸ™‚

          1. raistlin0903 Avatar

            They released a trailer for it today at wordpress, and I was already blown away by the cinematography.
            As for the one episode a week..I’m fine with that honestly. In that way I can enjoy it longer, and next to that keep on bingewatching other shows 😊😊

          2. Kay Avatar

            Very true. Though I don’t have the art of enjoying it longer down at all. I think I’ll always like watching one show at a time in a short amount of time the best πŸ™‚

  3. Kate Avatar

    Thanks for the review. It was on my list based on the premise alone but with your review I’ll be a bit more prepared for the pacing πŸ™‚

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yes, it definitely has a more laid back feel in general plus the romance is so slow. But I think it helps to go in knowing that. I will mention too that it seems that a lot more people didn’t like this drama than did. I was really surprised since I enjoyed it a lot, but that happens. I think it was mostly because of the way the romance was handled plus it having more of a classic rom-com set up that isn’t as in today. Hopefully, it goes well for you though πŸ™‚

      1. Kate Avatar

        As we’ve discussed, I’ve gotten used to liking things that others do not and vice versa πŸ˜‰ It has made me “discover” a lot more dramas out there than what’s on the most popular lists. Which is why I rely on your reviews, you help me build my never ending list!! I’m about to finish “Smile, You” and although I can’t wait for it to be over it has been cute enough to pass the time while I had to bail on “Doctor Stranger” despite so many rave reviews.

        1. Kay Avatar

          Yes, I love that you are so open to various dramas πŸ™‚ I just always like to give a heads up when I can since expectations can certainly effect our drama watching experience. I’ve had Smile You on my list for years. The only reason I haven’t watched it yet is the ep count. It’s just always harder to decide when to squeeze in the longer dramas.

          I’ve also been curious about Doctor Stranger since it came out. Of course, I don’t like medical dramas, but I’m a big Lee Jong Suk fan. But then it’s one of those dramas that seems to get equal parts love and hate. So I’ve always wondered which camp I would fall in. Maybe someday, hehe

          1. Kate Avatar

            Smile You has the slice of life feel to it which is why I’ve stuck with it through 45 episodes. Some of the plot points tend to get repetitive after a while but there’s enough cute to keep me watching. I think you would like it. I read somewhere that it was originally 30 episodes but got an extension which might have led to the draggy, repetitive nature of the second half.
            I wouldn’t say I hated Doctor Stranger, Lee Jong Suk was why I tuned in, but it never grabbed me and I’m already meh on medical dramas so it fell by the wayside. The cast, the story, everything was top notch so I can understand the love for it but it just wasn’t for me πŸ™

          2. Kay Avatar

            Yeah, when dramas get like 10+ ep extensions, that can certainly make things a bit draggy. But I do think it looks super cute and I love so many of the cast. Just gotta figure out when to watch it πŸ™‚

            I guess I’ll have to put Dr. Stranger on my short list of possible medical dramas. I usually only average about one or so a year, so I’m pretty choosy when I do watch one. But who knows, maybe I will end up in the hate camp and only last a few eps anyways, lol

  4. […] I was genuinely surprised by Rich Man. It seems so basic, yet it really pulled me. I enjoyed all of the characters, the main story, the back story, and it even had some nice little side stories. It was light and fun with a solid emotional core and a great soundtrack to enhance it. All in all, it was such a nice drama. (Rich Man Review) […]

  5. Arcoeid Avatar

    Para mi gusto, el drama estaba muy aburrida. Tiene muchos puntos en contra:
    1. Nada de quΓ­mica entre los protagonistas.
    2. Malas actuaciones por parte de los protagonistas, especialmente del actor principal.
    3. La historia en un inicio se plantea interesante con algo de “misterio”, sin embargo, luego de unos capΓ­tulos, resulta muy obvio.
    4. No hubieron historias alternas a la principal por lo tanto la trama se vuelve innecesariamente larga.
    Puntaje 1/5

    For my taste, the drama was very boring. It has many points against:
    1. No chemistry between the protagonists.
    2. Bad performances by the protagonists, especially the main actor.
    3. The story at first is interesting with some “mystery”, however, after a few chapters, it is very obvious.
    4. There were no alternate stories to the main one so the plot becomes unnecessarily long.
    Score 1/5

    1. Kay Avatar

      Aww, sorry this drama didn’t work out for you πŸ™ People did seem fairly divided on it. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it, so that’s always nice. Hopefully, you’re next drama is much better πŸ™‚

  6. Kate Avatar

    I finally finished this one last night, really loved the first half, but my interest waned as they went through the biz stuff and put the romance in the background. Glad they at least returned to it in the end. Overall enjoyed it but was hoping for a bit more.

    1. Kay Avatar

      I’m glad you mostly enjoyed even though it didn’t quite work out all the way through for you. I think that happened for quite a few with this one. Normally, I would have lost interest too with how they handled the romance and all of the business stuff, but for some odd reason, the drama just clicked with me. It’s funny how that happens sometimes, lol πŸ™‚

      1. Kate Avatar

        I read somewhere that the Japanese version is way better so I might actually try that one. I’ve not ventured into Japanese/ Chinese dramas yet so this might be worth a few episodes. We’ll see.

        1. Kay Avatar

          Yes, I haven’t seen the Japanese version, but it’s a classic. Could be a good one to go for πŸ™‚ If you ever go for a cdrama, you might try something like Love 02O. It’s pretty much fluff, but it’s pretty romantic with an adorable couple, and it’s just all around light and fun πŸ™‚

          1. Kate Avatar

            I tried watching a Cdrama once but found the audio a bit difficult to get used to. I feel the same way when I listen to German – I like French, Spanish, Italian but can’t handle German. Same for Chinese, I can manage Korean and Japanese but not Chinese. I’ll try Love 02O but it’ll need to grab me immediately or else I’ll have to bail πŸ™

          2. Kay Avatar

            I understand that. I find Korean extremely beautiful to listen to whereas Chinese still has this very unusual quality to it. I mostly have trouble with the differences in storytelling between kdramas and cdramas though. It’s much harder for me to click with cdramas because of it.

            But Love O20 is pretty good for people who gravitate towards kdramas (like me!). Just make sure you’re in the mood for a fluffy romance when you try it. It’s all about the cute without a really strong central plot. Great if you want something light though πŸ™‚

          3. Kate Avatar

            Are you kidding me! Fluffy romance is all I’m after! I’m in! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ Starting it today! I started watching Because this is my first life and although I’m loving it, fluffy it is not, so I always try to balance deep/heavy with something light and this sounds like just the thing. I was going to go with Devilish Joy but I couldn’t find it on the sites I subscribe to but I think Love o2o is on netflix and I’d like to stick with legit sites πŸ™‚

          4. Kay Avatar

            Haha, bring on the fluff! Yeah, Because This is My First Life is far from fluff. And it deals with lots of in depth topics as it goes on. I do a similar thing where I frequently alternate genres between shows which kind of helps balance out heavy and light stuff a lot of the time.

            I saw that Netflix added Love O20 which is really great. DramaFever used to have it, but I think the license expired even before they shutdown and then Netflix grabbed it. And if Love O20 doesn’t work out for you, I’m sure you can track down Devilish Joy. I had a terrible time watching that one because of so many site glitches and freeze ups. I wasn’t going to give up though! lol πŸ™‚

  7. Cris Avatar

    It’s a relatively enjoyable watch; not necessarily rom-com as we don’t get to find love angsts and comedic scenes that much. But it is definitely entertaining.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Definitely an entertaining watch with a mixture of elements. Glad you enjoyed it too πŸ™‚

  8. […] I was genuinely surprised by Rich Man. It seems so basic, yet it really pulled me. I enjoyed all of the characters, the main story, the back story, and it even had some nice little side stories. It was light and fun with a solid emotional core and a great soundtrack to enhance it. All in all, it was such a nice drama. My Rating: 7.5/10 (Rich Man Review) […]

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