Money Flower Korean Drama - Jang Hyuk

February was a really great month with some wonderful dramas to enjoy. There was a romantic melodrama, a revenge melodrama, and a speed skating mini drama. So it was three new dramas for the month of February:

Just Between Lovers

Just Between Lovers is a sad but beautiful story. The script was well thought out with all scenes and character interactions having importance. Beautiful cinematography and a wonderful soundtrack enhances it.

The love story between Junho and Won Jin Ah had a very natural progression. Rather than any big theatrics, it developed organically in a way that made each subtle development feel important. They are each in a lot of pain and have a lot of issues to work through both personally and as a couple, but their relationship is the definition of a healing one.

It’s depiction of trauma and healing was heartachingly real. But even in the midst of tragedy, life does goes on. And those struggling need others to reach out to them and show them that they are not alone. Just Between Lovers shows just how much of a difference that can make. (Just Between Lovers Review)

Money FlowerMoney Flower Korean Drama - Jang Hyuk

Money Flower is the definition of soapy goodness! This is one of those juicy revenge dramas filled with secrets of all kinds and twists at every turn. There are affairs, birth secrets, cover ups, bribery, and even murder! It’s makjang at its finest.

There is an intricate revenge plan in place as we have Pil Joo as the puppet master who plays everyone according to his wishes. It’s brilliant to watch unfold! Jang Hyuk is perfection in this role, and you must have someone like him to convey the many aspects of Pil Joo. Watching him was completely captivating, and he commands your attention with just his presence. A phenomenal performance by Jang Hyuk all around!

The drama was mapped out beautifully. It always knew where it was going and had a purpose. There was always plenty of tension as secrets kept piling up and everyone worked to avoid being discovered. And there are lots of big reveals with each of them being incredibly satisfying to watch play out. Money Flower executes this type of genre to perfection to make for an all around intense, emotional, and entertaining watch. This is one not to miss out on! (Money Flower Review)


Short is a simple 4 episode drama, but overall very enjoyable. It features a nice little window into the sport of short track speed skating as we see the friendship and rivalry between two men as they train together.

The drama had this very low key and realistic feeling to it with a nice atmosphere. There are also some nice side stories to round things out. So if you’re looking for something short and sweet with friendship, rivalry, and a side of speed skating, definitely give Short a try. (Short Review)

So how was February for you?

Happy drama watching to everyone!

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10 responses to “Korean Drama Update for February 2018”

  1. shadowoftheoperaghost Avatar

    this is kinda unrelated, but could you recommend some drama shorts/specials to me? Like romcom primarily with all the silly tropes and everything.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Well, I can certainly try 🙂

      Have you seen Splish Splash Love? It’s cute and everyone raves about it. It’s like a historical rom com.
      High End Crush starring Jung Il Woo is another one. Definitely a rom com with all the tropes and clichés. Very easy watch.
      7 First Kisses is a super short web drama. Very little plot, but cute. Mostly just for watching a girl go on dates with a bunch of handsome guys, lol
      Noble My Love. Haven’t seen this one, but thought I would recommend it since a lot of people like it.
      And this is a bit longer, but the 8 episode drama Because It’s the First Time is really good. Not too cliché, mostly just heartwarming focusing on love and friendship.

      Just let me know if none of these interest you or you’ve seen them, and I can try and recommend some others 🙂

      1. shadowoftheoperaghost Avatar

        thanks for the recommend! I have seen a few of these but when I was trying to think of one, nothing was coming to mind. lol. Thanks!!

        1. Kay Avatar

          Haha, I’ve had that happen. But if you need other recs, just let me know 🙂

          1. shadowoftheoperaghost Avatar

            Actually yes. Romcom kmovies?

          2. Kay Avatar

            Well, darn. You got me there! My knowledge of kmovies is downright sad. I just don’t get into movies as much so I don’t watch that many. And most of the ones I have seen are not rom coms. Mostly Lee Joon Gi’s movies (like ALL of them, lol) as well as the big ones like Train to Busan and A Werewolf Boy. I think the only one that comes to mind that I have seen was The Beast and the Beauty which is an old rom com starring Shin Min Ah. It was silly but very cute and funny. Sorry, most of my expertise lies in Dramaland 🙁

          3. shadowoftheoperaghost Avatar

            lol me too! that is my problem too. Well except I have seen even less than you. lol. I am trying to pick a show for a sleepover night, but I am having the hardest time deciding.

          4. Kay Avatar

            Haha, yeah it is a problem. See I would pick a mini drama over a movie for a sleepover or well almost any other occasion, lol. Hence why I’m not up on movies. But you will get better quality with movies many times. Had you already seen Splish Splash Love? That one sounds perfect for a sleepover. Even it was a rewatch, it would still be super cute 🙂

          5. shadowoftheoperaghost Avatar

            I am leaning towards that one except that I did that at a previous sleepover. Only one of the people from the last party is at this party though, so maybe she won’t mind. It is pretty adorable. 🙂

          6. Kay Avatar

            That’s too bad, but yes, it’s definitely a good one for a rewatch especially if there are several in the group who haven’t seen it 🙂

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