Korean Drama Update for April 2024

For April, it was the time travel revenge drama Marry My Husband and the matchmaking rom-com historical The Matchmakers that I got to enjoy. Here’s how it went:

Marry My Husband

Marry My Husband Korean Drama - Na In Woo, Park Min Young, Lee Yi Kyung, Song Ha Yoon

Marry My Husband was a fun time travel revenge drama. The story was entertaining, and the characters were mostly interesting as we go on the journey with Park Min Young as she plans to get revenge on her husband and best friend for cheating on her and then murdering her.

The drama has a mixture of elements. There is a serious side with revenge, bullying, illness, and death. There is also a lighter side with humor and romance. It was all balanced pretty well.

There were some slow spots, and I didn’t get very emotionally invested in it, but it was a fun drama to watch play out. Marry My Husband is a nice entry into the time travel revenge genre. (Marry My Husband Review)

The Matchmakers

The Matchmakers Korean Drama - Rowoon and Cho Yi Hyun

The Matchmakers was such a lovely drama! It’s light and feel good while still having a solid story with just enough tension and drama to propel things forward. We get lots of great characters, plenty of humor, and nice dose of deeper emotions. Our main couple also had solid personal journeys as well as a nice romance.

The cinematography was excellent with gorgeous scenery and sets throughout the show along with some great costumes and nice music to accompany them. Everything was always beautiful to look at.

I just felt good while watching this drama. It felt comfortable yet engaging, emotional yet lighthearted. The Matchmakers always held my interest, and I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. (The Matchmakers Review)

So how was April for you?

Happy drama watching to everyone!

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6 responses to “Korean Drama Update for April 2024”

  1. Kate Avatar

    5 Dramas watched in April 3 J-dramas and 2 K-dramas:

    Kissing the Ring Finger and My Cuteness is About to Expire was for the ML who seemed cute in the first one so I watched the second. They were both mildly entertaining with the first one better than the second. Kissing the Ring Finger had some lovely chemistry between the leads and a good story to work with along with a bit of family tension. It was very well done. My Cuteness is About to Expire was not at the same level and by the end I just wanted it to be over because the premise of the FL as being fairly unemotional came across too much as robotic and even though there was a time jump at the end there didn’t seem to have been much character development and it was a bit strange as I wasn’t sure what the relationship between the two leads was by the end.

    J-Dramas have their own flavor that takes some getting used to. Can’t say I’m a huge fan but sometimes they’re ok. I find the pacing off, the stories sometimes weird, and the characters not ever well developed in the time given which is usually not a lot. Though 10 episodes of 45 minutes each should still be enough time to do more with a story. There’s usually not a lot of angst and lower production values which is fine with me but I can’t recall any J-Drama that’s ever really grabbed me the way K-dramas do but I don’t mind watching them once in a while.

    Eye Love You was my 3rd J-drama but it was a bit of a cheat as the only reason I watched was for the ML who was Korean and there was a bit of a crossover feel to it. Enjoyed the 1st half but the 2nd half was a bit of a let down as they played the noble idiot card too much and the FL was too blah for the juicy role. I think that came down more to poor direction rather than the actress who seemed good. The chemistry was there and even a good story but really wasted potential.

    Next was Wedding Impossible. One of my favorites so far this year. Neither of the leads are familiar to me and although the FL seems to have been miscast, the story overall was very good. Don’t get me wrong, the FL seems a very good actress but she might be better suited to a more serious drama. This role felt like something for an actress who could be more light and with some comedic timing. The ML who was new to me was perfect and I expect we’ll see him a lot in future.

    Finally was Queen of Tears. Loved, loved, loved this!! I know the episodes were long but I enjoyed each and every one of them. My only complaint was that I wish they spent more time on the main couple and a little less time on all the other stuff going on – in which case there would be shorter episodes I guess LOL! Definitely one of my top dramas of the year so far.

    1. Kay Avatar

      I have the exact same feelings and experiences towards jdramas as you do. You really nailed some of what I feel is lacking with so many of them. I’ve enjoyed a few, but they just do not grab me like kdramas do. I’m glad you found a few that were decent ๐Ÿ™‚

      And yay that you really enjoyed both Wedding Impossible and Queen of Tears! Both are on my list. So please tell me something about Queen of Tears. I did get spoiled about the twist after the first couple of episodes as to Kim Ji Won’s big “problem”. Is the drama really depressing? That’s one of my least favorite tropes when it happens so early on, so now I’m concerned it’s a heartbreaking cry fest, lol ๐Ÿ˜‚ What’s the overall tone?

      1. Kate Avatar

        You have to watch Queen of Tears. There’s certainly some crying but I can only say they are good cries because there is so much story and characters that you get immersed in that world for a good amount of time due to the length of the episodes. I don’t like spoilers so I don’t want to say how it ends but you know I would not steer you into something you would not enjoy. The actors are all top of the line and the cinematography is just plain beautiful. I don’t know about binging tho, it’s a lot to take in one sitting. What are some of your other readers saying about it? I think it got great ratings and I kept coming across behind the scenes stuff so it was nice to watch some of the goings on behind some of my favorite scenes. And OMG the Vincenzo cameo alone is worth the price of admission!

        1. Kay Avatar

          Most others I’ve talked to about it have really loved it. There’s a reason it was super popular and a massive ratings success ๐Ÿ˜€ It definitely sounds like some tears were shed by all though. In an enjoyable way of course, lol. It looks exactly like the type of drama that I love in every way, and I’ve had pretty good luck with this writer.

          I just know the terminal illness trope can be very depressing when you have it for the whole drama. It can sort of make everything else sad. I have watched dramas where it doesn’t feel like it’s ever present though and other things get the focus too. More commonly it’s the prior option, but it all depends.

          Even when I suspect the “terminally” ill person will survive, because that just happens sometimes in Dramaland, lol, when the emotions are done right, you still feel the characters pain, and it sounds like this is that sort of drama. Do you think I’ll feel sad the whole drama or is there enough other stuff going on around it to not feel so depressing?

          1. Kate Avatar

            I know exactly what you mean about a depressing drama and this is NOT that! There is a lot going on and of course the crux of the story was that she had 3 months to live which you learn about in episode 1 I think. However, it was fairly unrealistic that this person had a terminal illness. KJW never lost her looks, her impeccable style, not a strand of hair was ever out of place. She had headaches and some memory loss and even surgery and you really had to roll your eyes that we the audience are supposed to believe she was dying so if that helps give you an idea of the tone I hope you are not dissuaded from giving this one a look. KSH is such a good actor and the chemistry between him and KJW is undeniable. I can set aside a lot of drama flaws (and this one had flaws), if the leads have chemistry and they most certainly did.

          2. Kay Avatar

            Thank you so much for clarifying that! That does sound like it goes more against the old school terminal illness trope that’s just plain sad all the way through. That definitely helps me feel more confident in giving it a look. I had been really looking forward to it and was disappointed when that trope seemed to come out of nowhere, but I’ve been holding out hope that it wasn’t too bad, which it sounds like it isn’t ๐Ÿ™‚

            I really like both Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Ji Won, and I have no doubt they’re each great individually and as a couple. And I have decent luck with this writer as her dramas usually getting 7s or 8s from me, so that all makes this one very promising. And of course, it’s going to go down as one of the most popular dramas of the year, so I need to check it out! lol ๐Ÿ˜‚ Thank you for explaining so I can go in a bit more at ease ๐Ÿ™‚

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