Pretty Noona Who Buys Me Food Korean Drama - Jung Hae In

We finally have Jung Hae In (Smart Prison Living)ย confirmed to be starring in the new JTBC drama Pretty Noona Who Buys Me Food. He joins the already confirmed Son Ye Jin (Shark). Jung Hae In will play the carefree younger brother of Son Ye Jin’s friend. So a big yay that we have our main couple in place!

Pretty Noona Who Buys Me Food follows theย romance of two people whoย progress from acquaintances to lovers after they begin to see each other in a different light. Theย drama comes from the PD of Secret Love Affair and Heard It Through the Grapevine.

Pretty Noona Who Buys Me Food is looking to air in March 2018 on JTBC.

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10 responses to “Jung Hae In to to Star in Korean Drama “Pretty Noona Who Buys Me Food””

  1. honeycrunch321 Avatar

    Oooh~ I’ve seen Jung Hae In in “While You Were Sleeping” and I said, “if he will star in a drama, i’ll definitely try it” ๐Ÿ™‚ Plus Son Ye Jin!!! Wah! Daebak! I have to see this soon!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Kay Avatar

      He was adorable in While You Were Sleeping! If Lee Jong Suk wasn’t in that one, I probably would have had serious second lead syndrome, lol. Glad to see he’s already moving up to a lead role ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. honeycrunch321 Avatar

        Ahahaha, I agree! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Yeah! Congrats to him! ^^

  2. Timescout Avatar

    Ahn.Pan.Seok – probably my fave Korean drama PD and I will always give his dramas a go. Haven’t been disapointed in the ones I’ve watched so far. The way he ‘tells’ the stories may not be for eveyone but he always has something interesting to say about contemporary Korean life and mores. He also doesn’t treat the viewers as dummies or go for sugarcoating the more negative stuff, which is great. It’ll be interesting to see his take on a what sounds like a pretty common romantic plot.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Oooh, I bet that does have you excited for this drama then ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve only seen Secret Love Affair from him. That drama was sort of mixed for me. I loved everything about Yoo Ah In and Kim Hee Ae’s relationship. Loved the subtle angst and raw chemistry between them. But everything else was really boring for me. It’s always weird when you really enjoy one aspect of a drama while disliking another. But I thought the drama was directed quite beautifully, so it was probably more the story from the writer that I didn’t love. So I’ll be interested to check out this project especially with this cast ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Timescout Avatar

        Yeah, I am looking forward to this one.

        Heh, I can’t really see PD Ahn’s dramas appealing to you all that much. ๐Ÿ™‚ Even in ‘Secret Love Affair’ the love affair wasn’t actually ment to be a central theme at all but a sort of catalyst to a lot of the characters. All that other, “boring” stuff was actually what I enjoyed most about the drama myself. Wasn’t boring to me at all. ๐Ÿ˜‰

        1. Kay Avatar

          Yeah, I’ll definitely have to see at least a couple more of his dramas to really know for sure. I did really like how he captured the many emotions of the couple in Secret Love Affair. I also enjoyed the actual character exploration and growth we see with them, particularly with Kim Hee Ae. I think I didn’t really like anybody else though, lol. So between that and all of her job stuff, it just didn’t do it for me. If some of that would have been cut down, I would have loved the whole thing. But there was still plenty that I liked that I considered it mostly enjoyable overall. So I’m interested to see what we get with Pretty Noona Who Buys Me Food since as long as the writing is there I do think this director knows how to do great character insights as well as the romance portion ๐Ÿ™‚

          1. Timescout Avatar

            That’s just it, many of the characters in Ahn PD’s dramas aren’t supposed to be likeable, quite a fiew are actually downright horrible and they won’t get any better either. Even the protagonists have their unlikeable features. His dramas are in a sense social commentary and tend to shead light to the more negative aspects of Korean life. In ‘A Wife’s Credentials’ it was education and helicoper parents, among other things. In ‘Heard It through the grapevine’ focus was on the behind-the-scenes ‘power brokers’ (what we in the west would probably call ‘the old money’), many of whom are in finance, medicine and especially law. I absolutely love how he peals back the outer trappings of gentility and respectability to show what these people truly are made of.

            Ahn PD’s dramas don’t follow the usual kdrama formula, so I doubt Pretty Nuna will be a straight up romance either. Unless he’s changed his modus operandi alltogether. ๐Ÿ™‚

          2. Kay Avatar

            Well, that explains it. No wonder I didn’t like so many of the characters, lol. For me personally, it’s important to connect with the characters at least in some small way. I’ve seen plenty of characters that were despicable, but I at least get that small connection to the good in them, however small it may be, that helps me to connect and understand them. So I definitely don’t mind if the characters are set up as overall unlikable, but I do like to connect in some way. But in SLA my dislike of the other characters was made up by my love of the main ones. So while it wasn’t ideal, it was enough to make it enjoyable ๐Ÿ™‚ And luckily there are plenty of people who enjoy this PD’s style and what he addresses through his dramas. Having only seen one, I can’t say for sure how I would feel about a different set of characters with a different commentary.

            Based on the descriptions for Pretty Noona, I would assume the main characters will be likable enough though. So that’s a good start. But I’m interested to see the first trailers to see if it shares the same tone as his previous works. Honestly, it’s probably one of those dramas that could go either way for me, hehe

          3. Timescout Avatar

            Oh yes, the protagonists are always pretty decent or at least relatable. Some characters may also start out not so good but see the light along the way. ๐Ÿ™‚

            Ahn PD also has has this pool of dependable veteran actors/actresses he tends to get many of the supporting cast from. Will be fun to see who he’s been able to rope in this time.^^

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