Although I already covered these dramas in my Best Korean Dramas of 2016 post, I still wanted to include them in my monthly update. December ended up being a mixed bag for dramas. There was a drama that I really enjoyed, one that was okay, and one that was a major disappointment. It’s all new dramas this month for a total of three dramas in December:
Drinking Solo
Drinking Solo was a very fun drama that was an easy watch. It’s like a quirky slice of life drama. We get a look into a tutoring academy as we watch the joys and struggles of the teachers and students. But this little world is populated by some very unique and off-the-wall characters that provide lots of laughs and entertainment.
The show has plenty of heart to go with the comedy. Along the way, you become invested in all of the characters and their lives and struggles. When difficult things happened to them, the drama nicely balanced the humor with seriousness. I’m not a huge fan of slice of life dramas, but when you make them this fun with such well-crafted characters, how can I not like it? All in all, Drinking Solo gave me some nice laughs and created a fun little world that I enjoyed spending some quality time in. (Drinking Solo Review)
1% of Anything![1 Percent of Anything Korean Drama - Ha Suk Jin and Jeon So Min]()
1% of Anything was a pretty standard romantic comedy. The main strength of the drama was our main couple of Ha Suk Jin and Jeon So Min. They are entertaining when bickering, adorably awkward, and pretty swoon worthy. They also have plenty of heart fluttering moments with lots of great kisses.
I found the rest of the drama elements a bit lacking. The supporting characters felt flat and weren’t that well developed. And the main conflict that keeps our couple from being together seemed so silly that it really made it difficult to take seriously.
But overall, it is a pretty quick and easy watch. The main couple were so fun and charming that even though the elements surrounding them were lacking for me, they made the drama a worthwhile watch. (1% of Anything Review)
The Man Living in Our House
The Man Living in Our House ended up being a big disappointment for me. After a wonderful first few episodes with a unique story, interesting characters, and fun, quirky humor, the drama just became incredibly draggy. I lost my connection with the characters and everything felt dragged out and pointless. It just seemed to take its sweet time crawling from one event to another.
So in the end, the drama became extremely boring. It lost its way early on and seemed to want to do to much while always focusing on the wrong things. While a lot of the things I enjoyed in the beginning were still there in a muted form, they just got buried in the monotony. Considering how wonderfully the drama started out, The Man Living in Our House was such a disappointment. (The Man Living in Our House Review)
So my December ended up being a bit all over the place. Drinking Solo was by far the pick of the bunch, and I’m glad I had that one to give me lots of laughs. But even with the year coming to a close, there are already dramas raining down in January. I had better get busy!
For the month of January, I hope to complete Legend of the Blue Sea, Goblin, Oh My Geum Bi, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Ju, and Warrior Baek Dong Soo.
So how was December for you?
Happy drama watching to everyone!
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