W Two Worlds Korean Drama - Lee Jong Suk and Han Hyo Joo

W – Two Worlds is a fantasy romance about a man (Lee Jong Suk) and woman (Han Hyo Joo) living in different worlds. Yeon Joo is a surgeon living in the real world, and her father is the author of the popular web-comic W. And Kang Chul is the main character of that comic. Things become complicated when Yeon Joo’s father decides to kill off Kang Chul and Yeon Joo gets pulled into the comic world and comes face to face with it’s hero.

W – Two Worlds was quite a ride! There’s a great fantasy story in place with a very capable cast. There are also a lot of twists and turns in W. Never get to comfortable because you just never know what’s going to happen in this crazy world.

W Two Worlds Korean Drama - Lee Jong Suk

Lee Jong Suk is a perfect fit for Kang Chul. First, he completely looks the part, and it was easy to see him transition from a comic character to real one. He really brings to life our comic hero who is cool, suave, rich, handsome, and kind. No wonder Oh Yeon Joo falls head over heals for him!

W Two Worlds Korean Drama - Han Hyo Joo

Han Hyo Joo plays Oh Yeon Joo. Her normal life is turned upside down when she is pulled inside her father’s comic. She then finds herself having to repeatedly save Kang Chul’s life while trying to figure out just what is going on with her father and the crazy scenario she has found herself in.

W Two Worlds Korean Drama - Lee Jong Suk and Han Hyo Joo

Through all of the craziness, Kang Chul and Yeon Joo realize how much they need each other. They become an unlikely couple who would do anything for each other. They go through a whole lot of difficulties, but these two had a nice chemistry and get to share some very lovely couple moments together.

W Two Worlds Korean Drama - Kim Eui Sung

Oh Yeon Joo’s father, Oh Sung Moo (Kim Eui Sung), seems to be at the center of things. At first, his only goal is to kill off his creation, Kang Chul. But there’s always more to the story, and as it unfolds, Sung Moo finds himself involved with the comic world in ways he never would have imagined.

W Two Worlds Korean Drama - Lee Shi Eon

Lee Shi Eon is hilarious as Park Soo Bong, one of the webtoon artists who works with Sung Moo. This poor guy is stressed to the max trying to come to terms with the existence of Kang Chul and the comic world as well as helping Yeon Joo go through one crazy situation after another. Lee Shi Eon just shines in roles like these.

W Two Worlds Korean Drama - Han Hyo Joo W Two Worlds Korean Drama - Lee Jong Suk

The first few episodes of the drama were good, but a little dry. But things really get going around episode 4. The intensity really ramps up as Kang Chul and Yeon Joo keep finding themselves in one desperate situation after another.

There really are no “rules” in this drama, so just buckle up and get ready for one crazy event after another. There aren’t a lot of answers provided as to how everything works, so be prepared for that too. It’s also a long road to happiness for our couple.

W Two Worlds Korean Drama - Lee Jong Suk W Two Worlds Korean Drama - Han Hyo Joo

I love the whole concept of a “character” having to learn he’s from a work of fiction. It’s unbelievable and devastating for the person involved. And Kang Chul is the one at the center of that identity crisis. The drama really explores all of the different aspects of Kang Chul’s character as well as how his constantly changing situation effects his thoughts and actions.

I absolutely loved the art work used throughout the drama for the W comic. It is gorgeous, and a lot of attention went into the details. It was fascinating see all of the characters switch between the real world and comic world and getting to see what that looks like in the actual comic.

W Two Worlds Korean Drama - Lee Jong Suk W Two Worlds Korean Drama - Lee Jong Suk

The drama has some really nice songs on the soundtrack, but I was disappointed that it didn’t seem to utilize them very well. They were mostly just relegated to the ending freeze frames rather than being used throughout each episode. I think the “feels” would have been a lot stronger if the songs were better utilized.

W Two Worlds Korean Drama - Lee Jong Suk and Han Hyo Joo

Overall, W – Two Worlds was one fun and crazy ride. With an action packed fantasy story, there was never a dull moment. And I really loved Lee Jong Suk and Han Hyo Joo both individually and as a couple. They brought these characters to life and made for one wild, romantic journey that I will certainly remember.

My Rating: 8/10

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23 responses to “W – Two Worlds Korean Drama Review”

  1. rosariogloria42 Avatar

    I just love the chemistry between Han Hyo Joo and Lee Jung Suk. No dull moment while watching this.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Agree, it was pretty exciting! And Lee Jong Suk and Han Hyo Joo were fantastic together 🙂

  2. joybran Avatar

    I love this drama on a lot of levels. The acting, the chemistry, the visuals of the comic world, the pacing of the story, the feels, but most of all the ideas it makes you contemplate. A lot of people were disappointed that there weren’t more “rules” or that they weren’t explained enough, but that was the aspect I found most fascinating. The story explores the creative process, the nature of a narrative, the question of free will, and even the difference between fiction and reality. It is both a study of and an example of self-awareness.

    1. Kay Avatar

      I really enjoyed it too! There was a whole lot to like about it. Luckily, I’m not too bothered by illogical happenings. I definitely would have preferred there to be a bit more structure in the rules of the world though. Especially in a more grand fantasy drama like this, I do like to feel that the writer seems to know where they’re going, and many times I did question if she had any direction in the last third or so (turns out she admitted she didn’t, lol). But it still got many fans thinking which is always good. And if you keeps things exciting, I’m pretty happy overall. Great actors, great concept, fascinating story. It all came together pretty well 🙂

  3. […] W – Two Worlds was one fun and wild ride. With an action packed fantasy story, there was never a dull moment. And I really loved Lee Jong Suk and Han Hyo Joo both individually and as a couple. They brought these characters to life and made for one wild, romantic journey that I will certainly remember. (W – Two Worlds Review) […]

  4. […] I’m definitely in! Lee Jong Suk (W-Two Worlds) has been confirmed to be starring in the new drama While You Were Sleeping. While You Were […]

  5. […] W – Two Worlds was one fun and wild ride. With an action packed fantasy story, there was never a dull moment. And I really loved Lee Jong Suk and Han Hyo Joo both individually and as a couple. They brought these characters to life and made for one wild, romantic journey that I will certainly remember. My Rating: 8/10 (W – Two Worlds Review) […]

  6. William Avatar

    Bull**** drama. Ending was terrible, lack of proper acting. How can they let the father die?!!!!! Do not recommend. Save your time.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Sorry you didn’t like this one. Hopefully, you have better luck with your next drama.

  7. LeeT Avatar

    I thought this was possibly the best Kdrama I’ve ever seen. The plot was brilliant – although as with most dramas slightly too stretched to take it to 16 episodes. I didn’t like the ending at first but that’s because I initially didn’t ‘get’ it. It felt like they had tacked a happy ending on at the end at first. Once I realised what they were going for I found it very satisfying.

    Obviously nothing is perfect and I had two issues with the drama. The major issue was Han Hyo Joo. The character was annoyingly passive throughout and Han Hyo Joo gave her a childish, immature quality that made her openly annoying at times. This drama would have been almost perfect with a strong female lead. As it is, it didn’t detract from the plot but it did detract from my enjoyment of the romance. I understood why she loved him but had no clue what he saw in her (although his lovely speech about how she was the only family he was able to choose helped a lot).

    The minor issue was the wardrobe. The costuming was awful. I don’t know what the wardrobe department was going for but it didn’t work for me. I shouldn’t spend half my time thinking ‘what are they wearing?’

    Overall though, I completely loved it and am planning a rewatch.

    1. Kay Avatar

      W really was a fun drama! I loved the unique plot and all of the crazy twists and turns. I too was pretty satisfied with the ending.

      I found the romance to be a bit dry, but I think it mostly worked because the pacing is so quick and crazy that you just kind of get swept up in the relationship. Definitely could have been executed better though.

      Haha, I hadn’t thought too much about the wardrobe, but Lee Jong Suk did certainly wear some unique clothes. But even with the issues I had with the drama, I too really enjoyed it and will definitely watch it again sometime 🙂

      1. Debra Avatar

        I thought whoever who wrote the story was mad!
        Brilliantly mad!Ike how do you even think of this stuff????

        1. Kay Avatar

          Yep, definitely some crazy stuff! hehe 🙂

  8. Fred Avatar

    Hmmmm so where do I begin? During the ending, I did not feel anything. Neither fulfillment nor disappointment LOL.

    To begin with, “puzzle-solving” types of drama or movies are my favorite. These are the ones wherein the writer/director shows the viewer different pieces of the puzzle (the whole story) at different stages in the drama and let’s him/her understand everything only towards the ending or the ending itself. The best at this is my favorite director: Christopher Nolan. His movies include Inception, Interstellar, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Dunkirk (still showing), Memento, Prestige, and many more. In most of his movies, the ending will leave you in awe.

    So what are my issues with W?

    In the movies I mentioned, the viewer can make sense out of all the new variables or events that happen. Even if it is an entirely new event, it still makes sense in the drama’s “universe”.

    In W, there are certain events that CANNOT make any sense. The director keeps making his own rules. Although making new rules is okay, it must still make sense at least in the drama’s universe. When the viewer sees the new “rule”, he/she should be in awe. The reaction should be ‘WOW!’. But in certain rule-changing-events in W, my reaction is confusion or disappointment (because it does not make any sense). An example of this is the killer controlling the father. I really cannot make any sense out of this. Why exactly can he control the father? The “explanation” I seem to have gotten from the drama is because the father and the killer “are one and the same”. But for me, the only acceptable consequence is the father losing his face. But the killer controlling the father? No sense at all. Or maybe I’m just slow-witted LOL.

    A lot of things were not explained or cannot be explained by the viewer himself. First of all, how did all this begin? Just like that? And who was controlling the whole cartoon? A lot of times, it was just functioning by itself. There were a lot of questions.

    I’m sorry but I cannot seem to understand what the writer/director wanted from this drama. The drama went to a lot of different directions. This just added to the confusion.

    I’ll just focus on those three comments. There are a few minor ones but then every drama has minor issues LOL.

    The best KDrama writer for dramas like this is Park Hye-Run. She is the only Korean writer/director I know that can pull this off (I have seen only a few dramas so maybe there are better writers that I do not know of). Two of her dramas are in my Top Favorites (Pinocchio and I Hear Your Voice). Her upcoming drama is While You Were Sleeping; she seems to be fond of Lee Jong Suk LOL. This writer is able to let the viewer piece together a puzzle she has made. Unfortunately for W, the puzzle seems a bit confusing and certain pieces do not seem to connect.

    So overall, it was okay. Like you said, focus on the positives HAHA. I like the effort. It was on the right direction. Just not quite there yet. But this is a good direction for KDrama as a whole. More sophisticated dramas, the better.

    P.S. I still like Moonlight Drawn By Clouds Better. 🙂

    1. Kay Avatar

      Haha, yep, you zoned in on what many people did about W-Two Worlds. Wonderful and unique concept that had a lot of fun and gripping moments. What it did right was great. But the rules were all over the place and the writer didn’t seem to have a firm handle on where she was going with the drama (she even admitted to this in an interview, lol). That’s why I mention in my review to perspective watchers that this is a drama that you really just have to go with and try not to question…cause there won’t be many answers, hehe.

      Park Hye Run is one of my favorite writers, and I agree that she perfectly executes her mysteries, reveals, story development, and well done characters. And yes, she really likes Lee Jong Suk! I’m glad he’s going to be in While You Were Sleeping 🙂

      I’m glad you took away some positives from the drama, and if anything, it definitely gets you thinking! 🙂

      By the way, have you seen Signal? I think I included that on my rec list last time. That one is almost flawlessly put together concerning the mystery and how it plays out. Circle: Two Worlds Connected also beautifully wove together it’s dual timeline mystery. So if you want something that actually has good world building and the writers know what they are doing, I would check those two out 🙂

      1. Fred Avatar

        It’s good to know you also like Park Hye Run. I didn’t think a lot of people cared about her LOL.

        Yes, I am planning to watch Signal and Bridal Mask. I think these two (based on your recommendations) are well-directed. I’ll also consider Circle: Two Worlds.

        But it really depends on my mood. Sometimes I just want to watch something very simple like Moonlight Drawn By Clouds HAHA.

        1. Kay Avatar

          I definitely understand just being in the mood for certain genres. The ones I suggested are definitely on the heavier side. I just watched a light and fun rom-com called The Best Hit. It was perfect to go in between some thrillers and historicals 🙂

  9. jinnamonxroll Avatar

    I really liked this drama and decided to check out your review to see if we both had the same thoughts about it. And it seems like we had the same thoughts! I really loved the leads individually and as a couple as well. But I am a bit disappointed with how the drama ended. It seemed like it left a lot of people hanging, including me, and stirred up more questions than I originally had. For example: What happened to Kang Cheol’s close friends from the comic. Couldn’t they have brought them over to the real world? Also: Couldn’t they have just drawn it so that everything was happy, no casualties, and gotten rid of the culprit’s ability to switch between worlds? And there were also many, MANY, times when they could have used a tablet to fix something, even small problems. And the last thing: We never really got to see the readers’ reactions to the webtoon and how it went out of hand, it was like everyone dismissed the strange turn in direction. (besides the surgeon who likes to boss Yeon Joo around)
    Ah! I apologize if it seems like I’m just bashing the drama, it was really nice and always had me watching between classes.
    My rating: 8.9/10

    1. jinnamonxroll Avatar

      Also, why so many leads people getting shot by guns and dying? 😅

      1. Kay Avatar

        Haha, yeah, there was a lot of that going on 🙂

    2. Kay Avatar

      Ooh, it’s good we had similar feelings about the drama 🙂 I totally know what you mean about some of the conflicting feelings about it. It was a really fun and entertaining show with some great characters.

      And this writer creates some really interesting concepts and crazy stories. But she lacks a bit in the finer details and execution which left us all with a lot of questions. So it’s kind one of those dramas you just have to enjoy the thrill of the ride and try to overlook all the plot holes and such. Glad we both enjoyed pretty well though 🙂

  10. jinnamonxroll Avatar

    Well, I just butchered that last comment.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Not a problem, I got what you mean 🙂

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