Girl’s Day’s Minah (Sweet Savage Family) has been confirmed to be joining Nam Goong Min (Remember: War of the Son) in the new SBS weekend drama Beast’s Beauty. She will play our leading lady who is involved in a relationship with Nam Goong Min.
Also recently cast is Ohn Joo Wan (Village: Secret of Achiara) as Nam Goong Min’s half-brother and Seo Hyo Rim (Endless Love) as Minah’s sister.
I haven’t seen anything with Minah, but I’m still very excited to see Nam Goong Min in this leading role, and I’m glad we have finalized all of the main casting.
Beast’s Beauty is a romantic comedy that tells the story of a man who has a difficult life. He is a wrongly convicted ex-con turned human rights lawyer who also becomes a chaebol heir. The drama comes from the writer of Rooftop Prince and Girl Who Sees Smells.
Beast’s Beauty is scheduled to premiere in May on SBS.
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