Puck is a 2 episode drama special that tells the story of Joon Man (Lee Kwang Soo) who reluctantly works as an enforcer for a loan shark. He’s done some pretty bad things in this business, but when he needs to collect money from a hockey coach, he learns the only way to get it is by joining the team. Life slowly begins to take on new meaning for Joon Man.
First, a disclaimer: I’m not a fan of most sports related movies or dramas, so that definitely effects my overall opinion. I watched Puck specifically for one reason: Lee Kwang Soo. And he is certainly what makes the drama worthwhile. If you only know Kwang Soo from the variety show Running Man, you may not realize just what a talented actor he is. He tugged at my heart several times in this drama. You could feel his pain for having to do things he didn’t want to do. And he conveys such longing when Joon Man finally has a chance to be something other than horrible person he had become.
He bonds with the hockey players, especially Gyeong Pil, who he sort of takes under his wing. He also develops a nurturing sort of relationship with an abused woman he is suppose to collect money from. It was really sweet how he tried to care for her.
Because of the sports theme, I found some parts a tad slow, but I still enjoyed it. We see Joon Man’s journey to just be normal and be part of something he enjoys. It’s one of those inspiring little dramas that encourages you to dream. I think it’s worth a watch for most drama fans, but if you’re a fan of Lee Kwang Soo, it is a must watch for sure.
My Rating: 6.5/10
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