Korean Drama Update for September 2024

For September, I got in the very intriguing historical romance Captivating the King. Here’s how it went:

Captivating the King

Captivating the King was a very well done drama that I quite enjoyed. It has a gripping story that is filled with political intrigue. We see engaging character journeys and excellent performances from the actors. There’s family, friendship, romance, loyalty, betrayal, and revenge all at play. There’s a lot too see with this one.

Jo Jung Suk and Shin Se Kyung’s relationship  is fascinating and very complex. Caring, betrayal, trust, and revenge all mix together to make for an interesting journey for them both individually and as a couple. All of the elements are woven together nicely to make Captivating the King a great watch. (Captivating the King Review)

So how was September for you?

Happy drama watching to everyone!

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4 responses to “Korean Drama Update for September 2024”

  1. Timescout Avatar

    Dang, I just counted… I somehow managed to finish 5 historical cdramas in September! How the heck did that happen? 😲Annnnd I’ve still got another 2 going. Yeah, it’s been a cdrama deluge lately and I kinda feel a historical cdrama burnout setting in, ha. Only… they are the ones that seem to mostly appeal to me these days.

    Anyhoo, the best of the bunch was Are You the One, though I do have a very large soft spot for White Cat Legend – it’s such a fun romp. So far anyway, I’m only at ep 11 atm and there’s 25 more to go. Sigh, way too may episodes as per usual.

    I also seem to have 4 kdramas on rotation; Black Out, No Gain No Love, Romance in the House and The Judge from Hell. Looks like I’ve had way more free time lately than in years. 😂 Well, October and November are going to be busy again, so…

    1. Kay Avatar

      Wow! Is that a record?! lol Sounds like a good time in the land of cdramas 🙂

      And 4 kdramas in the mix?! It definitely seems like you have more free time with all of those going. Hopefully, you can enjoy the deluge while it lasts 😅

  2. Kate Avatar

    Finished 3 Kdramas in September.
    Bad Memory Eraser – Very good story and acting by all. A lot going on behind the scenes with heavy story but fairly even and strong romance. Wish the ending was a bit better, too much time spent on lunatic father storyline in the last few episodes but helped tie together all of the backstory. Wished they had given more time to the ML/FL reuniting and clearing up what had happened to them.

    Romance in the House – Really enjoyable to watch the deadbeat dad return, now rich but under suspicious circumstances. Nothing seems to happen the way you think so it’s been pleasantly unpredictable, funny, and quirky.

    Cinderella at 2AM. Only 12 episodes which was good because it didn’t have a lot of story to tell. It was cute and entertaining. The age difference between the actors was evident at times and a little distracting but overall a very good watch. Not as funny as I’d hoped, a bit more introspection that was needed for a light drama.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Looks like a good month for you 🙂 Bad Memory Eraser is on my list with a plot that looks fun. Cinderella is a maybe. Romance in the House wasn’t on my list, but I may have to look into it more 🙂

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