For September, I got in the very intriguing historical romance Captivating the King. Here’s how it went:
Captivating the King
Captivating the King was a very well done drama that I quite enjoyed. It has a gripping story that is filled with political intrigue. We see engaging character journeys and excellent performances from the actors. There’s family, friendship, romance, loyalty, betrayal, and revenge all at play. There’s a lot too see with this one.
Jo Jung Suk and Shin Se Kyung’s relationship is fascinating and very complex. Caring, betrayal, trust, and revenge all mix together to make for an interesting journey for them both individually and as a couple. All of the elements are woven together nicely to make Captivating the King a great watch. (Captivating the King Review)
So how was September for you?
Happy drama watching to everyone!
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