I got in the short healing drama One Day Off for the month of September which was a nice watch.  Here’s how it went:

One Day Off Korean Drama - Lee Na YoungOne Day Off

One Day Off was a lovely shorter drama. It is very contemplative and slice of life. You might also describe this as a healing drama. Each episode, we join Ha Kyung as she visits a new place. The overall tone feels quite peaceful as the story gently takes us on a journey as she discovers new things and meets new people.

It really is amazing how much they were able to do with just a short 25 minute episode in terms of storytelling. Each episode was emotional, impactful, and filled with meaning. Even though One Day Off isn’t the type of drama I tend to be attracted to it, I liked it and could easily see the beauty in it. I think many others will see this as a lovely little gem of a show. (One Day Off Review)

So how was September for you?

Happy drama watching to everyone!

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4 responses to “Korean Drama Update for September 2023”

  1. kdramachickblog Avatar

    Hi Kay,

    For September I finished:

    My Lovely Liar – enjoyed all the way through, very sweet with a bit of murder intrigue thrown in. Felt like the end/last 2 episodes were a bit blah but okay otherwise.

    A Time Called You – I was looking forward to this with your glowing review of the Taiwanese version but I found it a bit meloncholy and not enough in the end to have made the journey worth it. Plus time travel always confuses me! Interested to see what you think about it compared to the original.

    Sweat and Soap – a J drama that can only be described as exceedingly odd. It was short so I stuck with it otherwise would not highly recommend unless you’re willing to watch with eyebrows raised and a quizzical look on your face cuz that’s how I felt for most of it.

    Ai-Chan’s secret – Another J drama that I watched cuz the ML from sweat and soap was in it. This was much more traditional and enjoyable. I’m still not a huge fan of J dramas but every now and then something’s worth a look and this one was for me.


    Would you Like a Cup of Coffee – soothing drama if you’re in the mood but a bit to slow, meandering and episodic for me.

    Uncanny Counter 2 – I really enjoyed the 1st season and figured this would be more of the same but it’s too cringy, tugging on heart strings in a manipulative way, and violent for me to watch another season. Feel the same way about Taxi Driver which I keep putting off watching season 2 even tho I loved the 1st season. I will say tho, Kang Ki Young looks exceptionally good in UC2 and so against his usual roles. If you like him, worth a look.

    Currently watching: Homemade Love Story, Destined with you, Not Others, My Lovely Boxer, and Twinkling Watermelon – all of which I’m enjoying.

    1. Kay Avatar

      So a bit of a mixed month for you. It’s good you really enjoyed My Lovely Liar (looking forward to checking that one out) and Ai-Chan’s Secret 🙂

      Ah, so you went ahead and got in A Time Called You. I am planning to watch that one in the next month or so. I do really wish you could have watched the original instead. I knew there would be no way the new one would live up to it. From the trailers, I do think I’ll still enjoy it, but I can tell even from that that they’ve probably lost some of the essence of what made the original so great. And with a complex time travel story like that, you definitely need to to nail it. I’m interested to see what I think about it too 🙂

  2. Snow Flower Avatar
    Snow Flower

    I finished A Time Called You in September 2023. I did like it, but felt that the original was better. Still, a solid watch.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yeah, I think it would be impossible to live up to the original. It was just too good. I’m glad you still enjoyed the new one though. I plan to watch it soon and hope I do too 🙂

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