City Couple's Way of Love Korean Drama - Ji Chang Wook and Kim Ji Won

We have Ji Chang Wook (Backstreet Rookie) and Kim Ji Won (Arthdal Chronicles) who will be starring in the upcoming Korean drama City Couple’s Way of Love. I’m excited to see this couple together!

City Couple’s Way of Love is a realistic romance about the dating lives of young people including a passionate architect (Ji Chang Wook) and a freelance marketer (Kim Ji Won) posing as a free spirit in a new city. It comes from the PD of It’s Okay to Not Be Okay.

City Couple’s Way of Love is a short form drama that hopes to air on Kakao TV in late 2020.

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12 responses to “Ji Chang Wook and Kim Ji Won to Star in “City Couple’s Way of Love””

  1. raistlin0903 Avatar

    It’s okay not to be okay is one I’m going to watch pretty soon now, as soon as I’ve finished Flower of Evil. Don’t quite know if this show is one that I will like but will wait for a trailer to see what it will be like 😊

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yeah, this sounds like a pretty simple type romance drama. I’m mostly interested for the lead couple.

      I really hope you like It’s Okay to Not Be Okay. Seo Ye Ji is seriously amazing and completely mesmerizing. Kim Soo Hyun and Oh Jung Se are also fantastic. This is another drama that really leaves an impression on you.

      I’ve also started Flower of Evil and am really loving it so far. This is the Lee Joon Gi and Moon Chae Won drama that we all deserved 🙂

      1. raistlin0903 Avatar

        I hope to get to that one soon, I’ve seen a couple of trailers for it, and it really looks good, that’s for sure.
        I’m so happy you are enjoying Flower of Evil. It’s truly a great drama, and one of the best I’ve seen in quite a while😊

        1. Kay Avatar

          That it is! I had a bit of a slump after It’s Okay to Not Be Okay, and Flower of Evil has brought me out of it 🙂

      2. Niro Avatar

        Flower of Evil was disappointing for me. Lacked credibility. I only watched it because of Lee Joon-ki. But beyond that, it was just poorly scripted & shouldn’t have gone into production.

        1. Kay Avatar

          Aww, that’s too bad that you didn’t enjoy Flower of Evil 🙁 Thankfully, I’m really loving it which is a relief after waiting so long for a new Lee Joon Gi drama. I hope you have better luck on your next drama 🙂

  2. Avatar

    Lovely, looking forward to it although she’s a lot taller than him.

    1. Kay Avatar

      I’m looking forward to this one too 🙂

  3. MyKDramaticLife Avatar

    Everyone’s talking about other dramas in this post. Haha.
    I just really really love my Ji Chang Wook.
    And therefore this one’s going to be a must watch for me. 😊

    1. Kay Avatar

      Haha, yeah, that happens sometimes 😉
      I’m with you though. I need to check this one out for Ji Chang Wook 🙂

      1. MyKDramaticLife Avatar

        But when will you get the best time to see Backstreet Rookie, Kay? Haha.
        You have to watch it first. 😃

        1. Kay Avatar

          I know! I really need to see Backstreet Rookie! It’s on my “short” list of about 10 dramas. I’m trying to get in as many of them as I can before the end of the year. I’ll probably only get 6-7 of them though. It’s soooo hard deciding which dramas to watch first! hehe

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