I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street Korean Drama - Sung Hoon and Kim Ga Eun

I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street is about a struggling contract worker (Kim Ga Eun) who wants to teach her awful manager a lesson and accidentally ends up thinking she killed the top star Joon Hyuk (Sung Hoon).

In order to cover up her crime, she prepares to get rid of the body, but to her surprise, he’s still alive!  She then she has to keep him held hostage and goes to humorous lengths to avoid getting caught.

I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street Korean Drama - Kim Ga Eun

Kim Ga Eun plays the almost-killer Lee Yeon Seo. Life’s been tough for her, and things get worse when she almost kills a celebrity. Her life then revolves around keeping him hostage so she won’t get caught.

I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street Korean Drama - Sung Hoon

Sung Hoon is the top star Kang Joon Hyuk. He’s widely loved by his fans, but he’s really a bit obnoxious. His life gets turned upside down when he gets kidnapped by Yeon Seo and is left trying to find a way to escape her apartment.

I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street Korean Drama - Kim Jong Hoon

Finally, we have Kim Jong Hoon as Nak Goo who is Yeon Seo’s neighbor. He ends up humorously oblivious to Yeon Seo’s shenanigans with Joon Hyuk and slowly becomes more deeply involved in everything.

I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street Korean Drama - Sung Hoon and Kim Ga Eun

I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street is certainly an interesting watch! This is the kind of drama that is definitely not for everyone, so I’ll try to highlight things you should be aware of before diving into a drama like this.

Of course, the humor is on the dark side being centered around a woman thinking she killed someone, coming up with plans to hide her crime, discovering he’s actually alive, and then deciding to hold him hostage. It sounds like the makings of a thriller! But no, this is all played for fun. So if you don’t like humor involving death, crimes, and serious subjects, this may not click with you.

I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street Korean Drama - Sung Hoon and Kim Ga Eun

This drama is also the definition of a check your brain at the door kind of drama. The situation is absurd as is most of the plot. Practically everything that happens is completely unrealistic, and many people will be rolling their eyes at all of the convenient plot devices. You really just have to set your expectations from the get go and then go with the flow with this kind of series.

Much of the humor revolves around Yeon Seo trying to keep Jugn Hyuk hidden as well as his futile attempts to escape. His inability to escape isn’t particularly believable nor are some of his reasons he doesn’t always try so hard to escape.

I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street Korean Drama - Sung Hoon and Kim Ga Eun I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street Korean Drama - Sung Hoon, Kim Ga Eun, Kim Jong Hoon
I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street Korean Drama - Sung Hoon, Kim Ga Eun, Kim Jong Hoon I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street Korean Drama - Sung Hoon and Kim Ga Eun

The drama is quite light-hearted despite it’s dark humor. Because of this, we are supposed to feel kind of bad for our almost murderer/kidnapper Yeon Seo. She’s got her own sad story and plenty of struggles.

Despite being a comedy and her story being sad, I didn’t feel that bad for her though. Even though everything is so silly, it was still kind of hard for my brain to reconcile all of the bad things she did to Jung Hyuk compared with her actual motivations and sob story.

With that being said, I still liked the drama. I like crazy situations and humor, and this definitely fit that bill. I really love Kim Ga Eun, and she was great in this role. This is also my favorite role of Sung Hoon. He was very entertaining here, and I really got a kick out of all of his reactions to Yeon Seo and his situation.

I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street Korean Drama - Sung Hoon, Kim Ga Eun, Kim Jong Hoon

While the first half of the drama is more like a dark comedy, the second half feels more like a rom-com thriller. We see a developing romance between Yeon Seo and Jung Hyuk, a love triangle, and we also have a villain adding a dash of suspense to the mix. It was an interesting change in the overall dynamic, and you may just forget that crazy time that Yeon Seo was holding Jung Hyuk hostage!

I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street may involve dark humor, but it is light and silly. I liked the comedy, but it was a bit repetitive, and I didn’t really feel for our heroine’s plight. It’s an easy watch though with only 10 episodes too. This one is heavily taste dependent, so make sure you know what you’re getting into before starting.

My Rating: 7/10

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14 responses to “I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street Korean Drama Review”

  1. Kate Avatar

    This was one of those that I’d dropped after a few eps but might pick up again based on your rating. I couldn’t get on board with a lot of it in the first half but if it improves in the 2nd half it might be worth a re-watch 🙂

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yeah, the two halves of the drama are quite different from each other with dark comedy kidnapping in the first half and then more of a traditional rom/com/thriller in the second half. An interesting progression for sure, hehe 🙂

      1. Mia Avatar

        I’m conflicted. I read a lot of reviews on ViKi about how this drama is a messed up one because it transforms kidnapping, assault, murder and other crimes into something funny. This made a lot of watchers loathe the whole script. Also, the love between the main characters is based on Stockholm Sindrom or so they say. And I don’t disagree but I also found it very funny and before I even read those reviews I didn’t find the drama disturbing. I don’t believe she wanted to murder her boss. She clearly said she wanted to beat him up. But stating the fact. She hit him with a shoe once. If that s so bad then every mother would have a disturbing personality. Not that I agree with violence. Cuz I don’t. All I m asking or trying to is… Does it make me a bad person for liking and laughing at all those scenes? Anyway. Loved your review❤️

        1. Kay Avatar

          No, it doesn’t make you a bad person for liking scenes like that. This is the kind of drama that is definitely not for everyone, and it’s best to enjoy dark humor with something like this since it does poke fun at a lot of serious subjects. I personally found it so completely ridiculous though that it didn’t feel that serious. The whole point was her accidentally “killing” him and how absurd the resulting situation was. Some people find making light of any serious subject to be disturbing, and that’s perfectly fine, but it’s also normal find humor in serious topics. It’s very natural. So don’t worry 🙂 And thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the review 🙂

          1. beez Avatar

            I usually love comedies that take a normally dark subject matter and turns it on its ear. And at the time this show came out, Sung hoon was on my bias list and yet…
            Maybe it just wasn’t funny enough. Because it does deal with such dark issues, I think it HAS to be gut clutching funny to work and it was never that for me.

          2. Kay Avatar

            It definitely helps when darker humor is more on the gut wrenching funny side. I found this one humorous, but not quite to that level. Have you seen Psychopath Diary? That’s a dark comedy that I found completely hilarious. Much credit goes to Yoon Shi Yoon for that though 🙂

          3. beez Avatar

            Psychopath Diary! Yes! Laughing at just the thought of it. 😆 I think they tried to do something similar with the same actor with You Raise Me Up, which was only funny for the first episode and was pure misery after that.

          4. Kay Avatar

            Yes, I too laugh just thinking about Psychopath Diary 😅

            Yeah, I initially thought that You Raise Me Up was going to go more of a darker comedy route, which they kind of did in the beginning. Then it went much more serious with just a dash of comedy. Luckily, I got on board with it pretty quick and ended up really enjoying the drama. It was an odd one though in terms of tone, especially early on.

          5. beez Avatar

            I wish they had kept the early tone. Afterwards, he was so miserable/pitiable that it was hard to find any humor in it at all. 😥

          6. Kay Avatar

            It really was difficult to find any humor in his situation after the beginning. They decided to go a more serious route and did quite well at showing just how much suffering he was enduring. Definitely felt a little whiplash though from the transition 😅

  2. MyKDramaticLife Avatar

    It is I think not yet on my watchlist. But gonna add it now because of your review. Hmm.. Maybe next year? Hehehe.
    And I kind of get curious to how dark comedic the drama is. 😀

    1. Kay Avatar

      Haha, my list practically has a “maybe next year” section 😉 Hope you enjoy it whenever you do get to it!

  3. […] Despite the dark humor, the show is light and silly. The drama progresses into more of a rom-com thriller which added an interesting change to the dynamic. Overall, I liked the comedy, and really enjoyed Kim Ga Eun and Sung Hoon here. It was a pretty fun series. (I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street Review) […]

  4. […] I Picked Up a Celebrity on the Street […]

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