I'm Not a Robot Korean Drama - Yoo Seung Ho

June 1 is here, and that means it’s the 4 year anniversary of Kdrama Kisses! Wow! It’s hard to believe as it seems like only yesterday that the site was born. The work I do here continues to mean so much to me. I love helping other dramas fans by sharing news, reviews, and drama guides to enhance your drama watching journey.

I also continue to develop wonderful friendships with you. I just love chatting about kdramas and sharing our love for this wonderful form of television. Thank you all so much for taking time out of your day to read posts, comment, like, and share. I will always appreciate it.

I’m excited for another year here at Kdrama Kisses!

With love, Kay

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27 responses to “Happy Anniversary to Kdrama Kisses – Celebrating 4 Years of Blogging!”

  1. BiblioNyan Avatar

    Happy anniversary!!! I love your blog so much. It’s dangerous to my watchlist, hahaha. Here’s to many more years!! ♥♥

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thank you so much! Haha, it’s dangerous to my own watch list too 😉 I’m glad you enjoy it, and I’m happy we’ve got to connect 🙂

  2. MyKDramaticLife Avatar

    Receive my warmest greetings, Ms Kay. 🙂

    1. Kay Avatar

      I will happily receive them 🙂

  3. yumseyo Avatar

    Kay, you are doing a terrific job ! Fighting. !!!! I don’t know what I would do without you ! Don, San Francisco

    1. Kay Avatar

      Hi Don! Good to hear from you 🙂 Thank you so much! I really appreciate your kind words 🙂

  4. Kdrama Crazy Avatar

    Glad to know you Kay unnie. Your drama reviews are really helpful. 😊

    1. Kay Avatar

      Glad to know you too! I’m glad you enjoy them, and I wish you all the best with your blog too 🙂

      1. Kdrama Crazy Avatar

        Thanks Kay Unnie that means a lot. ☺ It has been 1 year anniversary for me too on 31st.

        1. Kay Avatar

          Oh how great! Congratulations on your milestone too 🙂

          1. Kdrama Crazy Avatar

            Thank you ☺

  5. Timescout Avatar

    Happy Anniversary!! It’s been 4 years, huh? Doesn’t feel like it. 🙂

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thank you! I know, it’s crazy. It really doesn’t feel like it!

  6. kdramachickblog Avatar

    Happy anniversary, Kay. I can’t tell you how much it means to me to have found your site! Cheers! Here’s to many more years 🍾🥂

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thank you Kate! I’m so glad you found the site too, and you’ve been such a wonderful drama friend. I look forward to lots more drama chats 🙂

  7. okiewinegirl2015 Avatar

    Happy Anniversary Kay! Your blog rocks & I love how you keep us up to date on all the KDrama💕💕 cheers to another 4🥂🎉

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thank you for saying that! I’m so glad you find it helpful. Hoping for for another 4 (and more!) too 🙂

  8. Ma Nanette Villanueva Avatar

    Happy 4th Anniversary, KDrama Kisses! Thank you for bringing new and wonderful Kdrama news to us. More years to come. 😘👍❤️

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thank you! You’re very welcome, and I’m happy you enjoy it. Yes,here’s to more! hehe 🙂

  9. almiaramos Avatar

    Congratulations and thank you for your dedication and hard work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thank you for your kind words 🙂

  10. Fred Avatar

    Happy Anniversary, Kay! I do not anymore really watch new Kdramas (I just re-watch some favorites every now and then). A lot has changed and I do not have as much free time as before so I just kept dropping a lot of good dramas. But even though I do not anymore watch much, know that I still visit your site every now and then. Keeps me updated for possible amazing got-to-watch, don’t-mind-work dramas. HAHAHA. Congratulations, Kay! 축하해요! 화이팅!

    P.S. I’m assuming you can read Hangugeo since you mentioned before that you were studying. LOL.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thank you Fred! I’m sorry to hear you don’t have much time to watch dramas anymore though. I do hope you are able to keep squeezing one in here and there as there are definitely some good ones coming out. And yes, please do drop by sometimes. I always miss your delightful comments when you’re not around.

      Yes, I can definitely read it, and thankfully, they are words I know! Hehe 🙂 Thank you again!

  11. Fred Avatar

    Hi, Kaye. I actually made a comment. It was assessed as spam maybe because of the Korean characters. LOL.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Hi Fred! Oh no! Yeah, things like foreign characters and links get labeled as spam a lot. I’ll see if I can go dig it up!

  12. Priyasha Avatar

    happy anniversary 💕💜

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thank you! 🙂

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