Romance is a Bonus Book Korean Drama - Lee Jong Suk and Lee Na Young

Romance is a Bonus Book is a friends to lovers story about a chief editor (Lee Jong Suk) at a publishing company and a copywriter (Lee Na Young) struggling to get a job because she is overqualified who lies about her education to get a position.

Romance is a Bonus Book Korean Drama - Lee Na Young

Lee Na Young is Kang Da Ni. She once had a successful career but gave it up to become a wife and mother. Years later after a divorce, she finds herself having a difficult time landing a job despite her previous experience. So she ultimately pretends she doesn’t have a degree in order to get a temporary worker position. And it’s at the same company as her long-time friend Eun Ho.

Romance is a Bonus Book Korean Drama - Lee Jong Suk

Lee Jong Suk plays Cha Eun Ho who is a Chief Editor. He’s a well put together, charming, and successful man. He also harbors feelings for his long-time friend Da Ni. And he’s in for a surprise when she starts working at his company.

Romance is a Bonus Book Korean Drama - Jung Yoo Jin Romance is a Bonus Book Korean Drama - Wi Ha Joon

We have our second leads in the form of Assistant Manager Sang Hae Rin (Jung Yoo Jin) and book designer Ji Seo Joon (Wi Ha Joon). Hae Rin has feelings for Eun Ho while Seo Joon takes a liking to Da Ni. They are both likable characters that round out the cast nicely.

Romance is a Bonus Book Korean Drama - Lee Jong Suk and Lee Na Young

Romance is a Bonus Book was one of those more interesting experiences for me. It was a very well-loved drama among fans for the most part, and I even had quite a few glowing recommendations for it. So I was a bit disappointed that I initially had trouble clicking with it.

This is one of those simple and low key sort of shows. But alas, that kind of translated into slow for me. It just takes its time and moves along at a casual pace. It’s a show that I think most people will really enjoy though because of its relatable and realistic characters, positive story, and mature relationship between the main couple. But let’s face it, I like lots of drama. Relationship drama, friend drama, work drama, life drama. All of it. And this show didn’t have much drama!

Romance is a Bonus Book Korean Drama - Lee Jong Suk

As I was struggling to really warm up to the show, I was torn as to whether or not I should drop it. There were things I really liked, but the slowness was getting to me. That’s always the worst dilemma!

But then it happened…about a third of the way through the drama, it clicked. Now don’t get me wrong, I still found it’s pacing quite slow for my tastes, but suddenly I was really liking the characters. Their interactions started to interest me, and we finally had some movement beginning to happen between Eun Ho and Da Ni in the romance department.

Romance is a Bonus Book Korean Drama - Lee Jong Suk, Lee Na Young, Jung Yoo Jin, Wi Ha Joon

We end up with a pretty nice love square which is something I usually tend to enjoy. It adds a little more to the dynamic than just a triangle. So I liked how involved both of the second leads were in the story.

I’m also all for noona romances. And it’s even cuter since Eun Ho had been harboring feelings for Da Ni for so many years. I love a super nice guy too, and Eun Ho is just that. He’s thoughtful, charming, and just all around sweet.

Romance is a Bonus Book Korean Drama - Lee Jong Suk Romance is a Bonus Book Korean Drama - Lee Na Young

Now, friends to lovers type stories don’t usually go as I like since the relationship frequently stays pretty casual for a good chunk of the drama. And that was the case here. It just takes a while for the romance to really blossom. But on the plus side, they interact a lot right from the get go.

Then as the romance finally develops, we get plenty of cute moments between the pair. The relationship between Eun Ho and Da Ni was just so comfortable and incredibly nurturing.

Romance is a Bonus Book Korean Drama - Kang Ki Doong and Park Kyu Young

Actually, one of my favorite parts of the drama involved one of our side couples, Hoon (Kang Ki Doong) and Ji Yool (Park Kyu Young). I wasn’t particularly fond of either character in the beginning, but as they entered into a fake relationship to get Ji Yool’s mother off her back, their relationship became absolutely hilarious! They were such a bright spot in the drama for me, and they always made me laugh.

Romance is a Bonus Book Korean Drama - Lee Na Young

The drama does well as highlighting some of the issues a woman might face when attempting to re-enter the workforce after such a long time. Da Ni encounters many challenges from applying for jobs to adapting to more modern practices in the work place.

She takes these challenges head on as she studies and works to learn all she can so that she can be of help to the company. It’s not an easy road, and she faces some incredible hardships, but she shows it is possible to succeed.

Romance is a Bonus Book Korean Drama - Lee Jong Suk, Lee Na Young, Jung Yoo Jin, Kim Sun Young, Kang Ki Doong, Park Kyu Young, Bong Ji Hong, Kim Tae Woo, Kim Yoo Mi

I don’t tend to gravitate towards workplace dramas, but luckily, this one had a pretty great supporting cast to liven things up. I also appreciated the different setting of a publishing house. It was lovely how they incorporated books into the storytelling of the show. The whole drama had a very positive vibe to it that just felt sort of cozy and warm.

Romance is a Bonus Book Korean Drama - Lee Jong Suk and Lee Na Young

Romance is a Bonus Book’s initial difficulty hooking me, slower pacing, and lack of angst gave me some issues, but then it’s interesting characters, fun relationship dynamics, and overall positive vibe helped to balance things out.

This is another one of those times where you might not want to take my personal rating to seriously as it really reflects my own preferences in dramas. This is a solid series, and I can see why most people loved it so much.

My Rating: 6.5/10

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18 responses to “Romance is a Bonus Book Korean Drama Review”

  1. Priyasha Avatar

    Well I loved this drama so much ❤

    1. Kay Avatar

      I’m glad you loved it 🙂 It was definitely a solid drama all around.

  2. Fred Avatar

    HAHAHA a 6.5. We really had very different experiences with this drama. Had I watched this last year, maybe I would have also found it very slow. But I watched this after watching two Chinese dramas (around 60 episodes each). So the pacing was already ‘bearable’ for me. I am fascinated with your rating. I usually have almost the same ratings as yours. But oh well. It’s a 9 for me. 🙂

    I agree with you regarding Park Kyu Young. Also my favourite character in this drama.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yep, that happens sometimes, hehe. I don’t think it’s possible for any two people to agree on every drama. But luckily, we come pretty close most of the time 🙂 See my other comment to you on why my experience might have been different if I had watched a cdrama first. I’m glad it worked in your favor to make this an amazing drama for you 🙂

      1. Fred Avatar

        I just didn’t expect your rating to be this low HAHA. But oh well. Your reviews are still the most reliable for me.

        1. Kay Avatar

          Hehe, yes, it is a bit low, but even stuff I rate a 6 or 6.5 I do like and don’t regret watching 🙂

  3. D Avatar

    O no. Our tastes are different for this one. 😀 I loved this one from beginning to the end. It was a 9 for me.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Haha, well, it’s bound to happen sometimes 😉 I’m glad it was one you loved though. We always need as many of those as we can get!

  4. […] Romance is a Bonus Book’s initial difficulty hooking me, slower pacing, and lack of angst gave me some issues, but then it’s interesting characters, fun relationship dynamics, and overall positive feel helped to balance things out. So overall, it was a decent enough watch. (Romance is a Bonus Book Review) […]

  5. honeycrunch321 Avatar

    I haven’t started this drama yet~ I finished “Touch Your Heart” first 🙂 and I’m done with it… Will check this out next, but I’m afraid that I’ll find it slow too~ Wish me luck!!!

    1. Kay Avatar

      Touch Your Heart was so cute! 🙂 Yeah, I noticed you don’t like too many slow dramas just like me. Romance is a Bonus Book is a really good drama if the slowness doesn’t bother you. I still liked it, but the slowness was definitely too much for me. Hopefully, you’ll be like most people and find it more warm and cozy instead. Fighting!!

      1. honeycrunch321 Avatar

        *High-five* I’m currently on the third episode… so far I’m liking it~ 🙂 Hoping to finish the whole drama! <3

        1. Kay Avatar

          That’s good! If you’re liking it already, it keeps a similar vibe the whole way through. So hopefully, that’s a good sign for you 🙂

    2. sovietredstar Avatar

      Did you finish it?

  6. […] Romance is a Bonus Book’s initial difficulty hooking me, slower pacing, and lack of angst gave me some issues, but then it’s interesting characters, fun relationship dynamics, and overall positive feel helped to balance things out. So overall, it was a decent enough watch. My Rating: 6.5/10 (Romance is  Bonus Book Review) […]

  7. Tom Avatar

    I really enjoyed this one. I was refreshing to see a 37 year old female character, which I believe was the actual age of the female lead at the time. While the romance story was very good I liked the background story of a book publisher fighting to survive in a world of ebooks.

  8. Tom Avatar

    My rating is a 9 out of 10.

    1. Kay Avatar

      I’m glad you enjoyed this one so much! A 9/10 is a really nice rating 🙂 It did have some very refreshing elements like the book publishing backdrop and how it was incorporated into the overall story. I too also really liked the female lead here. It’s always great when you find a drama you love 🙂

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