I was busy working on the end of the year stuff for the site, so I only completed two dramas in December. I’ve got a couple others well under way though. And the dramas I watched were both entertaining with the cute and fun Devilish Joy as well as the dramatic Bad Papa:
Devilish Joy
Devilish Joy may be filled with clichés and kdrama tropes, but it puts them all together in an entertaining way with an adorable romance, humor, and a decent plot. The first half of the drama was pretty simple and cute, but the plot really thickened up in the second half. The story really progressed nicely.
Choi Jin Hyuk and Song Ha Yoon were quite adorable together which gave us a super sweet romance. So with a nice romance and some meat in the story to beef up the drama, it was a pretty entertaining watch. (Devilish Joy Review)
Bad Papa![Bad Papa Korean Drama - Jang Hyuk]()
Bad Papa is such an underrated drama! It was a pleasant surprise, and I found it to be pretty different from most of the dramas out there. It was this odd mixture of family, melodrama, action, and sports. As always, Jang Hyuk was just amazing and gave a very multifaceted performance.
There were all kinds of things going on which kept the drama interesting all of the time. The show touches on a lot of family issues and did well at showing them from each of the members’ perspectives. I liked seeing the relationships play out and was very interested in all of the characters.
And though there was a good amount of dramatics, there was also some humor to lighten things up. The plot was so engaging from start to finish, and I loved all of the topics it hit upon. It made me laugh, cry, and experience so many emotions. Sometimes a drama comes along that surprises you, and Bad Papa was exactly that kind of drama. (Bad Papa Review)
So how was December for you?
Happy drama watching to everyone!
Read more Kdrama Reviews.
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