100 Days My Prince (also known as Hundred Days Husband) is about a Joseon prince (D.O.) who loses his memory, goes missing, and ends up living as a commoner.  He meets a woman (Nam Ji Hyun) who is the oldest unmarried woman in the village at 28 years old, and the pair is forced to marry because of a decree he made as prince.

100 Days My Prince was one of the few historicals we’ve been given this year, so I was going to be watching it no matter what. Then hearing other fans delight in it week after week definitely upped my anticipation even more. And thankfully, it turned out to be a thoroughly enjoyable and solid drama!

D.O. plays Crown Prince Lee Yul/Won Deuk. He’s an unhappy man who has always been miserable because of how his father rose to throne by overthrowing the previous king. He also longed for the girl he connected with as a child. An assassination attempt gone wrong gives him amnesia and reunites him with the girl, but he has no idea who he is let alone her.

Nam Ji Hyun is Hong Shim. She’s the girl that Yul liked as a child. She’s a smart, kind, and independent woman with a good head on her shoulders. When she gets in a bind, she ends up having to marry the amnesiac Yul. But she had no idea how difficult he would be and how much trouble he would cause her. Until of course she begins to develop feelings for him.

Then we’ve got Kim Sun Ho as Jung Jae Yoon. He’s an upright man who is right in the middle of the palace happenings as well as trying to figure out what happened to the prince. I really liked this role for Kim Sun Ho and very much enjoyed this character.

100 Days My Prince started strong and pulled me in right from the beginning. The childhood portion of our story reeled me in and had me completely engaged. The kids were adorable, and it was heartbreaking as tragic circumstances altered their lives and set things up for what was to come.

Then we move to the adult portion of the drama. This is what takes us to the main part of our story where an assassination attempt on Yul lands him with amnesia and suddenly having to marry Hong Shim.

A lot of us had made early comparisons of the premise of 100 Days My Prince to the romantic comedy Shopping King Louie which also starred Nam Ji Hyun alongside Seo In Guk. There are some similarities for sure as Nam Ji Hyun seems to attract rich amnesiacs who like to get in trouble and spend money as well as losing her brother who she needs to reunite with. Of course, there was the time difference, but I would also say Louie was a whole lot more lovable in Shopping King Louie.

Yul is not like that at all. He may have lost his memory, but he retains all of his mannerisms and completely seems like a fish out of water around all of the commoners. I found him to be pretty obnoxious after he lost his memory since he definitely seemed to think of himself as higher than others, wouldn’t do anything at all to help, and got into a lot of trouble spending money he didn’t have.

Luckily, much of this is played for comedy as he is so out of place. So at least the situation was humorous. And of course, he does slowly start to fall for Hong Shim. A little smile finally starts to make an appearance on his face here and there, he starts to help her out a bit, and then he’s ready to jump in and help if she is ever in danger. This is where I really started getting into the romance.

It’s definitely nice watching him warm up to her. Now he still stays a bit more stiff and demanding than I would like, but at least we can see that he does genuinely care for her and wants to be with her. They have some very sweet moments and a difficult road ahead of them in order to be together.

And I just adored Nam Ji Hyun! She has this way of being so down to earth and approachable yet having this little bit of sass that makes her so lively. I loved the character of Hong Shim and much of that is because Nam Ji Hyun played her so well.

100 Days My Prince also has a plethora of nice supporting characters. We’ve got scheming bad guys, conflicted assassins, long lost brothers, and a village full of fun and colorful characters. The drama spends a lot of time in the village and on their problems, and this was a good thing since those portions of the story were always fun and had lots of heart.


While all of the amnesia shenanigans are going on at the village, a power struggle is happening inthe palace. This is where we get a bit of politics, betrayals, and tension as one side works to find the prince and the other is trying to take down the king. It nicely balanced things out to make the story all around pretty solid.

So as one of our few historical offerings this year, 100 Days My Prince more than satisfied what I like about the genre. It had action and excitement as well as being humorous and fun. The pacing was great, and it kept me thoroughly entertained all the way through.

My Rating: 8/10

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32 responses to “100 Days My Prince Korean Drama Review”

  1. dramajunkieblog Avatar

    We need more historical dramas next year or atleast on every season.

    1. Kay Avatar

      I 100% agree! We were given just 3 historicals this year which was not enough. But I believe we have at least 4 due out in just the first half of next year, so that’s already an improvement over this year 🙂

      1. dramajunkieblog Avatar

        Really 4! that’s good to hear. I watched only one 100 days my prince and Mr. sunshine (didn’t feel like Saguek although it was a historical drama. I dropped it too.) Didn’t watch Grand prince.

        1. Kay Avatar

          Yep, that’s why I’m excited! I know what you mean about Mr. Sunshine. It’s definitely a historical, but it’s an unusual time period and doesn’t have quite the same feel as most historicals. I absolutely loved Grand Prince! But I think most people didn’t care for it. It was my favorite historical of the year though 🙂

          1. kim seung yu Avatar
            kim seung yu

            I’m watching Grand Prince now. I’m not totally into the story and there’s something about the colouring/production quality that’s stopping me from really getting into it or feeling like i’m in that time period, like other dramas do..but i’ll stay for the romance and visual abs lol

          2. Kay Avatar

            Haha, well those sound like good enough reasons to stick around in my opinion 🤣 And I did really like romance in this one. Hopefully, you enjoy that aspect too 🙂

  2. The Viewing List Avatar

    I’m currently watching this drama, I’m only on episode 7 but I’m loving it so far!

    1. Kay Avatar

      Glad you’re enjoying it! It really was a fun drama 🙂

  3. BiblioNyan Avatar

    I haven’t watched any historical dramas yes (yay newbies), but I love historical fiction as a reading genre, so I know I’d love it in cinema. This sounds like a great place to start and I’ll have to check it out! Thank you so much for sharing it. Is this show on Viki?

    1. Kay Avatar

      Oooh, you definitely need to get one in! I’m a huge lover of the historical genre. Sadly, this one was on DramaFever, so it disappeared along with it. But someone did upload it in pretty good quality on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYeGVNZhjZA&list=PL6duRvVpPmZOCpVEKOEAGxUzhwFCzVHgJhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYeGVNZhjZA&list=PL6duRvVpPmZOCpVEKOEAGxUzhwFCzVHgJ). If you need a historical on Viki, you could try Moonlight Drawn By Clouds or Queen for Seven Days. Both are excellent dramas 🙂

      1. BiblioNyan Avatar

        Oh, sweet! Thank you for the Viki recommendations and for sharing the YT link!! I appreciate it. 🙂

        1. Kay Avatar

          You’re welcome! Hope you enjoy 🙂

  4. Kate Avatar

    I enjoyed this mostly but a few things towards the end annoyed me. I won’t do spoilers here because there was so much to love and it’s definitely a must watch but I’m more of a 7 rather than an 8. NJH is just so adorable in all roles I’ve seen her in so far – absolutely love her – and DO is an amazingly talented actor. Pair them with a great cast and production quality and it’s definitely worth the time 🙂

    1. Kay Avatar

      Glad you mostly found it enjoyable 🙂 I also really love Nam Ji Hyun. Loved her in everything I’ve seen her in. I didn’t particularly like DO’s character in this, but he’s definitely a great actor. And I agree, the production was really good quality. Definitely plenty of reasons to check it out 🙂

  5. shamrockmom3 Avatar

    I clipped out the audio from one of the many times the crown prince (DO) says “oh-huh” and it’s now my cell phone message tone. It puts a smile on my face every time I get a message. 🙂

    1. Kay Avatar

      That’s so awesome! I seriously loved him saying that. I even found myself saying it randomly just because it was fun. It cracked me up! 🙂

  6. MyKDramaticLife Avatar

    Already added this to my oh-so-long-list. The problem is don’t know when will be that time to watch this. Hehehe,

    1. Kay Avatar

      That’s the classic kdrama problem, when to find time to watch all of these dramas we want to watch! lol

      1. MyKDramaticLife Avatar

        I agree!

  7. MyKDramaticLife Avatar

    Currently watching and enjoying:

    *Are You Human Too (8.5-9/10). Seo Kang Joon, Nam Shin, gosh!
    *Because This Is My First Life. Hmmm… Cute!
    *Where Stars Land (9/10). I love it!
    *Beauty Inside (8/10). Chemistry of Lee Min Ki and Seo Hyun Jin overflows!
    *Happy If You Died. I am liking the first four episodes so much!

    So haven’t forwarded yet with Hundred Million Stars from the Sky. I am still on the 3rd episode, and I just couldn’t make time for it. Or maybe it just didn’t interest me enough. But we’ll see if I can continue with it.

    UP NEXT!
    *Clean With Passion for Now
    *Room No. 9
    *Children of the Lesser God

    1. Kay Avatar

      You have so many dramas going! Ah, I love Are You Human Too soooo much. I miss Nam Shin III. Of course, I’ll be checking out a couple others on your list. Just watched the first two eps of The Smile Has Left Your Eyes, and it’s going well so far. Hopefully, will get Terius wrapped up in the next couple days 🙂

      1. MyKDramaticLife Avatar

        Is Terius good? Can you at least give a heads-up or a hint about it?

        1. Kay Avatar

          I sure can! It’s pretty cute with lots of funny scenes between So Ji Sub and the kids. Romance is very subtle. The spy story is simple. I found it a bit boring at times, but it helped to round out the drama. I would say it’s a mostly decent watch and enjoyable enough though 🙂

          1. MyKDramaticLife Avatar

            I am glad that I am going so fast with Your Honor. It just popped up in my head a few days ago and just tried watching it randomly to see if it’s good. Then I absolutely love it!

          2. Kay Avatar

            Those are the best kind! You just dive in and it’s wonderful 🙂 I was looking forward to Your Honor because of Yoon Shi Yoon, but I was very cautious going in since I’m so hit or miss with legal dramas. Then count me surprised that I loved it almost right away and then all the way through! So wonderful 🙂

  8. Goldpen Avatar

    GoldPen ***** 5 Stars.Everyone shhould watch 100 days My Prince.
    Do Kyungsoo nailed it in “100 days my prince”. Having watched everyone of his drama-coms I can say that once again he has proven the superiority of his acting skills. He always picks the deepest roles. Although one does not make a habit of watching psycho-babble (serial killers) dramas, I made one exception because of the skills of this actor. This is even better than his performance as a serial killer sociopath. He is true to his craft. Even the way he says “Oh Hoa” makes me crack up in laughter. Every episode was pleasant to watch and the ensemble of actors was also successful. He worked very well with his leading female antagonist actor Nam Ji Hyun and 2nd male antagonist actor Kim Sun Ho did a fantastic Job of keeping his own neck from swinging on the sword of his despot boss.

    1. Kay Avatar

      It’s great that you loved this drama so much 🙂 DO really is such a talented actor. I’m glad to see him stepping into lead roles now after having such memorable supporting roles over the years. And yes! I loved how said Oh Ho! It cracked me up every time. I agree, the entire cast was great and this just a well done drama all around 🙂

  9. Jason Ji Flores Avatar
    Jason Ji Flores

    Mr./Mrs. What is your criteria for your ratings of the kdrama you are reviewing?

    1. Kay Avatar

      Hi there 🙂 My reviews are completely subjective and only based on my personal opinion. I do try to point things out that will help other potential viewers decide if a drama is right for them though. If you go to my Reviews page (https://kdramakisses.com/reviews/) and scroll to the very bottom where it says Ratings Explanation, you can see a loose description of how I rate a drama based on how much I liked it 🙂

  10. Fred Avatar

    Never got bored. A very easy watch. LOL, Nam Ji Hyun does attract wealthy amnesiacs. Only an innocent character like her will entertain poor, lost boys.

    I think I have been in kdrama world far too long. I know 90% of all the main characters. LOL.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Glad you liked this one 🙂 Yes, Nam Ji Hyun does seem to attract the rich amnesiacs! She’s so good to them, lol. Haha, I’m like you where I know most of the cast of many dramas at this point too 🙂

  11. […] So as one of our few historical offerings this year, 100 Days My Prince more than satisfied what I like about the genre. It had action and excitement as well as being fun and humorous. The pacing was great, and it kept me thoroughly entertained all the way through. My Rating: 8/10 (100 Days My Prince Review) […]

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