Bambu: Nirvana in Fire Chinese Drama - Hu Ge

Although this site mostly focuses on kdramas, I know many of us watch shows from other Asians countries too. And with the recent DramaFever shutdown, not only did we lose kdramas, we also lost a bunch of Chinese dramas. So when I heard that a new streaming service focusing on Chinese dramas was planning to launch in the US in early 2019, I just had to share it!

The new service is called Bambu, and it is set to include dramas, movies, variety and more in their catalog. You can watch for free with ads or subscribe for $3.99 a month to remove them.

So at least there is another option soon to be available for some of our drama watching needs. I’m also really glad there is a free option since these subscriptions really do start to add up. So let’s keep an eye out for Bambu in the new year!

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15 responses to “New Streaming Service Dedicated to Chinese Dramas Called Bambu to Launch in the US in 2019”

  1. shamrockmom3 Avatar

    Link to Variety article:
    Kinda bummed, because I don’t care for C-dramas at all. I know Kdramas can have problematic moments, but I was completely freaked out after Viki put the C-drama “Le Jun Kai” in my “recommended” list. Thankfully this dark and depressing drama which glorified domestic violence is no longer available, and I never look at Viki’s lists for me anymore.
    And if movies like “Maid of the Blind Master” (currently on Viki) are in any way indicative of C-Cinema, they will need 100 years to catch up to the quality of K-Cinema. It’s quite a fun watch if you read all the viewer comments in the Viki Peanut Gallery, but as an example of quality filmmaking…..ehhh, no.
    I wish C-drama fans all the best with this new streaming service.

    1. Kay Avatar

      I definitely greatly prefer kdramas over cdramas too. I’m not successful in completing cdramas most of the time as I don’t click with the manner of storytelling as much. I don’t find the quality at kdrama level either, but they have been improving a lot. I hope the improved quality helps me eventually click with more dramas. I do have several that I really enjoyed and would love to have more like that in the future. I do think this will be a great option for the many cdrama fans though 🙂

  2. raistlin0903 Avatar

    Well…I have so far only watched only one other Asian drama besides Korean drams and that’s Tiger Cubs. I really enjoyed that one. But I guess my preference does really go to Korean dramas (besides…I already have way too much trouble keeping up with Korean dramas, let alone other country dramas lol 😂😂

    1. Kay Avatar

      My preference is most certainly kdramas too (if you can’t tell by my site, lol 😉 ) There are definitely some great cdramas out there, but it really is hard to keep up with it all. I too can barely keep up with kdramas! 🙂

  3. BiblioNyan Avatar

    Yay!! I love watching Asian cinema from all parts of Asia so this makes me happy, especially after the DF heartbreak. Thanks for sharing this!

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yes! At least it will give everyone some more options since quite a few cdramas were lost on DF 🙂

  4. Timescout Avatar

    Doesn’t do much for me as I’m not in North America. Of course it is nice to get a legit site for cdramas as well, but this splintering of streaming portals is not good news in general, imho. Feels like after a while we’ll be saddled with dozens of places to sign up with if we want to watch everything there is. I bet it’ll end up costing a pretty penny as well, unless one doesn’t mind the ads.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yeah, I do wish they would have made the service available to other regions. Maybe they will eventually expand. I share your feelings on the fractured streaming services though. It’s happening all across the industry from the big guys to the niche sites, and it’s getting to the point where you can’t hardly have it all because of the cost. That’s why I’m at least glad that this new service has a free option. Even though it’s with ads, it helps cut down on the costs especially for the more casual cdrama watchers 🙂

      1. Timescout Avatar

        It’ll be interesting to see what cdramas the new site will feature. The most popular ones always seem to be either palace dramas (boooring!) or fantasy wuxia/xianxia which are generally uneven plotwise, way too long and draggy but they get the popular actors so… There are actually better options but those dramas hardly ever get the buzz nor subs, so most people don’t know about them.

        When it comes to overall execution and in many cases acting, cdramas may still be behind kdramas but I’d say their cameras and sets are often better these days. Hence they look gorgeous. Many Chinese productions have the financial backing that their Korean counterparts can usually just dream about. Unless you are KES. ;P

        1. Kay Avatar

          Yeah, I would imagine it will have quite a few of those popular dramas. But maybe since this is a dedicated cdrama site, that will open it up for some of those more underrated dramas.

          Yeah, I feel the overall execution is better in kdramas too. And I sure agree about those sets! So many cdramas are just gorgeous and make me just want to watch all the pretty. But I seem to be pretty picky when it comes to actually sticking with a cdrama. Since I don’t like their execution and storytelling as much, a drama really has to win me over in other areas to complete it. But there are several that I really enjoyed. Hopefully, more will come 🙂

  5. D Avatar

    Thanks Kay. *sigh* another one for US audiences. I wish they will have good Asian streaming sites for the rest of the world too. We are also still here. 😒

    1. Kay Avatar

      I know! The US market seems to be the hot one right now so it’s like everyone else just gets left behind. I’ve still been hoping they would expand Kocowa to more countries, but it’s been over a year now and still nothing new on that front 🙁

      1. D Avatar

        Yes you are right. Expansion of Kocowa would be fantastic

  6. Annalyn Earley Avatar
    Annalyn Earley

    So happy. I hope more open up and some director will put lee Joon ki in lawless lawyer cases..and scarlet heart ryoe series 2. I would like to see her go back..not foward.

    1. Kay Avatar

      I too hope we get to see another service open up for kdramas, or at least for Viki to be able to get them all in more countries. And I’d always enjoy seeing Lee Joon Gi in some season 2’s of those great dramas 🙂

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