Lawless Lawyer Korean Drama - Lee Joon Gi, Seo Ye Ji, Choi Min Soo, Lee Hye Young

Lawless Lawyer starring Lee Joon Gi and Seo Ye Ji certainly had an impressive run inΒ Nielsen drama ratings. It brought in fantastic numbers from its first week and just kept climbing higher as it went. And it was no different for its finale week.

It brought in 6.6% for episode 15 on Saturday and then saw a huge increase as it soared to 8.9% for episode 16 with its finale on Sunday. This was yet another series high for the drama. That’s a great note to end on too.

A huge congratulations to the entire cast and crew for such a successful drama and for all their hard work! And it was definitely wonderful getting to see Lee Joon Gi in a drama that yet again showcased his amazing talents. Congratulations!

LawlessΒ Lawyer is a legal action thriller about a gangster (Lee Joon Gi) turnedΒ lawyer who doesn’t mind using his fists or doing whatever is necessary to bring justice as he works to avenge his mother. It comes from the writer of Remember: War of the Son and theΒ PD of The Liar and His Lover and Time Between Dog and Wolf.

LawlessΒ Lawyer airs Saturday and Sunday on tvN.

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17 responses to ““Lawless Lawyer” Soars in Korean Drama Ratings for Finale”

  1. D Avatar

    I have just watched episode 1 and I enjoyed it. Glad to hear it’s doing well ratings wise.

    1. Kay Avatar

      It’s been fun to see it do so well in ratings each week. Made it even harder to resist watching it until more eps had built up though! Now I’m 7 eps in and really liking it. Hope it goes well for you!

      1. D Avatar

        Awesome great to hear it’s still as good with 7 episodes in. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

        Not sure if you noticed this but I can’t help but notice how unhealthily skinny LJK looks. Almost anorexic. I hope not but not looking good imo.

        1. Kay Avatar

          He lost a bunch of weight a couple of years back for his role in Scarlet Heart, and I guess he decided not to gain it back. I do hope he eventually decides to gain it back though since I do think he looks extremely thin and I just want him to be healthy.

  2. raistlin0903 Avatar

    And…of course yet another reminder to really start watching this πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yes, get to watching ASAP! πŸ˜‰

      1. raistlin0903 Avatar

        Lol…three more epides of Tunnel to go…and then of course I am going to write the review for it. After that….for sure 😊😊

        1. Kay Avatar

          Will definitely be looking forward to your Tunnel review πŸ™‚

  3. shadowoftheoperaghost Avatar

    I loved this drama. The ending was as spectacular as I was expecting, but it was still really a good drama. 9/10 stars for me.

    1. Kay Avatar

      That’s great! Definitely a good score. I’m 7 eps in and really enjoying it. I’m so glad it did so well πŸ™‚

      1. shadowoftheoperaghost Avatar

        me too! Lee Joon Ki is truly a gem.

        1. Kay Avatar

          That he is! That’s why he’s my fave πŸ™‚

  4. Fred Bed Avatar

    I’m almost done with Bride of Habaek. I might watch this next. Give it an 8-10 Kaye! =)

    On a side note, hopefully the next drama of Lee Joon Gi will be Scarlet Heart Part 2. IU is also done with My Ahjusshi. So I guess now is the right time for that Part 2. HAHAHA.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Lawless Lawyer is pretty solid all around. And despite being a legal thriller, the romance is pretty nice too. Lee Joon Gi and Seo Ye Ji look fantastic together and have great chemistry πŸ™‚

      Haha, I think we will be left dreaming about a Scarlet Heart 2. But I agree, it sure would be a good time to do one πŸ™‚

  5. Shrestha Sen Avatar
    Shrestha Sen

    Hi Kay,
    This drama was a worth watching legal drama in a long time. Lee Joon Gi made a great come back with this one. However I can’t deny that his utterly lean physique did disappoint me to an extent. In Scarlet Heart he wore all those traditional clothes which didn’t highlight his lean structure much but the attorney’s suit did take my attention to his extremely lean physique. Btw, the leads were awesome and thanks to the amazing plotline which grabbed the viewers attention all through the series. Especially I fell in love with Ahn Oh Ju’s character…Hats Off to Choi Min Soo for his incredible acting skills. Negative roles are more challenging to play is what we’ve always known. But then he played it with such precision and ease.

    Though the later part of the series was quite guessable but the small twists just added so much more dimension to everything. Highly recommended one. I’m highly looking forward to your review and personal opinion on the same. Hope you’ve enjoyed the drama as well.

    Shrestha ☺️

    1. Kay Avatar

      Hi Shrestha! Oh yes, Lawless Lawyer has been really great as far as legal type dramas go. I’m on ep 11 and planning to finish it in the next couple days. I agree about Lee Joon Gi. He still looks good of course, but he is so thin. You’re right, it wasn’t as noticeable in Scarlet Heart because of the clothes, but his suits made it really evident in this drama. I just hope he’s staying healthy. But his acting is as amazing as ever.

      And Choi Min Soo is incredible! He’s one of my favorite villain actors because he is just so intense and good and always brings something unique to his characters. I plan to have a review for the drama in the next week πŸ™‚

      1. Shrestha Sen Avatar
        Shrestha Sen

        Absolutely. His acting skills are amazing as always. And yes I too hope he is healthy and alright.

        Choi Min Soo became one of my favorite villan actors after this one. Words aren’t enough to describe his skills.
        Looking forward to the review.


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