Why Secretary Kim Korean Drama - Park Seo Joon and Park Min YoungWow! What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim (also known as Why Secretary Kim) starring Park Seo Joon and Park Min Young has went over 8% in Nielsen drama ratings. It landed at 7.3% for episode 7 on Wednesday and then hit another series high of 8.1% for episode 8 on Thursday. These figures are almost double what the major network dramas are pulling in on the same nights. How high will this drama go?

What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim is a webtoon adaptation about the cold vice president (Park Seo Joon) of a large corporation and his excellent devoted secretary (Park Min Young) who is always ready to help.

What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim airs Wednesday and Thursday on tvN.

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12 responses to ““What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim” Goes Over 8% in Korean Drama Ratings”

  1. raistlin0903 Avatar

    And…another one I still haven’t seen. With July coming up, I plan to finally get back to some K-dramas again. I plan to finally finish Tunnel. And I hope to get started on Bad Guys Vile City (which is on Netflix…wohoo😀😀). This one I already had on my list, but it will probably be a while before I get to it. Great that it’s doing well though 😀😀

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yes, definitely great numbers for a cable drama 🙂 I hope you get to finish Tunnel soon too. It was a really good drama. I also still need to watch Bad Guys 2. Mostly I’m waiting to be in the right mood for that particular one since I know it will be like the first and be pretty dark and gritty. Hopefully, it’s just as good though 🙂

      1. raistlin0903 Avatar

        I plan on watching some Kdramas on sunday. It’s been quite a while since I last did that, and I am really in the mood for it. Can’t wait to continue with Tunnel. Bad Guys will probably be very dark again, but as you know…I do like that in a series. So I can’t wait to get started on that one 😀

        1. Kay Avatar

          Ooh, that sounds like a fun Sunday! I think you’ll like how Tunnel develops 🙂 And I know the darker Bad Guys will probably be right up your alley. I’m really interested to see how it compares to the first season.

  2. okiewinegirl2015 Avatar

    Absolutely loving this show. Although I have to wait till the weekend for the subtitles. Lots of laughs and mystery. I hadn’t seen anything before this with Park MinYoung. She’s fabulous! Yay for Secretary Kim!

    1. Kay Avatar

      I think everyone is 🙂 I plan to start it in a couple weeks, and I’m very excited! Oh, you hadn’t seen Park Min Young? She’s one of my my fav actresses. She plays a lot of really good characters and always has this cuteness mixed with spunk and strength. Most people loved her character in Healer. Me included! Another reason I’m super excited to see her again 🙂

  3. Fred Avatar

    Interesting. I never got interested with this based on the title and the trailers. I thought it was cliche. But the ratings are getting me interested. But of course, I will wait for you review. HAHA.

    I am currently watching a drama with negative reviews: Bride of Habaek. Just for a change. LOL.

    1. Kay Avatar

      The premise of this one also didn’t excited me, but I was initially interested because of the cast, particularly Park Min Young. But after seeing a few clips and hearing how much everyone loves it, it sounds like something I will really enjoy. So I really can’t wait to check it out!

      Ah, Bride of Habaek. Yes, lots of negative reviews on that one, lol. People had a lot to say about it. I gave it a 6.5/10. It has some good stuff, but it’s kind of a mess of a drama, and there’s definitely a lot to pick apart. I liked it, but I had to overlook a lot of things, hehe. Best of luck to you with it 🙂

      1. Fred BFred Avatar

        Yes, OVERLOOK is really the key word. So far, I will have to agree with your 6.5. I will keep overlooking stuff and finish this drama. HAHA.

        I am excited for your review on Lawless Lawyer. That one seems interesting. Hopefully I see at least an 8. HAHA.

        1. Kay Avatar

          Haha, yeah, it requires A LOT of overlooking 😉 I’m 6 eps into Lawless Lawyer right now and so far so good on that one 🙂

  4. Hannathegrace Avatar

    I’m watching this. I’m in episode 8 😍😍. It’s funny and romantic at the same time.

    1. Kay Avatar

      I love funny and romantic! I’m planning to start it this weekend and I can’t wait 🙂

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