Because It's the First Time Korean Drama - Choi Minho, Park So Dam, Kim Min Jae, Lee Yi Kyung, Cho Hye Jung

Another year here at Kdrama Kisses has flown by as June 1 is its 3 year anniversary! Honestly, I love blogging more and more every year. The relationships I’ve developed with so many of you mean so much to me.

I will always appreciate everyone who takes the time to read posts, comment, like, and share. Whether you are active on the site or a silent reader, I appreciate you! I will continue to try and bring you good content through reviews, drama guides, and news updates. And hopefully, we can continue to share our drama love with each other!

Thank you again for all of your support, and I look forward to another wonderful year here at Kdrama Kisses!

With love, Kay

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31 responses to “Happy Anniversary to Kdrama Kisses – Celebrating 3 Years of Blogging!”

  1. Shrestha Sen Avatar
    Shrestha Sen

    Congratulations and Celebrations Kay,
    With each year, Kdramakisses have been doing great job. Kudos to you Kay for keeping fans like us updated and posted about every new drama around the corner, about your very personal recommendations and reviews. Believe me, it is always a pleasure to come here everytime. Wishing you many more years of successful blogging.
    Kay you’re amazing and so is Kdramakisses!
    Happy 3rd Anniversary to Kdramakisses!!!

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thank you so much! You always say such nice things, and I really appreciate it 🙂 Thank you so much for reading and commenting. Your comments are always so thoughtful, and I greatly enjoy sharing our drama love with each other!

  2. Jaune Avatar

    Congrats! I rely on your blog for my Kdrama updates and your great reviews!

    1. Kay Avatar

      I’m glad you enjoy the kdrama updates and reviews 🙂 Thank you for reading and for the kind words!

  3. KJT (aka kjtamuser) Avatar

    Happy Birthday to you…and many more! 🎉 Your blog is a wonderful resource📓 that I enjoy reading. To another great year!

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thank you KJT! Glad you still find it useful 🙂 You know I enjoy reading your recaps so I will look forward to another great year for both of us!

  4. fankdramas Avatar

    Happy Birthday Kay🎂 . Thank you for your sustained enthusiasm and love of dramas and your readers💖💖 . May we share many more. A hug to my sister from the US, Adri.😍

    1. Kay Avatar

      Hugs right back to you! Thank you for the good wishes and for reading 🙂 Also thanks for spreading the drama love through your blog too!

  5. anams Avatar

    Congratulations!!! Am a new subscriber and absolutely love your content. All the very best!!

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thank you for subscribing and for the congratulations! It makes me happy that you enjoy it 🙂 I will continue to try and bring you good content to supplement our wonderful dramas 🙂

  6. Anne Avatar

    Hi Kay, Thanks for sharing your k-drama insights! Happy 3 years and to many more:)

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thanks Anne! I’m so glad to have connected with you this year and will look forward to doing so more 🙂 Wishing you the best for your beautiful site too!

  7. ottia bottorf Avatar
    ottia bottorf

    Congratulations! Thank you.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thank you so much 🙂

  8. patty coco Avatar

    congrats….stay awesome kay

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thanks! I really appreciate it 🙂

  9. Timescout Avatar

    Happy Anniversary! And many more to come of course. 🙂

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thank you Timescout! I will look forward to more and hopefully more great dramas for both of us 🙂

  10. Leafさんの夢が。。。 Avatar

    xD Congratulations!!! I look forward to many more years to come ^^

    1. Kay Avatar

      I hope for many more years too! Thank you so much 🙂

  11. katkat Avatar

    Happy Birthday to kdrama kisses! I love reading your reviews. More power!

    1. Kay Avatar

      I’m glad you enjoy the reviews 🙂 Thank you for the good wishes!

  12. Kate Avatar

    So happy to have found your blog! Congrats on your anniversary 🙂

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thanks Kate! I’m glad you found it too 🙂

  13. D Avatar

    Happy Anniversary and congrats. Love reading your blog. Here’s to many more years. P.S. I appreciate how you always respond back.

    1. Kay Avatar

      I appreciate it D 🙂 And I always love hearing from you and getting to chat about the dramas we love!

  14. Fred Avatar

    Chukahe and Kamsahamnida Kay! Congratulations and thank you for guiding me in this Kdrama world. It would have been less fun and more disappointments without you. HAHAHA.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Many thanks Fred! It’s been my pleasure trying to find some of those drama gems to share with you. Your drama enthusiasm is contagious, and I love hearing your thoughts after you’ve had an amazing drama experience and even the ones that left you shattered, lol 😉

  15. k s Avatar
    k s

    Its really wonderful to be here and share good wishes with you.
    I dont start the month without visiting the site first, chek out the latest upcoming dramas
    and then go ahead….

    Great endeavor

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thank you for the good wishes 🙂 I’m thrilled you are able to use the site each month to get ready for all those upcoming dramas we always have to choose from. Thanks again for reading and commenting!

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