Misty Korean Drama - Ji Jin Hee and Kim Nam Joo

We have some new dramas arriving on DramaFever! A couple were added at the end of January while a couple more premiered in early February. Here are the new additions to their library:

Korean Dramas:

Call Me Mother

Mother Korean Drama - Lee Bo Young

*Stars: Lee Bo Young
When a teacher finds out that one of her students is being abused, the only way to save her is to do something drastic.

Check out Call Me Mother here.

Go Go Waikiki

Eulachacha Waikiki (Go Go Waikiki) Korean Drama

*Stars: Kim Jung Hyun, Lee Yi Kyung, and Son Seung Won
Three friends struggling in the film industry open a guesthouse to fund their own film. But when a mysterious new guest shows up, their lives go in a very different direction.

Check out Go Go Waikiki here.


Cross Korean Drama - Go Kyung Pyo

*Stars:  Go Kyung Pyo and Jeon So Min
A medical genius becomes a doctor to avenge his father. But revenge is a hard cross to bear.

Check out Cross here.


Misty Korean Drama - Ji Jin Hee and Kim Nam Joo

*Stars: Kim Nam Joo and Ji Jin Hee
An ambitious anchorwoman and a righteous lawyer struggle to keep their marriage alive when a sudden murder case throws a wrench in their relationship.

Check out Misty here.

So which dramas are you enjoying or most looking forward to?

*Source: Pictures and show descriptions courtesy of DramaFever

*Dramas listed are available in the US

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16 responses to “New Korean Dramas Coming to DramaFever in February!”

  1. raistlin0903 Avatar

    Even though Cross is a medical drama it really has an interesting premise. I usually love revenge stories, so it will be interesting to see how this one is going to end up 😊😊

    1. Kay Avatar

      It’s definitely a unique twist making it not quite your average medical drama. I love revenge stories too. I’m watching a revenge drama right now and I’m eating it up, lol

      1. raistlin0903 Avatar

        Ooohhh…that sounds cool, what are you watching if I may ask?

        1. Kay Avatar

          Can’t tell you. It’s a secret!

          Kidding of course 😉 I’m watching Money Flower. Soapy, angsty, and lots of revenge! I’m about halfway through and greatly enjoying it 🙂

          1. raistlin0903 Avatar

            Cool…looking forward to your review..that sounds great ( I checked if it’s available for me…three guesses 😭😭😭😭).

          2. Kay Avatar

            Well, you can’t be having too many available. Let’s not be greedy, hehe 😉

  2. Timescout Avatar

    Not really feeling any of these. I tried the 1st epi or Waikiki and it was way too ott silly for me. 😄

    1. Kay Avatar

      Aww, too bad on Waikiki. But that sounds like good news for me! hehe I remember watching the first ep of Modern Farmer and thinking this was just weird and crazy. Well, it ended up being the funniest kdrama I have ever seen! So I’m more than excited for some silly over the top comedy from the same writer. Hoping the magic strikes again 🙂

      1. Timescout Avatar

        Well, I didn’t find the humor in Modern Farmer funny either. I’ve loved many a silly and totally weird jdrama but this writer’s brand of ott slapsticky “fun” just doesn’t work for me. 🙂

        1. Kay Avatar

          I guessed if you didn’t like Waikiki you probably didn’t like Modern Farmer. It’s definitely one of those humor styles that is very particular to taste. The weird thing is that I generally don’t care for slapstick, but it’s like this style is so over the top that I find it hilarious, lol

          1. Timescout Avatar

            Humor is a very hard genre to do well and it never seems to suit everyone. As a viewer, I guess it comes down to personal taste and probably the overall feel of the show/movie.

          2. Kay Avatar

            I agree. Humor is so taste specific. And even a particular style of humor can have wide variations in its execution and how it works within a show. So much comes down to that perfect combination of writing, directing, and acting to make it really work.

  3. libraryofthoughts Avatar

    Wow, Dramafever actually got good shows. Honestly, it just seems like they just get movies or C-Dramas. I like C-Dramas, but I tend to like K-Dramas more.

    1. Kay Avatar

      I know! They have been getting many more cdramas lately. Then I was surprised to see that they swept up most of the cable kdramas this round. Definitely some good additions that will hopefully keep them competitive.

      1. libraryofthoughts Avatar

        I like it better that they have gotten the cable dramas. I tend to like those more. Plus! We don’t have to wait forever for them to drop onto Netflix.

        1. Kay Avatar

          Well, cable seems to be their best play these days. Viki gets all of the network dramas, so it makes since for DF to get as many cable ones as possible. And I agree, it’s definitely a plus not to have to wait for them to come to Netflix!

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