Come Here and Hug Me Korean Drama - Nam Joo Hyuk and Suzy

Now this I like! Nam Joo Hyuk (Bride of the Water God) and Suzy (While You Were Sleeping) have been offered starring roles in the new MBC drama Come Here and Hug Me (also called Come Hug Me). Come Here and Hug Me follows the story of a man and woman whose lives were altered after a murder case in their past.

I’m very aware that there will be a lot of varying opinions on this couple, but I love both of these actors and am super excited at the possibility of them starring in a drama together! Of course, they are a beautiful match visually. But I also love the charm they each bring to their roles. I have enjoyed many of their performances and dramas over the years, so I would be so happy to see these two confirm!

Come Here and Hug Me is looking to air in the spring on MBC.

UPDATE 3/10/18: Both Nam Joo Hyuk and Suzy have declined the offers to star in the drama.

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6 responses to “Nam Joo Hyuk and Suzy Offered Starring Roles in Korean Drama “Come Here and Hug Me””

  1. Kate Avatar

    Don’t love the title but LOVE those actors and can’t wait to see them together! NJH needs to do something awesome after the Haebek fiasco.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Kdramas have some really weird titles, don’t they? Some are completely generic while others are just plain strange, lol. Maybe it’ll undergo a change before it hits the airwaves. Glad to hear you love these actors too! I was so excited when I saw their names as a potential pair. Now if they just sign on…

  2. raistlin0903 Avatar

    Both actors are unknown to me (but with me that’s not a really big surprise lol 😂😂), but I do already love the premise for this. It might turn into something dark, which, as you know I really love to see. Keeping my eyes open for it!

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yeah, I think you’ll need to beef up you kdrama completed list before you get really familiar with some of these actors 😉 I think I read somewhere that Nam Joo Hyuk’s character was going to be a detective and it sounded like it might lean more to the melo side. So I’m all for that too!

  3. Kimchi Korner Blog Avatar
    Kimchi Korner Blog

    Yes! I was so excited when I read about this possible pairing. I absolutely love both actors and think they would make a drama extra special. I want to know more about the plot for the drama, but so far it sounds interesting!

    1. Kay Avatar

      The moment I saw their pictures together I got excited! I have no idea if they will both sign on, but I really want them to. The drama sounds like something I would like, and with this couple, it would really up the odds in its favor 🙂

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