Reunited Worlds Korean Drama - Yeo Jin GooMan Who Dies to Live Korean Drama - Choi Min Soo and Shin Sung Rok Manhole Korean Drama - Jaejoong, UEE, Jung Hye Sung, Baro

Man Who Dies to Live kept its first place position in Nielsen drama ratings this week in the Wednesday-Thursday time slot. It went out on yet another series high for its finale reaching 14%.
Ep. 21 – 10.7%
Ep. 22 – 12.8%
Ep. 23 – 12.0%
Ep. 24 – 14.0%

Reunited Worlds saw a slight dip but continues to hold steady.
Ep. 21 – 5.6%
Ep. 22- 6.7%
Ep. 23 – 5.9%
Ep. 24 – 7.1%

Manhole continued to scrape the bottom of the ratings barrel in last place.
Ep. 3 – 2.0%
Ep. 4 – 2.1%

Well, I guess we should be glad that Manhole didn’t fall into the 1% category. But it’s just above it and certainly didn’t see any improvements. With Man Who Dies to Live now concluded, next week brings us the premiere of Hospital Ship starring Ha Ji Won and Kang Min Hyuk.

Reunited Worlds airs Wednesday and Thursday on SBS.

Man Who Dies to Live airs Wednesday and Thursday on MBC.

Manhole airs Wednesday and Thursday on KBS.

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4 responses to “‘Man Who Dies to Live’ Finale Hits 14% in Korean Drama Ratings”

  1. snow Avatar

    Not watching any out of the three but I might give a try to Hospital Ship as it looks warm and sunny.

    1. Kay Avatar

      I’m super excited to start Reunited Worlds here in a couple weeks! Despite being a medical drama which I don’t usually go for, Hospital Ship has pulled me in. So I’ll probably make it my medical drama for the year, lol

  2. shamrockmom3 Avatar

    Kay, have you seen any of “Man who Dies to Live”? If so, what are your thoughts?

    I thought since Viki and Kocowa were partnering, and Kocowa has subbed it, perhaps it would be on Viki now–but it’s not. I dislike the concept of censorship–as an adult, I should be able to choose what I do or do not watch. I’ve found plenty of other K-dramas offensive to me personally, and when they are, I shut them off! I’ve been burned by so many offensive C-dramas (like “Le Jun Kai”) and J-dramas I won’t even tune into those anymore. I’d like to see for myself how bad this show is or isn’t. Those ratings aren’t high without a reason–some SK citizens obviously find the show entertaining.

    1. Kay Avatar

      I know it was on Kocowa, then they took it down after a couple weeks as did most international sites. After a few weeks, Kocowa put it back up. I think I read somewhere they may have made some minor changes and of course put up a new disclaimer at the beginning of the episodes. From what I’ve read/seen of the “questionable” parts, I think it just depends on how sensitive each individual is to it. It appears to be brief comedy with no direct intent to make fun or cause harm. Otherwise it seems to have a weekend drama sort of feel with really zany comedy. It’s exactly the kind of show I think much of the Korean audience would like as is evidenced by the ratings. But it seems that most companies are still afraid to get anywhere near it so I’m not surprised Viki didn’t want to chance it.

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