Best Hit Korean Drama - Yoon Shi Yoon and Lee Se Young

The Best Hit tells the story of a 90’s pop star (Yoon Shi Yoon) who time travels to 2017 where he rekindles relationships with those he knew in the past and tries to uncover the mystery of why he went missing so many years ago.

This was such a cute drama! The Best Hit is very light and fun with a slice of life sort of feel. Plus it has that fantasy element of time travel to add a little something extra. Fans of the sitcom series High Kick Through the Roof and Potato Star will also likely recognize the same quirky comedy style present in The Best Hit. It’s a zany style that I greatly enjoy which includes very fun characters that get into some crazy situations.

Best Hit Korean Drama - Yoon Shi Yoon

Yoon Shi Yoon was absolutely perfect for this role! He plays our 90’s pop star, Yoo Hyun Jae, who suddenly finds himself in 2017. He’s quirky and confident, but he definitely finds himself out of his element. Hyun Jae has a lot of maturing to do over the course of the drama.

Best Hit Korean Drama - Yoon Shi Yoon Best Hit Korean Drama - Yoon Shi Yoon

Yoon Shi Yoon is simply made for comedy! The faces he makes are priceless, and he just brings so much fun. His energy is tangible, and he always leaves me with a big smile on my face.

But he is also able to really make me feel for him when he portrays moments of warmth and sadness. He was able to do all of that here, and it just reiterates why I enjoy him so much.

Best Hit Korean Drama - Kim Min Jae

Kim Min Jae plays Lee Ji Hoon. He is a sweet guy who dreams of being a singer, and he is secretly a trainee. He also happens to be Hyun Jae’s son who in the present day is the same age as his father. That certainly makes for an interesting dynamic!

Best Hit Korean Drama - Lee Se Young

We then have Lee Se Young as Choi Woo Sung. She is best friends with Ji Hoon and has been down on her luck for a while as she just can’t seem to get ahead. She’s a very direct person who finds herself in the awkward position of having her best friend liking her while she develops feelings for Hyun Jae.

Best Hit Korean Drama - Cha Tae Hyun Best Hit Korean Drama - Yoon Son Hwa

Lee Kwang Jae (Cha Tae Hyun) was Hyun Jae’s manager who is a very self-sacrificing person. After Hyun Jae disappears, he ends up picking up the pieces by raising his son.

And Hong Bo Hee (Yoon Son Ha) is Ji Hoon’s mother who has long had a hole in her heart from Hyun Jae. As she works to move on, she just needs to look a little closer to realize that she has an amazing man who loves her right beside her.

Best Hit Korean Drama - Dong Hyun Bae Best Hit Korean Drama - Lee Duk Hwa

Adding a great deal of comedy to the drama is Ji Hoon’s close friend MC Drill (Dong Hyun Bae) who is also a trainee. He’s a good natured and laid back guy. He was such a fun character that gave me a lot of laughs but also had some very touching moments.

Then there is our grandpa Lee Soon Tae (Lee Duk Hwa). He’s very lively and makes the simplest things funny. His story was humorous and also extremely touching.

Best Hit Korean Drama - Yoon Shi Yoon, Lee Se Young, Kim Min Jae and Dong Hyun Bae

Overall, this is an easy drama to watch. It’s slice of life style feels very comfortable. I did find the pacing a little slow though as there isn’t a whole lot of story to push things forward. But the strong comedic element coupled with characters that were so likable and so much fun makes up for it. Plus, the story there is happens to be quite good.

Best Hit Korean Drama - Yoon Shi Yoon, Lee Se Young, and Kim Min Jae

There is also some minor angst that picks up as the series goes on that I greatly enjoyed. This revolves around our unique love triangle that involves our time traveling father and his son who are the same age. It was certainly a fun dynamic, and I really liked the added complexity of Hyun Jae being torn between the girl he likes and giving her up for his son.

Best Hit Korean Drama - Yoon Shi Yoon and Lee Se Young

And while I did like Woo Sung with Ji Hoon, I loved her with Hyun Jae. Of course, it helps that I liked him so much! But I loved their bickering in the beginning and how it transitioned into such a fun and playful relationship. But even then, they had deep feelings for each other that grew and matured through the relationship.

Best Hit Korean Drama - Kim Min Jae and Dong Hyun Bae

There’s also a wonderful bromance between Ji Hoon and Drill. These two are a lot of fun together, plus they are so supportive of each other. They had such an encouraging friendship that really made me smile.

Best Hit Korean Drama - Yoon Shi Yoon

I appreciated that there was a fair amount of time spent on the fun reactions of Hyun Jae to 2017. That’s just one of the best parts of time travel dramas. Hyun Jae’s reactions to the future are so much fun. And one of the funniest parts was how completely addicted he became to a smartphone. He simply couldn’t part with it and was perfectly content to spend all of his time on it. Of course, there probably sounds like a lot of us, hehe.

I loved his 90’s fashion too, and Yoon Shi Yoon pulled it off perfectly. He just looked cool! His main hit song was also very catchy and really fit with the time period. Yoon Shi Yoon even went on the show Music Bank to film a full performance of the song, and I highly recommend it. You can check it out here.

Best Hit Korean Drama - Yoon Shi Yoon and Lee Se Young Best Hit Korean Drama - Yoon Shi Yoon

I was very curious how the time travel element would play out and what kind of direction they would take with it. And it definitely surprised me in the end. Overall, I thought it was utilized well, and it made for some very interesting concepts to think about.

Best Hit Korean Drama - Yoon Shi Yoon, Lee Se Young, Kim Min Jae and Dong Hyun Bae

The drama also explores a lot of different relationships from family to friends to co-workers. This allows for some very heartfelt moments as these characters go through life together and grow.

The soundtrack is absolutely fantastic for this drama too! It is filled with many memorable songs that are utilized so well in enhancing the mood and feelings of the drama.

Best Hit Korean Drama - Yoon Shi Yoon and Lee Se Young

Overall, The Best Hit was a refreshing and heartwarming story with a fantasy twist. It made me feel good and gave me a lot of laughs and smiles. I grew very attached to these characters, and I already miss them greatly.

My Rating: 8/10

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15 responses to “The Best Hit Korean Drama Review”

  1. ALICE A (@alice_dvm) Avatar

    I loved this drama too! Hyun Si Yoon is such a cutie. I hope to see him in more projects.

    1. Kay Avatar

      I’m a big fan of Yoon Shi Yoon! I’ve loved all of his dramas so far and can’t wait to see him in more 🙂

  2. shamrockmom3 Avatar

    One of my favorite shows so far this year. Not perfect, but I will give it extra slack for being so uplifting and having a different format than the typical K-drama. The music was fantastic. Yoon Shi Yoon was awesome and pulled off the humor and the emotional scenes. I sure hope to see more Dong Hyun Bae in the future, with or without a shirt 😉

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yay! Glad it was a good one for you 🙂 It really was such a fun drama, and I enjoyed it so much. I agree, very uplifting with amazing music. And Yoon Shi Yoon is just golden. I’ve liked him since the first drama I saw him in, and he is just wonderful at both comedy and emotions. And yes, I’m also hoping to see more of Dong Hyun Bae in the future. He gave me lots of laughs 🙂

  3. honeycrunch321 Avatar

    This is will be on my favorite kdrama romcoms list 🙂

  4. […] The Best Hit was a refreshing and heartwarming story that made me feel good and gave me a lot of laughs and smiles. I grew very attached to these characters, and I already miss them greatly. (The Best Hit Review) […]

  5. […] The drama also explores a lot of different relationships from family to friends to co-workers. This allows for some very heartfelt moments as these characters go through life together and grow. It’s a refreshing and heartwarming story that made me feel good and gave me a lot of laughs and smiles. I grew very attached to these characters, and I miss them greatly. My Rating: 8/10 (The Best Hit Review) […]

  6. Sharon Avatar

    I loved this drama until hyun jae fell in love with woo sung. I just cant understand how you will fall for the girl of your son. And they justified that by him being hyun jae of 2013. And his son was in 2014. So he felt that he is not the father. What was that? But yoon si yoon performance is great overall. I enjoy his acting, its refreshing. He surprise me everytime coz of diverse roles he can portray.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yoon Shi Yoon really was fantastic in this drama. He’s just so talented with both his comedic timing as well as conveying emotions. Luckily, I wasn’t bothered by Hyun Jae falling for Woo Sung and was rooting for them. So it was all good for me. I really can’t wait to see what Yoon Shi Yoon does next though. His roles are always interesting 🙂

      1. Sharon Avatar

        Ive read that he will play a royalty in his next drama. But, it will be from tv chosun. Is that a korean or chinese tv channel?

        1. Kay Avatar

          Yes, in Grand Prince! TV Chosun is a smaller Korean cable channel. So I really hope someone picks it up. I can’t wait to see Yoon Shi Yoon in another historical drama. It’s still looking like he may be the second lead though. That would mean a major case of Second Lead Syndrome for me, lol

  7. Zumofu Avatar

    Loved every moment of it.

    What the series didn’t still clarify is what happened to 1994 Hyun Jae? Did he die… Did he leave Seoul? It’s a big part that I wanted explained.

    Inspite if this tho awesome one. We all saw he liked the babe long before he realised it always acting cool to cover up…

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yes, it was such a fun drama! Since Hyun Jae had an incurable illness, I think it was strongly hinted at that he would die. I didn’t see any other indication of a way for him to survive. It would always be nice if they were a little more clear though. But the drama really was wonderful all around 🙂

  8. Fred Avatar

    This was a nice drama. My only problem was that although I wanted Hyun Jae and Woo Sung to be together, I was hesitant the whole time. My assumption was that “Hyun Jae will have to go back to the past at some point; maybe he will give way so his son can date the girl he likes”. So I did not want to get invested in their relationship to prevent experiencing a heartache in the end. But….. wrong decision I guess. LOL.

    A decent 8. I like it.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yes, this was such a nice drama 🙂 Luckily, I got on the Hyun Jae train right away, so that worked out for me. I did feel bad for Ji Hoon though. I was hoping beyond hope that Hyun Jae would be able to stay. The way they handled everything in the end actually surprised me, and I was totally okay with that, hehe 🙂

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