Strong Woman Do Bong Soon Korean Drama - Park Hyung Shik and Park Bo Young

April brought me some more fun kdramas!  A historical, a romantic comedy, and a 1930’s themed drama were very enjoyable while an office comedy ended up disappointing. I watched three new dramas this month and one older drama bringing my total to four dramas in April:


Hwarang was such a wonderful historical! I was surprised at just how much I thoroughly enjoyed it. It has everything I love in a good historical. The story was excellent and developed so nicely with great pacing from start to finish with a wonderful balance of lighthearted humor, romance, political scheming, action, and angsty goodness.

I really enjoyed the love/hate relationship and dynamic between Park Seo Joon and Park Hyung Shik. The complicated relationships between our three main leads was always intense, and the way all of the elements were balanced was just fantastic.

There are so many wonderful and well developed supporting characters with meaningful stories. The setting and the great soundtrack also created such a wonderful atmosphere. I really loved Hwarang for so many reasons. (Hwarang Review)

Strong Woman Do Bong SoonStrong Woman Do Bong Soon Korean Drama - Park Hyung Shik and Park Bo Young

Strong Woman Do Bong Soon was a fun drama that mixed in romantic comedy along with darker crime elements. There is plenty of humor as well as a few thrills to keep things exciting. It does have quite a few issues and could have benefited from better pacing of the story, exploring it more in depth, being more tonally even throughout, and including less of some of the silly side stories.

But of course, the main thing to get excited about with this drama is the main couple. Park Hyung Shik and Park Bo Young are about as cute as it gets. If you want to see tons of adorable couple moments, look no further than these two. They are so wonderful that they make up for many of the drama’s shortcomings.  So overall, Strong Woman Do Bong Soon was more than enjoyable and left me with mostly good feelings. (Strong Woman Do Bong Soon Review)

Chief Kim

I’m terribly sad to say that I ended up being completely disappointed in Chief Kim. Nam Goong Min was easily the bright spot of the drama, and he delivered a spectacular performance that was both humorous and poignant.

But that was not enough to make up for how incredibly boring I found the drama to be. It had a slow moving plot that completely centered around constant business politics, characters I didn’t bond with, and not enough humor to make up for the shortfalls. I only ended up completing it because of how captivating and hilarious Nam Goong Min was. So for me, it was a disappointment. (Chief Kim Review)

Capital Scandal

Capital Scandal is a fun 1930’s drama that really encompasses the time period with its stylish costumes, fun music, and a great atmosphere.

The first few episodes are a bit more comedic, but things become more serious as the drama progresses. And once the story gets going, it gets really interesting. There is a complex web of secrets connecting everyone which brings a certain intensity. It’s also interesting to watch a small group of freedom fighters go up against the Japanese forces.

Capital Scandal had exactly what I was looking for in a period piece. It delivered moments of humor, action, and romance within an intriguing story that really highlighted the struggles of the Joseon people during this time. I greatly enjoyed it. (Capital Scandal Review)

So even with one disappointment, the other dramas more than made up for it. Hwarang is definitely the winner of the month for me, and I really did love it!

For the month of May, I hope to complete The Liar and His Lover, Radiant Office, and a couple others.

So how was April for you?

Happy drama watching to everyone!

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4 responses to “Korean Drama Update for April 2017”

  1. Sondra Avatar

    I had to laugh at this line from your review of Hwarang “It has everything I love in a good historical.” So true. Especially the “Flower Boys”. Especially Park Seo Joon and Park Hyung Shik.
    Many times I’m OK with poor writing, plot devises, acting and directing if the lead is attractive. Oh well, so be it.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Haha, well flower boys aren’t usually on my list of what makes a drama good, but it certainly doesn’t hurt 🙂 I know a lot of people really disliked Hwarang, but I loved it and actually thought it was really well done all around. It’s one of those times where I’m reading what people are complaining about, but most of it just doesn’t make sense to my brain on this one, lol. Oh well, sometimes a drama just works for you 🙂

  2. shadowoftheoperaghost Avatar

    Question about Hwarang, did the Queen’s voice drive you bonkers? I stopped watching halfway thru the first episode cuz I couldn’t stand her voice. I still plan on watching it. But I need to forget her voice first.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Lol, I wasn’t bothered by the Queen’s voice, but I’ve heard several people say it bothered them. Of course, I’m not usually bothered by voices. I can only think of one person in one drama where his voice just really bugged me. It was a weird experience, lol.

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