Yay! Ji Chang Wook (The K2) has been confirmed to be starring in the new SBS drama Be Careful of This Woman (also called Beware This Woman). He will play a talented prosecutor turned attorney who suffered trauma in his past.
It looks like Lee Sung Kyung (Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo) is no longer in the mix though. Han Ji Min (Hyde, Jekyll, and Me) has now been offered the leading role opposite of him. She would play a prosecutor trainee who is suspected of murder.
First, I’m so excited that Ji Chang Wook has signed on! This sounds like such a promising project, and I’m glad it has rom-com elements in it. Now I did like the potential pairing of him and Lee Sung Kyung, but I’m equally as happy with Han Ji Min. I’ve always enjoyed her, and I know these two would look beautiful together. She is still reviewing several projects at this point, but let’s hope we get a leading lady for our guy soon!
Be Careful of This Woman is a romantic comedy thriller about prosecutors dealing with an amnesiac killer coming after them. The drama comes from the writer of I Remember You and Protect the Boss.
Be Careful of This Woman is looking to air in May on SBS.
UPDATE 3/30/17: Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun will star in Be Careful of This Woman.
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