Be Careful of This Woman Korean Drama - Ji Chang WookBe Careful of This Woman Korean Drama - Han Ji Min

Yay! Ji Chang Wook (The K2) has been confirmed to be starring in the new SBS drama Be Careful of This Woman (also called Beware This Woman). He will play a talented prosecutor turned attorney who suffered trauma in his past.

It looks like Lee Sung Kyung (Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo) is no longer in the mix though. Han Ji Min (Hyde, Jekyll, and Me) has now been offered the leading role opposite of him. She would play a prosecutor trainee who is suspected of murder.

First, I’m so excited that Ji Chang Wook has signed on! This sounds like such a promising project, and I’m glad it has rom-com elements in it. Now I did like the potential pairing of him and Lee Sung Kyung, but I’m equally as happy with Han Ji Min. I’ve always enjoyed her, and I know these two would look beautiful together. She is still reviewing several projects at this point, but let’s hope we get a leading lady for our guy soon!

Be Careful of This Woman is a romantic comedy thriller about prosecutors dealing with an amnesiac killer coming after them. The drama comes from the writer of I Remember You and Protect the Boss.

Be Careful of This Woman is looking to air in May on SBS.

UPDATE 3/30/17: Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun will star in Be Careful of This Woman.

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12 responses to “Ji Chang Wook Confirmed to Star in Korean Drama ‘Be Careful of This Woman’; Han Ji Min Offered Lead Role”

  1. kwenzqoatl Avatar

    I haven’t watched I remember You but I did like Protect the Boss.

    1. Kay Avatar

      I really liked I Remember You. It’s one of those entertaining but makes you think kind of dramas. I was surprised after I watched it to learn it was from the same writer as Protect the Boss. They seemed very different to me. But this newest drama sounds like it will incorporate a similar rom-com thriller mix like I Remember You. So I’m hopeful 🙂

  2. shadowoftheoperaghost Avatar

    I am happy that Ji Chang Wook is on, but I am sad that it is Han Ji Min instead of Lee Sung Kyung. I guess this show will give me an opportunity to like Han Ji Min as well.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yeah, I think they would have made a really fun couple too. But I do like Han Ji Min as well, so I’m still very optimistic. Hopefully, you will like her too if she takes the role 🙂

  3. devonandcornwall Avatar

    Okay, so I LOVE Ji Chang Wook. He makes my heart flutter. But Han Ji Min not so much. She totally ruined Hyde, Jekyll, Me for me with her weird character and strange acting. Maybe she’ll be okay in this one, though. Kinda crossing my fingers that she turns it down…

    Upside, is I trust this writer, so I’m sure it will be interesting no matter what! What else has Han Ji Min been in that you like her? Or did you like her in HJM?

    1. Kay Avatar

      I love Ji Chang Wook too! So that alone is enough to get me excited 🙂

      I haven’t seen Hyde, Jekyll, and Me, but from what I’ve heard, it sounded like a mess all around. So maybe it was just a bad project for Han Ji Min. I loved her in Rooftop Prince where she was very fun. She was also quite good in the melodrama Padam Padam. She’s always been a more calm and “refined” sort of actress from what I’ve seen her in. She is quite the opposite of Lee Sung Kyung. But I can definitely picture her in this role having some romantic hi-jinks with Ji Chang Wook 🙂 But yes, definitely a good writer, so there is a lot of promise for this project.

      1. devonandcornwall Avatar

        Oh I forgot she was in Rooftop Prince! It’s been a long time since I watched that one. And I haven’t watched Padam Padam. So maybe my fears are for nothing! But for real HJM was just…ugh. The gorilla scene. Enough said.

        1. Kay Avatar

          Yes, hopefully it was just a bad character for her. Although now I’m interested in seeing this gorilla scene, lol

          1. devonandcornwall Avatar

            First episode lolol. And I was watching it with my Korean friend, who was visiting here in the states at the time, and he was just like >.>

          2. Kay Avatar

            Well, that sounds easy enough to track down then 😉

  4. honeycrunch321 Avatar

    I was really hoping for Lee Sung Kyung… I haven’t watch any of Han Ji Min’s dramas, if she takes the part, I guess this is the first one that I’ll watch with her in the drama…
    I watched I Remember You, and I enjoyed it! Hope I’ll enjoy this one too~

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yeah, I think it would have been a fun pairing too. But I also like Han Ji Min so I won’t mind if she accepts. And hopefully it would be a good intro to her for you. If you ever decide to check out one of her earlier projects, I would recommend Rooftop Prince 🙂

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