Legend of the Blue Sea Korean Drama - Lee Min Ho and Jun Ji Hyun

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Ju Korean Drama - Nam Joo Hyuk and Lee Sung Kyung Oh My Geum Bi Korean Drama - Oh Ji Ho and Heo Jung Eun

Legend of the Blue Sea is already drawing nearer to that 20% mark as it securely holds onto its first place ratings position. It brought in 16.8% for episode 5 on Wednesday and rose nicely for episode 6 on Thursday to 18.9%.

Oh My Geum Bi saw a slight dip from last week bringing in 5.2% for episode 5 on Wednesday and 5.5% for episode 6 on Thursday.

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Ju is also holding steady bringing in identical ratings to last week. This week brought in 4.4% for episode 5 on Wednesday and 4.6% for episode 6 Thursday.

So it looks like Legend of the Blue Sea is poised to join the ranks of the hit dramas that surpassed 20% this year. Will next week be the week it does it?

Legend of the Blue Sea airs Wednesday and Thursday on SBS.

Oh My Geum Bi airs Wednesday and Thursday on KBS.

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Ju airs Wednesday and Thursday on MBC.

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19 responses to “Legend of the Blue Sea Draws Near the 20% Mark in Korean Drama Ratings Against Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Ju and Oh My Geum Bi”

  1. raistlin0903 Avatar

    I think I am going to break with my usual tradition (to not watch shows until they are fully completed 😀) I just saw that Goblin is now on Viki, so think I am might actually watch the first episode today. I wonder how that show is going to perform in the ratings 😀

    1. Kay Avatar

      I understand. Goblin is one of those that is really hard to wait for. The first couple episodes seem to be pretty well received which makes the wait even harder! Goblin airs on a cable network, so the ratings are typically lower as a whole. But Goblin had very high ratings! For reference, 3-4% is considered good on cable while over 5% is considered great. Goblin had 6.3% for episode 1 and 7.9% for episode 2. Which is very impressive for a debut!

      tvN has had a few dramas go over the 10% mark which used to be unheard of on cable. It’s still rare though, but Goblin could very well do it and go much higher. I haven’t been posting ratings for weekend dramas because of the different time slots and dynamics involved, but I think I may go ahead and do a post for Goblin since it looks like it will be a fun ratings journey to watch 🙂

      1. raistlin0903 Avatar

        Well…I have broken my pattern. I actually have watched the pilot. Have you seen it yet? Well I’m not going to spoil things for you ofcourse, but I can say that it has been one of the best pilots for a Korean drama series so far. It was seriously epic. I’m glad to read that it is going strong so far. The episodes are long by the way. The first clocks in at 1 hour and 31 minutes or so,and the seeing one (that surprisingly is also already on Viki, one hour and 17 minutes). I haven’t watched that one yet, but I hope this quality will remain. The cast is fantastic. 😀

        1. Kay Avatar

          Haha, it sounds like a good one to break your pattern for. I haven’t seen it yet, but I have read a couple recaps of the first episode. I usually do that for the first episode of dramas to sort of get a feel for them. Then I mostly try to avoid major spoilers after that, but I always keep a close eye on how the dramas are being received, ratings, etc. Then I usually jump in and start watching when the drama has a couple weeks left until the finale so I don’t have to wait for episodes 🙂

          I’m really glad to hear how great you thought it was! And yes, I’m familiar with all of the main cast, and they are all truly great 🙂 I know they said they wanted to do two long episodes to open to really set up the epic back story and do it justice. Of course, things will probably settle down a bit, but by then we should be fully invested in the characters, story, and what’s at stake. I can’t wait to watch it! 🙂

          1. kjtamuser Avatar

            I didn’t know the first episodes would be that long, but if they did it so set up the back story, it succeeded.

            Glad to see Legend of the Blue Sea doing well in the ratings. It is a fun ride and the leads click and play off each other beautifully.

            Between Legend of the Blue Sea and Goblin I couldn’t be happier with what I’m watching.

          2. Kay Avatar

            Yeah, I definitely agree with the decision to really focus on a strong opening for Goblin. And knowing tvN, we may end up with some longer episodes down the road too, hehe

            I’m glad to see Legend of the Blue Sea doing well too. Being so hyped, I was hoping it wouldn’t crash and burn. We really have an exciting crop of dramas going right now 🙂

        2. kjtamuser Avatar

          I’m watching/recapping Goblin and I’m loving it too! It’s worth breaking the pattern for. The writer, the cast, the production…all top notch.

          1. raistlin0903 Avatar

            Totally agree. They are still in the middle of translating the 2nd episode, so have to wait a bit for it, but I really enjoyed the first episode, abd as far as first episodes go, it was really awesome. Thanks, I will check it out for sure 😀

          2. kjtamuser Avatar

            What language for the translation?

          3. raistlin0903 Avatar

            I’m waiting for the English Translation…yesterday it was at 4% on the Viki app. Probably will get to 100% at the end of this week: which is fine by me. I already have way to much to watch lol 😂

          4. kjtamuser Avatar

            I watch on Viki too. Typically the English translation is at 95% when I watch, on the day it airs. So your comment of waiting for the English subs confuses me.

          5. raistlin0903 Avatar

            I was watching on sunday…and the subs were at 4% at the time. The first episode was complete. I just checked it this morning, and now the 2nd episode is at 99%. I don’t know if the servers are different worldwide. I live in Holland, so it might have different content here (for instance there are a lot of shows I can’t watch because of my region, it just says it is blocked because it isn’t available here).

          6. kjtamuser Avatar

            I should have asked the country not the language because that is the huge driver. I watch DramaFever and Viki switching when one has the licensing versus the other. I did a double check and I’m watching Goblin on DramaFever because Viki says “Sorry, this content is not licensed for your region.” I am in the United States. It would be simpler without the licensing hassles these two services must navigate, but that’s the way it is.

          7. raistlin0903 Avatar

            Haha. Not a problem really, and it’s nice to know I am not the only one doing the switchimg between Viki and Dramafever. It is at times really weird, some of the older shows I can watch on Dramafever but not on Viki (Bridal Mask for instance), and the newer shows I can watch on Viki and not on Dramafever (such as Goblin). I really don’t mind switchimg, but it would be nicer if I could just everything everywhere 😀

          8. kjtamuser Avatar

            I agree a one stop spot would be great. Until then, we will swap between DramaFever and Viki!

          9. Kay Avatar

            I had to comment over here since it wouldn’t let me continue the thread off the last comment. I’m guessing the availability of subs, even in English, depends on your country. Where I am, Goblin is exclusively on DramaFever, so I can’t watch it on Viki at all. Maybe when a drama has limited availability on Viki, especially in some of the larger markets, less people are working on the subs so it’s slower to complete. I could be wrong, just guessing based on my understanding of how Viki works 🙂

          10. kjtamuser Avatar

            You are right, Kay. I should have asked what country, not what language. Like you I’m watching Goblin on DramaFever. Viki does not have it available with the dreaded “Sorry, this content is not licensed for your region” statement for Goblin.

          11. Kay Avatar

            Yes, those dreaded words! lol It’s too bad licensing issues make things so complicated, but it is good that so many dramas can now be viewed legally. We just have to switch between a couple channels. But it has helped spread the love of kdramas 🙂

          12. kjtamuser Avatar

            I agree, kdramas are more accessible now than ever, and that’s a good thing!

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