
The K2 tells the story of a bodyguard (Ji Chang Wook) who is dedicated to his country but is betrayed by it. When seeking revenge, he becomes involved with a woman (Yoona) who is the secret daughter of a presidential candidate.

The K2 was an okay watch, but it had a number of issues for me that just took away a lot of the enjoyment. It has a wonderful premise that promises action, love, and revenge. But many of those promises fell short.

The K2 Korean Drama - Ji Chang Wook and Song Yoon Ah The K2 Korean Drama - Ji Chang Wook and Song Yoon Ah

On the plus side, for those who like action, there are quite a few exciting and very impressive action scenes. The best ones are towards the beginning, but they do continue throughout the drama. The action scenes are definitely movie quality.

But I think a lot of the action gets bogged down by political scheming. And much of the political scheming really lacked any punch to carry my interest. The drama also felt very hollow. I never felt particularly invested in the story or characters. Let’s take a look at our key players.


Ji Chang Wook was excellent as hero Kim Je Ha, also known by his code name K2. He nailed the action scenes and brought plenty of intensity and emotion to those scenes. When given the chance, he really draws you into his story with his portrayal of Je Ha’s pain and struggles.

k2-ji-chang-wook-4 k2-ji-chang-wook-24

But I would have loved to have gotten a chance to explore his character more. One of the most interesting parts of the drama was his backstory of how he was betrayed and lost the girl he loved. Their story was very moving, and it really gave us a window into who he is.

The K2 Korean Drama - Ji Chang Wook and Carson Allen k2-ji-chang-wook-10

I felt the drama didn’t adequately dig into his present day character though. There were definitely some good moments, but mostly he just ran around being a bodyguard and protecting Anna.

The K2 Korean Drama - Yoona

Yoona was decent as Anna, but she ended up being a little flat for me. She was barely in the first third of the drama, and she was so quiet and hidden away that I had a hard time connecting with her.

By the time she finally gets more screen time, her character ended up feeling very hollow. And considering her character’s tragic past and current struggles, I really wanted to feel her pain and connect with her on a deeper level.


Ji Chang Wook and Yoona as a couple certainly look lovely together. He becomes a protector for her and in many ways is that knight in shining armor type. Bud sadly, I didn’t really get any feels with them though. I attribute a lot of this to simply not connecting deeply with them. I still enjoyed their romance, but it felt like it should be so much more.

The K2 Korean Drama - Song Yoon Ah

Song Yoon Ah as Choi Yoo Jin is probably the most developed character. As the wife of a presidential candidate, she longs for power. She is a complex woman who is presented as one of the villains, but there is more to her.

While we do get a look into some of her vulnerabilities, she always remains a strong and determined woman longing for power. This is not a case where a villainous character completely softens and turns good, but we do see some movement on her part. Song Yoon Ah really stands out in the drama and delivered the intensity with this character.


Jang Se Joon (Jo Sung Ha) is our presidential candidate and the father of Anna. Se Joon and Yoo Jin maintain the appearance of a happily married couple, but in reality they are pitted against each other with Yoo Jin holding Anna’s safety over Se Joon’s head.

k2-ji-chang-wook-30 The K2 Korean Drama - Ji Chang Wook and Song Yoon Ah

So to sum things up, The K2 excelled when it came to delivering intense action scenes, but the rest of the drama struggled to live up to them. The drama started strong with a solid set up during the first third, but then it didn’t really seem to have that much story to tell. Ji Chang Wook and Song Yoon Ah both gave memorable performances despite some of their impact being lost due to a lack of connection with the characters as a whole.

The K2 Korean Drama - Ji Chang Wook and Yoona

There is definitely enough good in this drama to appeal to those who are fans of action and political scheming or if you just really like Ji Chang Wook. While not quite up to my tastes, it was an okay watch as a whole, and I do happen to really like Ji Chang Wook, so that was enough to make the drama worthwhile.

My Rating: 6.0/10

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38 responses to “The K2 Korean Drama Review”

  1. raistlin0903 Avatar

    Great review, Honestly I am a little surprised by this one. I had pretty high expectations for this series, after having seen the trailers for it. But from what I am reading here it isn’t that good. I also had that same experience with goodbye mr Black. Also was a bit disappointed by that show. Good to know though, at least I don’t have to rush to watch this one lol 😀

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yeah, I was definitely hoping for more with this one. I think a lot of people were disappointed. It’s not a bad show though, and I don’t regret watching it. I would say the biggest negative for me was a lack of heart. For me, whether it’s a fluffy comedy or intense thriller, I need to connect with the characters and feel the heart of the story. This drama just felt hollow. But there was some great action scenes and some fantastic performances. Haha, I guess it always helps to be able to move a drama a little lower on your priority list 😉

      1. raistlin0903 Avatar

        I totally agree with you on that. One of the most important things in any show is a connection you feel to characters. If that isn’t there, than it is just at times not worth it. Haha, yes I definitely don’t mind having a little bit less shows to watch lol 😂

        1. Kay Avatar

          Yes, it definitely makes a huge difference. The K2 definitely has moments of connection, but as a whole it was lacking. I felt the most engaged with Ji Chang Wook’s characters’s backstory. It was one of those times where you kind of wish the drama would just stay in the flashbacks rather than coming back to the main story, lol.

          1. raistlin0903 Avatar

            I guess, that is also a bit the problem I have with Wanted. I still haven’t made much progress with that show, but that is really because I just don’t feel any kind of connection whatsoever with the mother. I would have already had it finished probably if I would have had that.

          2. Kay Avatar

            Same here. A connection with the mother in that drama is crucial in my opinion, and it just wasn’t there. Luckily, I did like the premise of Wanted a lot, and that helped. But it’s another one of those that could have been so much more with just a better connection to the characters.

  2. joybran Avatar

    I totally agree with your assessment. I was really looking forward to this one, but it fell very short of expectations. The action was great and the acting was fine to great, but the story was lacking. It seemed like it could have been so much more and it wasted a lot of acting talent.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Same here. I was so disappointed with the lack of development with both Ji Chang Wook and Yoona’s characters. There was just so much to work with and the story just seemed to lose its way. I did really enjoy the action scenes though. And although that last third or so got pretty draggy, I actually really liked the last episode and felt like it had a lot of the elements I felt was missing from the rest of the drama in it. So at least it ended on a good note for me.

  3. shamrockmom3 Avatar

    Aww, sorry you didn’t enjoy it. But then again, I liked Yong Pal with all its flaws, and that was from the same writer. He pushes the envelope (example–the shower fight scene) which irks some viewers. I appreciate the crazy! However the Subway PPL was just too overdone–and that I did not like. The ending was one of the best I’ve seen this year out of any show; the entire episode 16 was perfect IMHO.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Oh I didn’t not enjoy it. Despite my issues with it, it had several things I did enjoy, so it just ended up falling in the okay category for me. I really liked Yong Pal too, which was one of the reasons I was really excited for The K2. They definitely had a lot of similarities in style, but I just didn’t completely warm up to The K2 like I did for Yong Pal.

      Haha, I actually liked the shower fight scene because I thought it was unique and was really well done and also kind of a “I just can’t believe that happened!” moment 🙂 As for the Subway PPL, Ji Chang Wook’s near death fantasy of going to Subway with Yoona completely cracked me up! The certainly didn’t try to hide it, hehe.

      And I actually agree about the last episode. It was my favorite episode of the entire drama, and was I was completely satisfied with it. It let me end the drama on a good note. It was what I was hoping the rest of the drama had been like. I’m really glad you enjoyed this one a lot though 🙂

  4. […] There is definitely enough good in this drama to appeal to those who are fans of action and political scheming or if you just really like Ji Chang Wook. While not quite up to my tastes, it was an okay watch as a whole, and I do happen to really like Ji Chang Wook, so that was enough to make the drama worthwhile. (The K2 Review) […]

  5. OchaNokcha Avatar

    I started watching this show just after it ended to air. I am not finding the “Healer” vibe between the actors (all the actors … not only the couple). Consequently I have a hard time finishing this drama… Bon despite saying that … watching some Ji Chang Wook’s acting on my little screen is not an entire waste of time 😉

    1. Kay Avatar

      It’s definitely no Healer! I understand having a hard time finishing. That latter third gets pretty draggy. But I’m with you, getting a little Ji Chang Wook time was definitely not a waste 🙂

      1. Cristina Avatar

        I wasn’t able to finish this too due to no Healer “vibe”.I think I’ll jump to Suspicious Partner this weekend. Thank to your great review too! I miss Ji Chang Wook.. I’m a big fan that he’s the only Korean actor (next to Lee Seung-gi) whom I know the name by heart. 🙂

        1. Kay Avatar

          The K2 was majorly lacking in several areas. But Suspicious Partner is soooo much better. I loved it so much. Ji Chang Wook and Nam Ji Hyun have fantastic chemistry and it was just such an enjoyable drama. I hope you enjoy it 🙂 And glad to hear Lee Seung Gi is a fav of yours. Mine too!

  6. […] But Ji Chang Wook and Song Yoon Ah both gave memorable performances despite some of their impact being lost due to a lack of connection with the characters as a whole. While not quite up to my tastes, it was an okay watch, and I do happen to really like Ji Chang Wook, so that was enough to make the drama worthwhile. My Rating: 6/10 (The K2 Review) […]

  7. sheelashanu Avatar

    I went in with great expectations having watched “Healer”. Ji Chang Wook did his best with what was given to him but he had zero chemistry with the girl who played Anna. The just didn’t click as a couple. On top of that, she couldn’t really emote well. I suppose with her back story and all, she was supposed to come across as someone we feel sorry for but I was mostly irritated by her antics. The female antagonist on the other hand OWNED every single of her scenes. She was such a powerhouse actress, everyone else paled in comparison. I liked that this was a political drama and not a purely love story. In fact, it would have been a whole lot better without the Je Ha – Go Anna coupling. I too wish they had given more screenplay to Je Ha’s backstory. Not to say I didn’t enjoy it but it just missed being a drama that could have been so much more.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Sounds like we are very much in agreement on this one. I was very hopeful too, but it just didn’t pan out. Anna’s character was written terribly which left the audience with little empathy for her. Ji Chang Wook did well, but his character pretty one dimensional. And yes, Song Yoon Ah was very powerful as her character. I too didn’t dislike the drama. I just found it okay. It had some enjoyable parts for sure, but yes, it could have been so much more.

  8. […] Ji Chang Wook (The K2) has been confirmed to be starring in the new SBS drama Be Careful of This Woman (also called […]

  9. xhinelle Avatar

    I watched this over the weekend but unfortunately, I don’t like it as a whole. I don’t understand this drama, a lot of conflicts that are so unnecessary and fight scenes. 🙁

    1. Kay Avatar

      I too was disappointed with it. It definitely had things I liked about it, but it wasn’t plotted well and the characters weren’t written well either. It had a lot of potential but just couldn’t execute it.

  10. Youmei Avatar

    Thanks for these review, I started watching these some time ago and gave it up because I got bored. I was planning on giving it another go but with this review I think I was right in dropping this from my watch list. Kamsa

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yeah, I got bored in parts too. It definitely had some good stuff, but it had a lot of not great stuff too. If you were already bored, I would say move on to better things 🙂

  11. Asha Avatar

    Please dubbed this drama in Hindi like my love from the star please sir

  12. Mariaty Avatar

    I don’t know if it’s only me but I didn’t see any chemistry between Ji Changwook and Yoona and I kinda wish that he was paired with Song Yoon Ah instead ( I know it’s weird. Hahaha!) but they have more memorable scenes even if it wasn’t exactly meant to be a romantic. I love Ji changwook especially in action drama, as I saw him in Healer and really fell in love so I decided to give it a try but was a bit disappointed. K2 has more complicated plot than Healer but I still prefer the later because the romance was on point therefore it’s a complete package. Song Yuna delivered well and for me, she’s the highlight of K2. I love your reviews, btw. :))

    1. Kay Avatar

      I know what you mean. I thought Ji Chang Wook and Yoona were cute together, but he definitely had this spark with Song Yoon Ah. They didn’t write Yoona’s character or the romance particularly well in this drama.

      I was a bit disappointed in The K2 also. It had some fun action elements (and Ji Chang Wook! hehe), but it was lacking a lot. Healer was definitely way better. And thank you so much for saying that! I’m glad you enjoy the reviews 🙂

    2. Jb Avatar

      I agree with you. I was rooting for je ha and choi yoon jin. It was more realistic. Hehe.

  13. jon Avatar

    The production was excellent. Action excellent. Acting was very good. I strongly believe the biggest flaw of this drama is the lack of deeper connection of our main guy, the K2, to the central and moving conflict of the story, the plot. The writer could have done so much more with the storytelling. Yes, great acting and production will be wasted if the direction of the story, dept of characters will not move it. The writer should have take cues from Cityhunter, Monster and other revenge/action dramas.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Oh yes, I completely agree. The production was so good in this drama, but it was really lacking in the writing of the characters and making the story emotionally compelling. It was good for a bit of fun action, but it could have been so much more.

  14. Oskar Mtz Avatar
    Oskar Mtz

    I really enjoy the fight scenes and the royal acting of Song Yoon Ah, She is not only gorgeous, sharp by carrying the weight of the drama part, I would love to see more of her acting on Netflix!

    1. Kay Avatar

      I would say that the fight scenes and Song Yoon Ah were some of the best parts about this drama. It definitely nailed the action part 🙂

  15. irene wong Avatar
    irene wong

    Hated the older Anna character! Is she supposed to be a young lady or a teenager cause she acted like she was still 6 years old throughout the whole series – she was so childish, annoying and ugly. Otherwise, overall was quite good with exception of Anna. Can also do without the juvenile romance developed between her and K2. Song Yoon-ah who played Choi Yoo-jin was brilliant, beautiful, natural, smart and amazing! Loved her! Her character was ruthless yet she can have a caring soft side too.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yeah, Anna’s character wasn’t done well at all which affected her individual story as well as the romance. And I agree, Song Yoon Ah was definitely the stand out. Her character was terrific and very interesting to watch 🙂

  16. Jermena Avatar

    Thank you for the review Kay,

    Personally, i really loved the drama. A lot actually. I especially loved Song Yoon Ah’s portrayal of Choi yoo jin’s character…. that was beautiful!

    Then, i too happen to love seeing Ji Chang Wook on screen, so it added to the positives. I loved the premise and i found the complicated relation between Je Ha and Yoo Jin very interesting. To me, it’s like they were the main couple. I found myself invested in how their paths crossed at every corner and to me, that was the highlight of the show.

    My biggest and only let down of the show, was the character Anna and how her story was developed. From the beginning when she spent most of the time running, to a lack of tangible character development, to an almost non existent romance that the show wanted us to think was there between her and Je ha.
    That part of the drama would have killed my whole enjoyment of the drama had i not been invested in the stories of the rest of the main cast.

    Otherwise, it was a good drama on my side.
    Looking forward to more of Song Yoon Ah👍🏿

    1. Kay Avatar

      It’s great that you ended up loving the drama so much 🙂 Although not a favorite of mine, it definitely had it’s strengths.

      And Song Yoon Ah was absolutely amazing here! For sure the most interesting and well developed character. Of course, I always enjoy Ji Chang Wook, and he did great. I also quite enjoyed his relationship with Yoo Jin.

      It was too bad what they did to the character of Anna and left her so hidden and underdeveloped. Yoona did what she could, but didn’t have a lot to work with. The action was phenomenal though, and the overall story was solid 🙂

    2. Sakshi Avatar

      I too thought of Yoo Jin as the main character and a potential lover for JCW much more than Anna. Her life was so tragic and full of betrayal. First by her father who cheated on her mother even though she stayed by him when he was poor, and then by her dirtbag husband who was of the same kind. Too bad she didn’t get a happy ending. She deserved it

  17. Sakshi Avatar

    You took the words out of my mouth. I dropped it mid-way. The action sequences, even though very well done could not save the series. Just after one or two episodes, I started rooting for Choi Yoo Jin much much more than I ever could for Anna. You have given it a very generous rating.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yes, this drama was so disappointing. It could have been so much more. It’s not ideal when an unintended second lead has way more chemistry with the main lead. And Choi Yoo Jin was by far the more interesting character. The show had a some good elements, but it had a lot of bad too.

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