Scarlet Heart Goryeo Korean Drama - Lee Joon Gi, IU, Kang Ha Neul, Ji Soo, Nam Joo Hyuk

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds Korean Drama - Park Bo Gum and Kim Yoo Jung Woman With a Suitcase Korean Drama - Joo Jin Mo and Choi Ji Woo

This week brought us the big finale for Moonlight Drawn By Clouds. It saw a big increase in ratings and brought in a series high of 23.6% for episode 17 on Monday. Episode 18 on Tuesday brought in a solid 22.5% for the finale.

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Goryeo only aired one episode this week since its Monday episode was postponed due to a baseball game. Tuesday saw a big decrease from last week to 5.9% for episode 16 on Monday as it went up against the Moonlight Drawn By Clouds’ finale.

Woman With a Suitcase saw a decrease from last week too, but brought in a solid 8.2% for episode 7 on Monday and 7.9% for episode 8 Tuesday.

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds had an excellent run and went out strong this week. It did seem to draw away some of the audience from the other two dramas which both saw decreases. Next week brings us the premiere of The Man Living in Our House, so we’ll have to see what changes that brings to the ratings game.

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Goryeo airs Monday & Tuesday on SBS.

Moonlight Drawn By Clouds airs Monday & Tuesday on KBS.

Woman With a Suitcase airs Monday & Tuesday on MBC.

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4 responses to “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds Sees Rise in Ratings for Finale; Korean Dramas Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Goryeo and Woman With a Suitcase Both Decrease”

  1. joybran Avatar

    I really enjoyed Moonlight Drawn by Clouds and found the finale very satisfying, although I was just a little disappointed that it didn’t find a better solution to the history conundrum. Still, it was a great show, deserving of its excellent ratings.

    My only problem with it was that its success was at the expense of a show that I love even more. Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart: Ryeo is my favorite drama of the year. I know it has some flaws, especially the editing, but in spite of those flaws, it is wonderful. Lee Joon Gi is stunning in the best role of his career. The fourth prince is a fascinating, multi-layered character, and Joon Gi captures every nuance and expresses every complex emotion. The one episode we got this week was arguably the best in the series so far.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Agree, Moonlight is a very solid drama that deserved its ratings. I’ve been enjoying it and will finish up the last 2 eps tonight. Which means I get to start Scarlet Heart tomorrow! Yay! But I too am saddened that Moonlight’s success seemed to come at Scarlet Heart’s expense. And a lot of people seem to think its a flop just because of the ratings, but it has done so well in China and internationally. So it has a lot to be proud of too. I know I’m super excited to dive in and especially get to see the oh so talented Lee Joon Gi 🙂

      1. kjtamuser Avatar

        I am looking forward to finishing Scarlet Heart and completing Moonlight Drawn by Clouds which I paused watching. Two historicals at once was too much. I agree Lee Joon Ki has been superb in Scarlet Heart.

        1. Kay Avatar

          I understand. I really enjoyed Moonlight. It’s more polished, but not quite as intense. I just finished episode 10 of Scarlet Heart and Lee Joon Gi is phenomenal. While the drama is a bit rough around the edges, it is really intense with a great story and great cast. And things are about to get really tense! I wish it could have gotten better ratings, but it has accomplished a lot elsewhere.

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