As predicted, now that we are approaching the conclusion of Vampire Detective, episode 10 finally delves back into our overarching story. We spend most of the episode in a flashback to San and his team’s undercover mission. Goo Hyung heads up the team as they infiltrate a large organization.
We have some nice moments between San and Yoo Jin as a couple. We also see Tae Woo grow jealous of their relationship. As Tae Woo and Yoo Jin go undercover, his feelings begin to jeopardize the mission.
And when Yoo Jin disappears, Tae Woo comes face to face with Yo Na. She threatens Yoo Jin’s life which prompts him to obey her, and he discovers that the organization is actually run by vampires. But when he doesn’t like the direction things are going, he ends up shooting himself rather than telling Yo Na what she wants. Yo Na then turns him into a vampire. The episode ends with his painful transformation.
So we’ve finally reached the endgame of Vampire Detective. I still found some of the scenes to be too drawn out in this episode, but it was far more interesting than most of them.
We at least got to experience a bit more of San himself rather than him just being a detective of the week. And I found the infiltration of the vampire organization interesting. Still not much vampire activity, but we did get some at the end of the episode.
So now we just need to see how everything plays out in the past and then how things are wrapped up in the future. And maybe with some vampire action please?
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