Episode 6 of Vampire Detective actually gives us a little insight into one of our characters this week, but it’s not San (Lee Joon). Instead we learn a little about Goo Hyung (Oh Jung Se) as our detective team tries to solve a case from his past.
It was nice that the drama finally decided that it may be important to connect us on a deeper level with our characters. This weeks case served to do that. I also found the case itself more engaging this week. Nothing to get to excited about, but hey, I’ll take what I can get.
We get to see a bit of San’s big meet up with Yo Na (Lee Chung Ah) too. There’s some action as well as some taunting on her part. Seriously, she is a great villain! I just wish there was more of her.
Still not much on the vampire front or any development with the overarching mystery. But next weeks preview did show a lot more interaction between San and Yo Na, so maybe the main story is gearing up in the latter half of the series.
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