Love Rain Korean Drama - Jang Geun Suk

Looking for some words of wisdom?  It turns out there is a lot that can be learned from kdramas.   A lot of advice and wisdom is shared as our favorite characters work through their struggles.  So naturally, kdramas are a rich source for quotes.  And the Three Day Quotes Challenge is the perfect opportunity to highlight some of my favorite kdrama quotes.

A big thanks to justanotheranimefan for nominating me for the Three Day Quotes Challenge!  The rules are pretty simple: post a quote a day for three days.  It can be any quote from any source (it doesn’t have to be kdrama related).  Then nominate three other bloggers who you would like to see quotes from.  I’m going to bend the rules a bit and put all three of my quotes in one post so that it has a bit more substance to it.  So here we go.

King of Baking Korean Drama - Yoon Shi Yoon

“Everything starts with your heart.  Throw away the fear that you will never be the same.  If you throw away the fear, everything will be okay again.”

-Master Pal Bong, King of Baking

This piece of advice really spoke to me.  Theses words of wisdom were spoken to Tak Gu when he was going through a difficult time.  He was afraid his life would be ruined because of an injury, and his fear was really holding him back.  His teacher shared the above words to encourage him.

His message was that if he could just move past his fear, his life would have meaning again.  He wasn’t saying that he would be the same as he used to be.  He was saying that once you let go of what you used to be, you will be able to see new opportunities in your life, and that is what would make everything okay again.  Life may not be how it used to be, but it can still be wonderful!

Kill Me Heal Me Korean Drama - Hwang Jung Eum and Ji Sung

“Within each person’s heart is a dark basement.  If ignored and only observed, the darkness thickens.  You must summon your courage to go down and turn on the light.  If you’re scared to go alone, you can hold someone’s hand.”

-Cha Do Hyun, Kill Me Heal Me

This quote highlights the fact that everyone has fears and wounds in their hearts.  Ignoring those fears only makes them worse.  We need to face our fears head on, even when we are scared.  But we don’t have to face them alone.  Share your burden with someone and allow them to help you go into the dark basement of your heart.  Don’t be afraid to need help, we all do.

Flower Boy Next Door - Yoon Shi Yoon and Park Shin Hye 2

“One person cannot change the world, but you can become the world for one person.”

-Enrique Geum, Flower Boy Next Door

This simple quote shows the power of one person.  Many us would like to change the world for the better.  But that is a daunting task that may or may not ever happen.  If you want to change the world, keep pursuing your dream.  But in the meantime, realize that you could change the world for one person.  There are so many people in need.  Maybe you have the ability to change someone’s life financially.  Or maybe you could change someone’s world by becoming their friend.  Simple acts can have enormous value to other people.  Take the time and change someone’s world.

I hope you enjoyed these words of wisdom from some amazing kdrama characters.  See, all of those hours of drama watching can be put to good use and teach us something!

As for my nominations, there are a few bloggers that I would enjoy hearing what their favorite quotes are:

Zhaoul from Kdramadreamer
Kwon Sang Sung from Dramajjang

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18 responses to “3 Korean Drama Quotes to Inspire You”

  1. Kwon Sang Seung Avatar

    Love the idea concerning the k-drama quotes! I think i will slightly break the rules and go with a favorite j-drama quote along with k-drama quotes (3 in number, i won’t break that rule 😀 )

    Loved the quotes you used, fear can be one of someone’s greatest enemies preventing him/her from moving forward and eventually crushing him/her on the ground. Surpassing fear requires courage, but the outcome (even though one may not succeed in something he/she wanted) is always better than the previous state of fear.

    Will you believe me if i tell you that i still haven’t watched the last ep of Kill Me, Heal Me? I couldn’t say goodbye, but i am planning to do so before this year ends. And the second quote derives from the first one, the dark basement remains alive because of the fear of facing what lurks in that basement and prevents the light from entering. But it takes the first quote a bit further since it gives a helping hand as an option, a caring and loving helping hand, not one that will bring you down even further.

    And i highly agree with the third quote, changing the world isn’t an easy task and most of us won’t achieve it, but becoming someone else’s world, even for a moment in time in any way is more than possible!

    Thank you so much for nominating me and for your thoughts on the quotes you posted! Should i be jealous and work on a single article too or split it in 3, 1 per day? Questions, questions! XD

    1. Kay Avatar

      You are more than welcome to use quotes from any source you choose 🙂

      Thank you for your kind words! I wanted to choose quotes that most people could relate to on some level: fear and the need for purpose & meaning. Fear can bring you down or be used to give you strength. And purpose can be found in very simple ways if one just realizes a simple act can change someone else’s life. We may never know which kind word or deed truly helps someone, but be assured, every kind act has enormous potential.

      I completely understand not wanting to say goodbye to a drama, especially something as marvelous as Kill Me, Heal Me! And in my opinion, the final episode really gives us a proper send off. The entire drama spoke to me on multiple levels, but that quote to end the series really summed up the journey in such a meaningful way.

      I’m sure you could easily do 3 posts since you always have so many wonderful thoughts on the themes and characters presented in dramas. You surely have some wise words to share about your favorite quotes 🙂

  2. eritzerella Avatar

    I love your writing style. And it is true that people should not judge those who watch Korean dramas because there are more things to be learned from them than just gawking at the actors. 🙂 I also wrote a comment about this matter in my blog if you don’t mind checking it out too. 😀 its in

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thank you 🙂 I’ve learned so much from kdramas because they are just filled with all sorts of life lessons. Sure, I primarily watch them for enjoyment, but they continually make me think and want to become a better person. I also checked out your blog and left a comment there 🙂

  3. brightfotini Avatar

    Lovely challenge!
    I love quotes. There just something so precious in summarizing in a few words or sentences a feeling or a part of a book or a drama.
    Nice quotes you chose too!
    Flower Boy Next Door is one of my favourite dramas. There is another on eI really like from these one that goes like this: “I’m gonna drag you around and show you the world”. I love it because it summarizes not only Enrique as a character but also what Dok Min should do- go out of her room and explore the world for herself. 🙂

    1. Kay Avatar

      I love quotes too, which is why I particularly liked this challenge. Flower Boy Next Door is one of my all time favorite dramas too! That’s definitely a good quote that speaks about each of their characters. I have a list of quotes from that drama that I loved. Both Dok Mi and Enrique had many thought provoking statements that were presented in such a beautiful way. How I love that drama! 🙂

      1. brightfotini Avatar

        Glad to find someone else that likes this one! I loved everything about it, from Dok Mi’s house to the panda hat to the tired editor to everything and everyone in-between! 🙂

        1. Kay Avatar

          Completely agree! For me, this drama was perfect because not only did I laugh so much, but it thoroughly touched my heart. Loved all of the characters and their stories!

  4. tnkdevotee Avatar

    Loved this blog post especially the concept! Would you mind if I did a similar piece?

    I’m a new blogger and would appreciate it, if you would check my work out too. Also I trying to make new friends! 😊
    Mecca, tnkdevotee

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thank you 🙂 And you are more than welcome to do something similar. Kdramas connect with each of us differently, so each perspective on what he have learned, quotes we have enjoyed, or things that have brought us joy should be shared.

      I love the Drama Fan cartoon on your blog. So cute! You also have a lot of my favorite dramas on your list. Keep blogging what you love!

      1. tnkdevotee Avatar

        Thanks for your reply and positive response! I appreciate it!
        I’ll try making my own version and hope it turns out well ;). Hahah, It took me a while to decide what feature image to use, I’m happy that you loved it.
        I’ll try doing my best, thanks again Kay

        1. Kay Avatar

          I look forward to reading it 🙂

  5. hanakimi91 Avatar

    love this post, do this more often ^^

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thank you so much! I really enjoyed creating this post, so I think I may just have to plan for a similar one in the future.

  6. Three Day Quotes Challenge ~ Day 1 ~ Dramajjang – dramajjang

    […] like to deeply thank Kdrama Kisses (visit her blog and get drama-kissed!) for nominating me for the Three Day Quotes Challenge and here i am with my own favorite drama quotes, just three among the many! This challenge […]

  7. justanotheranimefan Avatar

    Wow, great quotes! I really loved the second one!!

    1. Kay Avatar

      Thank you! Yes, I love that quote so much. I actually read it before watching the drama, and then it just carried so much more meaning when I finally did 🙂

  8. […] was challenged by my fellow blogger, Kay, author of Kdrama Kisses, a long while back to take part in the Three Day Quote Challenge.  I have so many quotes that I […]

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