1. Thank and link back your nominator.
2. Answer 11 questions given by the nominator.
3. Nominate 5-11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers
4. Create 11 new questions to ask your nominees.
5. Let your nominees know that you have nominated them via social media/blogs
Thank you to Drama Cat for nominating me for the Liebster Award! She is an excellent writer, and I really enjoy what I have read on her blog so far. Be sure to check her out!
1) What is your go-to re-watch drama and why?
My Girlfriend is a Gumiho. It’s hilarious and uplifting with an adorable couple. It also tugs at my heartstrings every time.
2) What drama theme do you wish didn’t exist?
I really can’t think of any.
3) Who is your favorite actor/actress?
Either Lee Joon Gi or Lee Seung Gi, it’s impossible to choose.
4) What is your guilty pleasure drama theme?
First loves. Yes, it’s overdone and used all the time, but I love it. I also love noona romances.
5) What drama would you recommend to somebody who has never seem an Asian drama?
It really depends on the person. I have had success ‘hooking’ people with Fated to Love You and Kill Me, Heal Me.
6) Explain the plot of your favorite drama without naming it.
A young man frees a trapped Gumiho from a painting, and she falls for him. If he keeps her magical bead inside of him for 100 days she can become human, but it comes with a price.
7) Where would you most like to travel?
England or Korea
8) What is your goal for the second half of the year?
To be consistent with blogging and to become more active in the kdrama community.
9) What is your creative outlet?
10) What country do you blog from?
United States
11) What is your dream job?
Something that allows me to write
My questions:
1) What is your favorite drama?
2) Why do you enjoy blogging?
3) Who is your favorite actor/actress?
4) What was you first drama?
5) What drama would you recommend to somebody who has never seem an Asian drama?
6) Do you have any goals for your blog?
7) Where would you most like to travel?
8) Who is your favorite character from a drama?
9) What do you enjoy doing for fun?
10) What country are you from?
11) What is your dream job?
I am nominating:
I Dreamed a Drama: A wonderful blog with a little bit of everything including reviews, insights, upcoming dramas, and actor spotlights.
K-Pop World: A blog that has lots of kpop, drama, and casting news.
Justanotheranimefan: A fun blog with anime, manga, and drama insights and reviews.
EDramaClouds: A nice review blog with episode and full series recaps.
Delusions of a K~drama Wannabe: Another nice blog with a variety of drama related posts.
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