Korean Drama Update for March 2024

I got in the supernatural time travel drama Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 for the month of March, and it was such a fun watch! Here’s how it went:

Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938

Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 was a great continuation of the story from the first season. It definitely goes in a different direction, but it retains enough of the essence of the first season to still make for a fantastic watch.

It’s another entertaining fantasy story with wonderful characters and complicated relationships. The love/hate bromance is again top notch this season. There’s some mystery and action as well as a good dose of humor. The soundtrack is wonderful with lots of amazing music throughout the series.

There are definitely a few shortcomings, but overall, the fun nature of the show with our ragtag group of supernatural beings fighting all sorts of creatures with plenty of adventure goes a long way to make up them. The fantasy, thrills, action, bromance, and romance are present throughout, and it all came together for a fun fantasy romp through the 1930s. (Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938)

So how was March for you?

Happy drama watching to everyone!

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6 responses to “Korean Drama Update for March 2024”

  1. Snow Flower Avatar
    Snow Flower

    Korean drama update March 2024

    Finished dramas:

    Captivating The King: – excellent acting by Jo Jung Suk. The ending was a little underwhelming, but overall a solid watch.

    Alchemy Of Souls Part 2 rewatch: a lot of the world building does not make sense, but who cares? Jang Uk remains one of my favorite characters in drama land.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Captivating the King is on my watch list, so good to know you enjoyed it ๐Ÿ™‚

      And I can imagine Alchemy of Souls would be a great rewatch. Loved that drama!

  2. Kate Avatar

    Watched 2, Re-watched 2 and Dropped 1 in March.

    Dr. Slump – A sweet, feel good, healing drama. Very little by way of surgery stuff if you’re squeamish, that wasn’t what this drama was about. The focus was on the main characters and them facing career challenges and how they dealt with them alone and then together, relying on each other but not wanting to burden each other. Watching the differences in their family dynamics (hers supportive, his not). Really a good drama overall even if a bit slow at times didn’t feel draggy.

    Kangchi, the Beginning/Gu Family Book – This one has been on my watchlist for ages. Felt a bit dated but not bad. I think this is one of you’re favorites, Kay? I liked it but as Lee Seung Gi is not one of my super favorite actors and I think it was an early drama for Suzy so she’s not quite there as an actress yet, it was just ok. Overall there was a lot to like but it could probably have been 16 episodes rather than 24 and not a huge fan of the ending. Looked like it could have used a 2nd season. Watching all of the characters duke it out in the present might have been fun.

    Impossible Heir – dropped. I think this one had a lot of potential but I had to watch on Hulu with ads and I just can’t with ads. If it ever shows up on Viki I’ll give it another go.

    My just-for-the-fun-of-it re-watches were Cinderella and the Four Knights and Bride of the Century. Oldies but goodies ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Kay Avatar

      Doctor Slump does sound like a nice, healing type of drama ๐Ÿ™‚

      Ah, you finally watched the classic Gu Family Book! Yes, it is a favorite of mine for sure. I was fortunate to see it in my first few months of kdrama watching, and it was only my second historical, so I was in love! Also my second Lee Seung Gi drama, who yes, is also a favorite! ๐Ÿ˜… Definitely an early outing for Suzy who was a bit green, but I still liked her.

      I can see how the drama may feel a bit dated and for sure could have been trimmed down. The ending was terrible! Especially for an early drama, hehe. I was rooting for a second season until I figured out that kind of thing never happened back then! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

      Impossible Heir is on my maybe list. I can do the ads on Hulu, but if the subs are still broken, I’d have to pass.

      Love a good Cinderella rewatch ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Timescout Avatar

    I’m still watching gzillion donghuas, though I decided to drop couple as they were starting to get far too repetitive and boring.

    No finished dramas for March but I did pick up 3 cdramas; In Blossom, Burning Flames and Legend of Shen Li. I don’t generally care much for xianxias but Shen Li has been pretty good so far and it’s quite funny in places. But… we are now entering a more angsty part so the fun might be a thing of past. Oh well, just as long as it stays entertaining. The other to are ok but nothing to write home about really. Good for passing time.

    1. Kay Avatar

      At least you have something to watch that you enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚ And a few cdramas to add into the mix is definitely a plus. Hoping they stay entertaining enough! ๐Ÿ™‚

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