Someday or One Day Korean Drama - Ahn Hyo Seop and Jeon Yeo Bin

Offers are now out to Ahn Hyo Seop (Lovers of the Red Sky) and Jeon Yeo Bin (Vincenzo) for starring roles in the Korean remake of the popular Taiwanese drama Someday of One Day.

Someday or One Day is a fantasy romance about a 27 year old woman struggling to deal with the death of her boyfriend that gets caught up in a series of mysterious events involving him.

Jeon Yeo Bin would play the woman who lost her boyfriend while Ahn Hyo Seop would be her boyfriend. I definitely had my own fantasy casting in mind, but I’m open to this pairing. I’ve enjoyed Ahn Hyo Seop in his dramas, but I’m not very familiar with Jeon Yeo Bin.

The original Taiwanese version of Someday or One Day was a masterpiece, so I’m really hoping the Korean version pulls out all of the stops to do it justice. In the mean time, if you haven’t already seen it, you should definitely go watch the original. Check out my review here for more details.

Someday or One Day hopes to air sometime in 2022.

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15 responses to “Ahn Hyo Seop and Jeon Yeo Bin Offered Starring Roles in Korean Remake of Taiwanese Drama “Someday or One Day “”

  1. seankfletcher Avatar

    That’s bid news, Kay!

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yes! I’m really curious to see what they do with this one 🙂

  2. kfangurl Avatar

    I still don’t know if I can watch anything BUT the original, I love the original so much! 😅

    1. Kay Avatar

      I know! As someone who usually sees the kdrama remakes of dramas first and likes them, this is a rare time where I saw the original first and know what a masterpiece it is. I’m definitely open to see what they do with it and don’t mind a little kdrama flare, but they certainly have an uphill battle with this one to get anywhere near as good as the original! 🤣

      1. kfangurl Avatar

        Also, it’ll be an uphill battle for anyone to match Greg Han in the original. I have serious heart eyes for him in SOOD! 😍😍😍 I mean, Ahn Hyo Seop’s alright, I guess, but can he be Li Ziwei / Wang Quansheng??? 😝😅

        1. Kay Avatar

          That’s my main concern as well. Greg Han brought so much nuance to the character and so beautifully captures his maturation that it’s hard for me to see a lot of actors pulling it off. My fantasy casting would have been Seo In Guk as I think he could pull off the duality needed quite well. I like Ahn Hyo Seop and can definitely see him as the younger version, but I’m curious to see if he can really pull out all the stops to properly show the different sides of this crucial character. I’ll root for him though! hehe 😂

          1. kfangurl Avatar

            Ooh, interesting dream casting!! Let’s see.. my dream casting would be.. Lee Do Hyun!! 🤩🤩 I think he’s got a lot of range, and is very able to play both high school and adult convincingly, I feel like. Ahhh. Now I just want to see Lee Do Hyun in the role, which is only going to work against Ahn Hyo Seop further (in my head), if he takes the role. 😂😂

          2. Kay Avatar

            Ah, Lee Do Hyun could be a good choice too! I still need to see him in 18 Again which I know you particularly loved 😉

            Haha, yeah, I understand. Once I got Seo In Guk in my head for the role, I knew it would be hard to get him out 🤣 It’ll probably take a few trailers of seeing whoever they cast for me to settle in to it. Though I will inevitably be comparing whoever it is to Greg Han no matter what 😂😂

          3. kfangurl Avatar

            AHAHA. YEP. Exactly!! 😂😂 Whoever gets cast has some big shoes to fill – everyone who’s seen the original will be thinking of Greg Han. 😍😍

          4. kfangurl Avatar

            Also, YES PLEASE WATCH 18 AGAIN!!! 🤩🤩🤩

          5. Kay Avatar

            It is definitely on The List! hehe 😀

          6. Snow Flower Avatar
            Snow Flower

            I was thinking of Lee Jae Wook…I just want to see him as a lead again…

          7. kfangurl Avatar

            Oohhh. He’d be great too!! 🤩🤩

  3. Fred Avatar

    I loved her in Vincenzo. She has her own quirky humor. But I might not watch this. I already saw the original so……. unless you give it a good score. LOL.

    1. Kay Avatar

      I’ve heard good things about her, but haven’t had a chance to see her yet. I’ll check this one out since I loved the story so much and would like to see a kdrama take on it, but the original was masterpiece, so I don’t know if it will be able to live up, hehe 😂

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