Half of Half Korean Drama - Jung Hae In and Chae Soo Bin

Well, here’s a nice pairing! Chae Soo Bin (Where Stars Land) and Jung Hae In (One Spring Night) will star in the upcoming Korean drama Half of Half (or One Fourth). She will play a classical recording engineer with him as an AI programmer.

Half of Half is about an AI programmer (Jung Hae In) who believes that having only a small portion of his love’s heart is enough for him that meets a down on her luck classical recording engineer (Chae Soo Bin). It comes from the writer of On the Way to the Airport and the PD of Familiar Wife.

Half of Half is looking to air in the first half of 2020 on tvN.

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4 responses to “Chae Soo Bin and Jung Hae In to Star in “Half of Half””

  1. raistlin0903 Avatar

    This could be a really nice feel good kind of series. Will have to wait for a first trailer to see if this is one I would enjoy, but I do have to say I kind of like the premise! šŸ˜Š

    1. Kay Avatar

      I’m interested in what kind of tone it will have. This writer’s last drama was more serious, but this sounds like it could be cute. So I guess we’ll see šŸ™‚

  2. Sahara šŸŒµ (@Radicalmemerer) Avatar

    This seems really enjoyable. Super excited to see Jung Hae In again after loving him in One Spring Night!

    1. Kay Avatar

      I think they’ll make a very cute coupe šŸ™‚

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