Nam Joo Hyuk (Bride of the Water God) and Han Ji Min (Familiar Wife) are considering offers to star in the upcoming JTBC drama Dazzling. Dazzling is a fantasy romantic comedy about a young woman who suddenly finds herself aged to 70 years old and a young man who doesn’t appreciate time and lives a meaningless life.
We’ve got Nam Joo Hyuk up for the male lead with Han Ji Min as the young version of the female character. An offer is also out to Kim Hye Ja (Dear My Friends) to play the 70 year old version of her character. The drama comes from the PD of My Wife is Having an Affair This Week. This sounds like a fun series that will also be very contemplative. I’ll be interested to see the overall direction they go with it.
Dazzling is looking to air in early 2019 on JTBC.
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