June didn’t have any big stand out dramas for me, but I did manage to find a couple good watches. There was a web drama that wasn’t that great, a slice of life cop drama that proved to be pretty enjoyable, and an inspiring music themed drama. So it was one new drama two old for a total of three dramas in June:
Live takes a unique look at the lives of police officers in a more realistic way. The drama has a very slice of life quality to it that combines with a crime element. It highlights the every day struggles that the police face whether they are rookies or veterans. Live truly creates a world that feels real, and there was always a lot going on that kept things interesting.
Live was a slow burn for me, but it really drew me in with its rich characters. I began to bond with them and found myself invested in their lives as we went deep with their emotions and problems. None of them were perfect and some were more difficult to like than others, but they were all just trying to make it through life and do a good job. The writing, directing, and acting all highlighted this so nicely to give us a very solid drama. (Live Review)
What’s Up
What’s Up is a nice story of underdogs coming together to achieve their dreams with that music factor to give it a little extra oomph. There are so many interesting characters with each having their own story and struggles. It did get a bit draggy in the middle, but things eventually picked back up with some very emotionally charged situations the students had to deal with that made for some powerful scenes.
What’s Up was able to pull everything together for a pretty nice drama overall. It created such a variety of interesting characters that I felt for which helped me connect to it emotionally and made up for most of the shortfalls. It’s not as flashy as some of its musical counterparts, but it makes its mark and leaves a solid impression with plenty of heart.
(What’s Up Review)
109 Strange Things
109 Strange Things was a little filler web drama I picked up with not so great results. They kind of tried to cram a full length kdrama style plot into this short story resulting in too much going on, nothing felt really developed, and the story was very choppy.
The romance portion between Choi Tae Joon and Jung Chae Yeon was cute enough. If you just want to watch a few sweet scenes between this duo without needing a huge time investment, this drama could be an okay time killer. It has some cute moments here and there, but otherwise the drama is pretty lacking and in need of better focus, direction, and writing. (109 Strange Things Review)
So how was June for you?
Happy drama watching to everyone!
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