Wow, April sure was a great drama month for me! I came across the classic gem Swallow the Sun and got completely swept up in its world. Then there was the absolutely hilarious and endearing Eulachacha Waikiki. And finally there was the charming little drama Longing Heart. So it was two new dramas and one old drama for a total of three dramas for the month of April:
Eulachacha Waikiki
Eulachacha Waikiki is such a feel good drama that is completely packed with comedy, yet it is also full of heartwarming and meaningful moments thanks to its wonderfully quirky and endearing characters. It’s laugh out loud funny as the characters get into some completely ridiculous situations.
The drama is then able to immediately flip from extreme comedy to such tender moments where you really feel for the characters. This isn’t a show with big plot, but it has some nice little character and relationship journeys to enjoy. This drama brought so many smiles to my face and just made for such a fun time. I grew so attached to the Waikiki Guesthouse family, and I enjoyed every single minute of it! (Eulachacha Waikiki Review)
Longing Heart![]()
What a sweet little drama this is! Longing Heart surprised me by just how charming of a story it was. It has such likable and wonderful characters that bring to life this time travel romance with plenty of heart, laughter, and feels.
I thought the drama had a lovely mixture of being a sweet love story with plenty of cute and fun moments as well dealing with a couple heavier aspects of the story that allowed things to go deeper emotionally as the drama progressed. It was balanced very well. Longing Heart is wonderful if you are looking for a sweet drama that has romance, bromance, a good story, and that touch of fantasy. I thoroughly enjoyed this drama. (Longing Heart Review)
Swallow the Sun
Swallow the Sun is an adventure melodrama that creates an awesome atmosphere and feels so exotic because of the many locations the drama is set. With gorgeous island shots on Jeju Island to an active city life in Las Vegas and to the deserts of Africa, the scope of the drama feels big.
The story is quite interesting as we follow one’s man journey to better his life and find answers about his family. It leads him down an exciting path of adventure and thrills and creates a wonderful blend of love, angst, revenge, and action. Ji Sung and Jun Kwang Ryul were the standouts who completely brought their characters to life.
All of these things combined to give Swallow the Sun an almost magical quality to it. I seriously just felt so comfortable yet still excited as I enjoyed this world and story. It’s a fun drama from another time and the sort of classic that I will always keep my eye out for. (Swallow the Sun Review)
So how was April for you?
Happy drama watching to everyone!
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