I know this is a bit of a repeat since these were included in my Best Korean Dramas of 2017 post, but you know I have to include them in my monthly update 🙂 It might look like I’m slacking since I only completed two dramas, but I’m actually staying quite busy in my drama watching.
I’m currently making my way through the 50 episode historical Six Flying Dragons, so that’s the reason for the low completion number. But stay tuned for the Six Flying Dragons update next month! As for December, one drama was pretty nice and very enjoyable while the other was about as average as it gets. So it was two new dramas for the month of December:
Because This is My First Life
Because This is My First Life is a nice romantic comedy that is both fun and sweet. It explores a lot of relationship issues in modern society concerning dating and marriage. It also tackles subjects such as the treatment of women in the workplace as well as what society expects of men and women in a marriage relationship. The drama really excels at bringing these subjects to light and conveying them in a sincere and relatable way.
Lee Min Ki and Jung So Min were a cute couple. I did find Lee Min Ki’s character to be bland, so I didn’t experience a lot of warm fuzzies for a long while concerning their relationship. But there are some very sweet moments, and I enjoyed them as a whole. All of the characters seem very real and the situations faced by them are very relatable.
So aside from a few critiques, I found Because This is My First Life to be a very enjoyable and heartfelt drama. It could have used a little extra oomph, but overall it is very well executed and extremely down to earth. (Because This is My First Life Review)
Revolutionary Love
Revolutionary Love was an odd drama for me. My feelings were kind of neutral towards it. There were lots of funny moments as well as sweet ones. There was also plenty of drama and scheming. But mostly I found myself indifferent. It felt tonally uneven as it swung between zany humor and serious moments and the plot was lacking. The show really just felt messy as a whole.
The main draw for the drama is Choi Siwon who had plenty of opportunities to showcase his comedy skills and to flash that cheesy and endearing grin of his. Kang So Ra was also nice in this role. But despite having a fun cast that delivered some laughs and heartfelt moments on their journeys of growth, the sloppy writing, simplistic circular plot, and company issues left it feeling oh so average. (Revolutionary Love Review)
So how was December for you?
Happy drama watching to everyone!
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