I'm Not a Robot Korean Drama - Yoo Seung Ho and Chae Soo Bin

New Korean dramas are coming to DramaFever in December! There’s a robotic romantic comedy, several drama specials, and a couple highly anticipated Chinese dramas. Here are the new additions to their library:

Full Korean Dramas:

I’m Not a Robot

I'm Not a Robot Korean Drama - Yoo Seung Ho and Chae Soo Bin

*Stars: Yoo Seung Ho and Chae Soo Bin
A man stays away from people because of a rare and severe allergy. Nevertheless, he falls in love with a woman who pretends to be a robot.

Check out I’m Not a Robot here.

Korean Drama Specials:

Someone You May Know

*Stars: Choi Soo Young and Lee Won Geun
She has ten tries to unlock her deceased boyfriend’s phone and figure out what he wanted to say to her. Meanwhile, someone else she knows has a few words for her too.

Check out Someone You May Know here.

Hip Hop Teacher

*Stars: Lee Joo Young and Kim Yura
A music teacher brings her hip hop skills into the classroom and schools her students in the art of having fun. Her unconventional approach to teaching might just bring some unwanted attention.

Check out Hip Hop Teacher here.

Somehow 18

*Stars: Choi Min Ho and Lee Yu Bi
A talented surgeon travels back in time to the place where he was bullied and his love took her own life. He can save her, but first he must face the monsters who took her away.

Premieres December 11.

Last Minute Romance

*Stars: Lee Seo Won and Han Seung Yeon
A starry-eyed girl is terminally ill. She needs a romance fast, and a contract lover who resembles her idol just might be what the doctor ordered.

Premieres December 18.

Magic School

*Stars: GOT7’s Jin Young, Yoon Park, 2PM’s Nichkun, and Ryu Seung Soo
Four guys with very different personalities meet at magic school to improve their magic tricks. They can’t wait to saw each other in half.

Premieres December 25.

Chinese Dramas:

Tribes and Empires: The Storm of Prophecy

Tribes and Empires: The Storm of Prophecy Chinese Drama

*Stars: Huang Xuan and Shawn Dou
The prince of a crumbling dynasty escapes the castle that has confined him. But when his empire is about to fall, it’s time for a homecoming.

Check out Tribes and Empires: The Storm of Prophecy here.

Nirvana in Fire 2

Nirvana in Fire Chinese Drama

*Stars: Huang Xiau Min and Liu Hao Ran
The long-awaited sequel to the acclaimed martial-arts historical romance Nirvana in Fire.

Premieres December 19.

So which dramas are you enjoying or most looking forward to?

*Source: Pictures and show descriptions courtesy of DramaFever

*Dramas listed are available in the US

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10 responses to “New Korean and Chinese Dramas Coming to DramaFever in December!”

  1. raistlin0903 Avatar

    I’m not really following Dramafever anymore. Every drama they release there is just not available for me (yes it really is that bad), so I honestly don’t see the point anymore in keeping that channel. Really too bad as they really have a great selection: and some of the series in this post are proof of that 😊

    1. Kay Avatar

      That is disappointing. It does sound like there’s not much need for you to have it anymore. It seems like Viki and Netflix are better for kdramas for you. Luckily, there is plenty to choose from on those sites 🙂

  2. Timescout Avatar

    Drmafever is not available here either. Never has been. Oh well, there are other means and ways.^^

    Tribes and Empires is goregous! I’m watching it raw. The palace politics epis are a bit of a drag and they are too fond of flashbacks, but other than that it’s been interesting.

    1. Kay Avatar

      It seems to not be available a lot of places. And the new Viki Plus issue has shut a lot of people out too. But yes, there are always ways, lol.

      Tribes and Empires really does look gorgeous! This is one I really want to check out, especially since I can watch it on DF. Questions is when can I get around to those 75 episodes? lol 😉

      1. Timescout Avatar

        I don’t have much else on my drama roster at the moment, so I’m watching the episodes as they become available. 🙂 I’m gong to check out some of those that just started or are premiering this week. Let’s see if any of those are palatable.

        1. Kay Avatar

          That definitely helps so that you can just stay current with it as they put the episodes out 🙂 Good luck with the new dramas. Hope you find a good one out of the bunch!

  3. libraryofthoughts Avatar

    I honestly prefer Dramafever over viki due to quality content. However, they mainly have TVN and OCN dramas, which cuts majority of my shows down. So, I am mainly on Viki, but if they added more shows from Thailand I would make Viki my main channel.

    1. Kay Avatar

      I tend to prefer Viki’s subs over DF, but I used to watch them both pretty equally. But DF is really losing out these days without getting most of the network dramas (and the ones they do get Viki has also) and not even all of the cable ones. So I too am spending more time on Viki right now.

      1. libraryofthoughts Avatar

        I think Dramafever basically has lost a lot of it’s mojo. Especially after pulling their dramas from Hulu, which is where I initially found them. Viki may be slow due to volunteer based subs, but they at least have the dramas I actually want to see. I would think with all the money I shell out, they could get actual paid subscribers.

        1. Kay Avatar

          Agree. It really does seem like that pull from Hulu sort of started the decline. I too used to watch primarily on Hulu when there were hundreds of dramas available. Since Viki seems to get the bulk of the dramas these days, they are a must have. But the slow subbing is the main downfall. Hopefully, Kocowa eventually expands to other countries like they said which should then in turn open it back up to others on Viki Plus. That would help with the subbing issues some.

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