The Happiest Time of My Life Korean Drama - Ji Chang Wook

Well, it looks like Ji Chang Wook (The K2) is already considering an offer to star in another drama. He’s looking at the new drama The Happiest Time of My Life which comes from the writer of popular melodramas Secret and Mask.

We don’t have any information as to the plot as of yet, but apparently it will be pre-produced. After The K2 ended up being a bit disappointing, I would definitely love to get Ji Chang Wook back in another drama on the sooner side.

Although I certainly enjoyed him in The K2, his character just didn’t allow him to really shine aside from his action skills. That is why I would love to see him in a melodrama where he can really dig into a character on an emotional level.

I’ll be looking forward to some plot details, but I’m already excited at the possibility of him starring in another drama.

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6 responses to “Ji Chang Wook Offered Lead Role in Korean Drama The Happiest Time of My Life”

  1. Mitta Avatar

    What a quick turnaround for JCW. Yah! Would love to see him in a melo 👍

    1. Kay Avatar

      Me too! It would be great to see him again so soon. I hope he accepts 🙂

  2. kwenzqoatl Avatar

    I loved The K2 but at the same time I agree with your point about wanting to see him get a meatier role.

    1. Kay Avatar

      The K2 was okay for me, but even with some issues, I did really enjoy Ji Chang Wook. But yes, I would definitely love to see him in a meatier role where he can really showcase those emotions 🙂

  3. kjtamuser Avatar

    Mask was a good series. That gives me hope that the writer can deliver something Ji Chang Wook can sink his teeth into and enjoy. He deserves it!

    1. Kay Avatar

      That’s what I’m really hoping for too. I can just see the intensity he would bring to a meaty melodrama where he can really showcase his talents!

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