City of Stars Korean Drama - Hyun Bin

It looks like Hyun Bin (Hyde, Jekyll, and Me) has been offered the lead role in the new sci-fi drama City of Stars. City of Stars will be the first science fiction themed Korean drama. It tells the story of two men who have been friends since childhood and dreamed of becoming astronauts.

Set in the future, earth’s energy resources have declined. A mission is planned to search for an alternative energy source on another planet. Both men become part of the astronaut program to participate. But nations across the world are also seeking this new energy for themselves which leads to conflict.

Hyun Bin would play one of the two men who is a former air force pilot who suffered trauma. Directing will be Jang Jin, and the drama will be completely pre-produced.

I’m pretty excited at the idea of a science fiction themed story finally making its way into a Korean drama. Of course, I would rather it be more full on sci-fi with a good chunk of the drama taking place in space during the missions. But they would need a pretty decent budget to do that.

It might be more feasible to stick with dealing with things on earth and the conflicts between the different countries. But either way, I’m very interested to see how this project goes, and it could very well be one of the big anticipated dramas of 2017.

City of Stars is looking to air in late 2017.

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4 responses to “Hyun Bin Offered Lead Role in First Korean Sci-Fi Drama City of Stars”

  1. raistlin0903 Avatar

    Science fiction, and Korean drama 😮 Count me in for this! That is great news indeed. Sure it will probably take place on Earth for most of the show (although you never can tell), but it is still a very interesting concept. And……another show to look forward to in 2017 😀

    1. Kay Avatar

      My thoughts exactly! It’s great to see a kdrama finally giving sci-fi a try. I have no idea how well it work or how well it will be received, but I’m certainly excited for it 🙂

  2. kwenzqoatl Avatar

    My hype levels have just gone through the roof. 😀

    1. Kay Avatar

      I’m already pretty hyped myself! I’m anxious to see this drama take shape 🙂

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